Mexico Government Economic Website Scavenger Hunt

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Mexico Government & Economy Scavenger Hunt

May the odds ever be in your favor! The answers to the following questions are scattered around the websites listed below: (Feel free to use any other sites you may find during your research!)
1) What kind of government does Mexico currently have? How is this similar/different than the government of the United States?

2) Who is the current president of Mexico? What political party does this president belong to and what are some characteristics of this party?

3) Many Mexican citizens are considered to be Mestizos. What is the definition of a Mestizo?

4) Mexico is one of the worlds leading producers of what two natural resources?

5) How long is a term for the President of Mexico?

6) According to the given CIA fact book website, what are some transnational issues that Mexico is facing? (Give a one sentence description for each issue mentioned)

7) What kind of an economy does Mexico currently have? What is the definition of this type of economy?

8) What country is Mexicos number one trading partner? What trade agreement are both of these countries involved with?

9) Write down two interesting facts about Mexicos government that you found below: a.


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