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Timeline Rubric




Needs Work


The description of the event includes who, what, where, and why. And it offers accurate information.

The description does not mention one of the following: who, what, where, or why. Accurate information is used.

The description does not Description is vague. mention two of the Does not mention much. following: who, what, Information is incorrect. where, or why. Some info may be inaccurate. Pictures are used on only No pictures are included half of the events. or under half of the events have pictures.


Pictures are used on all of Pictures are used on the events. seventy-five percent or more of the events.

Number of Events

Ten or more events are used.

Ten or more events are used.

Ten events are used.

Less than ten events are used.

Overall Quality of Events Uses the 6 battles that were requested as well as Chosen four more events that are relevant to the US in terms of lead up to the war or actual battles or movements on the home front.

Uses the 6 battles that were requested as well as four more events. One of the events may not be significant to the US becoming involved in the war or to the US war effort.

Uses the 6 battles that were requested as well as four more events. Two events dont relate to the USs involvement or war effort.

The events used were not what was requested. Events used dont relate to the topic.

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