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Pre-Service Teachers Name: Ruth Byrd Course: Elementary School Methods Management Instructor: r!

avid "ran#lin

ate: $%&'(&($'%

Lesson Plan Day One:

Portions o) *esson +da,ted )rom Cornett -($''.

Two-Pronged Focus -ensures integration.: Core Content +rea -use Common Core Standards. / Writing Standards: 0!1!'$- 0rite routinely over e2tended time )rames -time )or research3
re)lection3 and revision. and shorter time )rames -a single sitting or a day or t4o. )or a range o) disci,line-s,eci)ic tas#s3 ,ur,oses3 and audiences! Speaking and Listening Standards: S*!1!'-Engage e))ectively in a range o) colla5orative discussions -one-on-one3 in grou,s3 and teacher-led. 4ith diverse ,artners on grade 1 to,ics and te2ts3 5uilding on others ideas and e2,ressing their o4n clearly! S*1!'5-"ollo4 agreed-u,on rules )or discussions -e!g!3 gaining the )loor in res,ect)ul 4ays3 listening to others 4ith care3 s,ea#ing one at a time a5out the to,ics and te2ts under discussion.! Language Standards: *!1!65- Identi)y real-li)e connections 5et4een 4ords and their use -e!g!3 descri5e ,eo,le 4ho are )riendly or hel,)ul.

Core Content +rea or +rts&P!E!&Music -use Common Core Standards. / FACS Standards: 7!%!'- +ssess health3 4ellness3 and sa)ety
issues o) individual and )amilies 4ith a variety o) disadvantaging conditions! 7!%!%- iscriminate 5et4een situations that re8uire ,ersonal ,revention or intervention and those situations that re8uire ,ro)ession assistance! 7!6!9- emonstrate strategies that hel, ,artici,ants ma#e in)ormed choices3 access resources and su,,ort3 )ollo4 through on res,onsi5ilities3 and ta#e a,,ro,riate ris#s! Counseling Standards: '!'!6- recogni:es the e))ects o) res,onsi5le 5ehavior '!'!9- ,rovides a list o) school and community resources 1!'!1- develo,s 4ays to res,ond to ina,,ro,riate ,hysical contact 1!'!6 recogni:es situations in 4hich adults in the school or community are needed to #ee, students sa)e Art Standards: %!1!1- creates art 4ith a ,ur,ose '!%!( communicates ,ersonal ideas and )eelings through the choice o) media3 techni8ues3 and&or ,rocesses Music Standards: 1!1!'- ,artici,ates )reely -inde,endently or 4ith a grou,. in music activities re,resenting a variety o) styles or genre at a,,ro,riate and individual s#ill levels!

Student O !ecti"es -4hat should students #no4 and 5e a5le to do.:

'. (. 1. Students 4ill #no4 4hat a stranger is! Students 4ill #no4 that not all strangers are 5ad! Students 4ill #no4 not to 5e a)raid o) all strangers!

Teac#ing Procedure -ho4 4ill strategies 5e used to hel, students solve.:

Strategic 8uestions and statements 4ill 5e used 4hen necessary to guide&aide students through the discussion ,rocess in order to reach a ,articular conclusion! Conce,ts throughout the unit should 5e and have 5een care)ully sca))olded to 5uild conce,t #no4ledge o) strangers and 4hen danger is ,resent! Teacher modeling 4ill 5e used 4hen necessary to encourage all student ,artici,ation!

$eading Strategy -4hat one reading strategy 4ill you use in this lesson;reading out loud is not a strategy.:
In *esson <ne3 4e 4ill 5e using Conte2tuali:ing as our reading strategy! 0hen students conte2tuali:e3 they read through the lens o) their o4n e2,erience and understanding! 0e 4ill 5e utili:ing our descri,tive 4ord 4all throughout the unit as 4ell! <ur descri,tive 4ord 4all 4ill 5e added to and utili:ed every day throughout the unit!

%ntroduction -ho4 4ill you gain attention3 set mood3 esta5lish ,ur,ose3 ma#e ground rules3 and ,rovide voca5ulary )or lesson.:
Since this is the )irst lesson o) the unit3 I 4ill 5egin the lesson 5y giving a 5rie) overvie4 o) 4hat 4e 4ill 5e doing -Stranger iary 4ith collages3 =ournals3 gra,hic organi:ers3 and a 5rie) =ournal essay.! 0e 4ill 8uic#ly discuss 4hat a descri,tive 4ord is! I 4ill then as# them to close their eyes and imagine that they are at the ,ar# ,laying and a stranger comes u, to them! +)ter three seconds I 4ill as# them to ,hotogra,h that ,erson in their minds! Ne2t3 I 4ill as# them to give me descri,tive 4ords )or their stranger 4hile I 4rite the 4ords on the 5oard! This 4ill 5e our descri,tive 4ord 4all!

Pre-Assess&ent -4hat in)ormal&)ormal assessment 4ill you use to gauge 4here the students are 5e)ore the lesson 5egins&may include a ru5ric.
+)ter descri5ing our strangers3 I 4ill direct students to the materials ta5le and have each student ,ic# out a tri-)olded ,iece o) construction ,a,er3 scissors3 glue3 and a maga:ine 4ith ,eo,le in it! They 4ill then 5e directed to cut out ,ictures o) 4hat their stranger in the ,ar# loo#s li#e3 and glue them to the side o) the tri-)olded construction ,a,er la5eled >This Is 0hat My Stranger *oo#s *i#e?! They 4ill 5e given a,,ro2imately ten minutes! 0e 4ill discuss 4hether they )elt their stranger 4as a good stranger or 5ad! -Their descri,tions o) their strangers 4ill 5e a good Pre-+ssessment o) their #no4ledge o) 4hether they )eel strangers are good3 5ad3 or uncertain! <ur ne2t evelo,ment iscussion 4ill give me more insight as 4ell!

De"elop&ent -ho4 4ill teacher ,rovide e2am,le3 students e2,lore&,ractice.:

Ne2t 4e 4ill discuss on our discussion car,et 4hat a real stranger loo#s li#e:

+re they mean loo#ing@ +re they ugly@ o they have 4ea,ons@ Can a stranger 5e a 5oy or a girl@ 0here do strangers hang out@ 0e 4ill then tal# a5out i) strangers can 5e good or are all strangers 5ad@ I 4ill as# 8uestions such as: 0hat i) someone is in danger@ 0hat i) someone is lost@ Students 4ill )ind out that =ust 5ecause there is a stranger around doesnt mean they are al4ays 5ad!

Conclusion -ho4 4ill students sho4 4hat they learned then end 4ith a calming activity.:
I 4ill conclude the lesson 5y as#ing the students i) they )elt they 4ere right a5out 4hat a >real? stranger loo#s li#e in their stranger collage! Todays 8uestions 4ill 5e? 0hat is a stranger@ Can a stranger loo# ,retty or ugly3 rich or ,oor3 old or young@ 0hy do you 5elieve this@?Students 4ill 5e given '$ minutes to ans4er the 8uestions )or the aily Stranger Aournal! Together3 4e 4ill go online -using the smart 5oard3 or Elmo. and ta#e a '$ 8uestion online stranger 8ui:! I 4ill have the students 4rite their ans4ers on a ,iece o) ,a,er and give to me!

Post Assess&ent -ho4 4ill you in)ormally&)ormally assess 4hether or not the students mastered the lesson o5=ectives&may include a ru5ric. :
I 4ill assess them throughout the unit 5y using a ru5ric and o5serving them3 as 4ell as reading the content o) their daily =ournal 8uestions!

Multiple %ntelligences'Di((erentiated %nstruction -,lace an 2 5y each one covered in the lesson.: S,atial -a5ility to visuali:e. *inguistic -4ords&s,o#en&4ritten. *ogical-mathematical Dinesthetic-movement. Musical Inter,ersonal -interaction 4&others. Intra,ersonal -sel)-re)lective a5ility. Naturalist -having to do 4&nature. BCB BCB BBB BBB BCB BCB BBB BCB

)loo&*s Ta+ono&y'Di((erentiated %nstruction -,lace an 2 5y each o) the items that a,,ly.: BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB Dno4ledge -tell3 list3 de)ine3 la5el3 recite3 memori:e3 re,eat3 )ind3 name3 record3 )ill in3 recall. Com,rehension -locate3 e2,lain3 summari:e3 identi)y3 descri5e3 re,ort3 discuss3 revie43 sho4. +,,lication -demonstrate3 construct3 record3 illustrate3 research3 order3 dis,lay3 ,ractice. +nalysis -com,are3 contrast3 classi)y3 criti8ue3 solve3 e2,eriment3 e2amine3 in)er3 categori:e. Evaluation -=udge3 ,redict3 veri)y3 rate3 determine3 decide3 choose3 )orecast3 estimate3 ,rioriti:e. Synthesis -com,ose3 hy,othesi:e3 design3 )ormulate3 create3 invent3 develo,3 re)ine3 ,roduce.

Special ,eeds -indicate ho4 you 4ill e2tend the lesson )or gi)ted learners and decrease the lesson )or struggling learners. :

Ei)ted *earners: My gi)ted learners 4ould 5e encouraged to 5e more descri,tive in discussion3 as 4ell as more detailed in their =ournal ans4ers! *earners Belo4 *evel: I 4ill discuss the unit 4ith the S,ecial Education Teacher and a ,ara 4ill 5e availa5le )or the student i) needed )or reading3 occu,ational3 or scri5ing assistance! *earners 4& Behavior Issues: I 4ill also 5e discussing 4ith the S,ecial Education Teacher ,ossi5le strategies )or my students 4ith 5ehavioral issues and 4ill im,lement them as necessary! Materials ,eeded: Maga:ines 4ith ,eo,le in them Scissors Elue Pencils Construction Pa,er T4i2 Mini Candy Bars Students Stranger iaries

We sites (or Lesson: Stranger -ui. #ttp:''pediatrics/a out/co&'od''l' l1strngdngr/#t& %n(or&ation s#eet (or kids to read wit# t#eir parents #ttp:''www/(ree-(or-kids/co&'Stranger234Danger234Works#eets'Stranger234Danger234-234W#at 234is234a234Stranger/pd(

Pre-Service Teachers Name: Ruth Byrd Course: Elementary School Methods Management Instructor: r! avid "ran#lin

ate: $%&'(&($'%

Lesson Plan Day Two

Portions o) *esson +da,ted )rom Cornett -($''.

Two-Pronged Focus -ensures integration.: Core Content +rea -use Common Core Standards. / Writing Standards: 0!1!'$- 0rite routinely over e2tended time )rames -time )or research3
re)lection3 and revision. and shorter time )rames -a single sitting or a day or t4o. )or a range o) disci,line-s,eci)ic tas#s3 ,ur,oses3 and audiences! Speaking and Listening Standards: S*!1!'-Engage e))ectively in a range o) colla5orative discussions -one-on-one3 in grou,s3 and teacher-led. 4ith diverse ,artners on grade 1 to,ics and te2ts3 5uilding on others ideas and e2,ressing their o4n clearly! S*1!'5-"ollo4 agreed-u,on rules )or discussions -e!g!3 gaining the )loor in res,ect)ul 4ays3 listening to others 4ith care3 s,ea#ing one at a time a5out the to,ics and te2ts under discussion.! Language Standards: *!1!65- Identi)y real-li)e connections 5et4een 4ords and their use -e!g!3 descri5e ,eo,le 4ho are )riendly or hel,)ul.

Core Content +rea or +rts&P!E!&Music -use Common Core Standards. / FACS Standards: 7!%!'- +ssess health3 4ellness3 and sa)ety
issues o) individual and )amilies 4ith a variety o) disadvantaging conditions! 7!%!%- iscriminate 5et4een situations that re8uire ,ersonal ,revention or intervention and those situations that re8uire ,ro)ession assistance! 7!6!9- emonstrate strategies that hel, ,artici,ants ma#e in)ormed choices3 access resources and su,,ort3 )ollo4 through on res,onsi5ilities3 and ta#e a,,ro,riate ris#s! Counseling Standards: '!'!6- recogni:es the e))ects o) res,onsi5le 5ehavior '!'!9- ,rovides a list o) school and community resources 1!'!1- develo,s 4ays to res,ond to ina,,ro,riate ,hysical contact 1!'!6 recogni:es situations in 4hich adults in the school or community are needed to #ee, students sa)e Art Standards: %!1!1- creates art 4ith a ,ur,ose '!%!( communicates ,ersonal ideas and )eelings through the choice o) media3 techni8ues3 and&or ,rocesses Music Standards: 1!1!'- ,artici,ates )reely -inde,endently or 4ith a grou,. in music activities re,resenting a variety o) styles or genre at a,,ro,riate and individual s#ill levels!

Student O !ecti"es -4hat should students #no4 and 5e a5le to do.:

'. (. 1. Students 4ill #no4 4hat ma#es a stranger 5ad! Students 4ill #no4 some o) the lures strangers o)ten use! Students 4ill #no4 4hat to do i) a stranger a,,roaches them on the street!

Teac#ing Procedure -ho4 4ill strategies 5e used to hel, students ,ro5lem solve.:
Strategic 8uestions and statements 4ill 5e used 4hen necessary to guide&aide students through the discussion ,rocess in order to reach a ,articular conclusion! Conce,ts throughout the unit should 5e and have 5een care)ully sca))olded to 5uild conce,t #no4ledge o) strangers and 4hen danger is ,resent! Teacher modeling 4ill 5e used 4hen necessary to encourage all student ,artici,ation!

$eading Strategy -4hat one reading strategy 4ill you use in this lesson;reading out loud is not a strategy.:
In *esson <ne3 4e 4ill 5e using Conte2tuali:ing as our reading strategy! 0hen students conte2tuali:e3 they read through the lens o) their o4n e2,erience and understanding! 0e 4ill 5e utili:ing our descri,tive 4ord 4all throughout the unit as 4ell! <ur descri,tive 4ord 4all 4ill 5e added to and utili:ed every day throughout the unit! 0e 4ill 5e using a directed reading thin#ing activity to aid com,rehension as 4ell!

%ntroduction -ho4 4ill you gain attention3 set mood3 esta5lish ,ur,ose3 ma#e ground rules3 and ,rovide voca5ulary )or lesson.:
Todays lesson 4ill 5e started 4ith 4hat 4e discussed in yesterdays lesson3 and I 4ill as# 8uestions such as >0hat is a stranger@ +re they good or 5ad@ Fo4 can you tell@? Then I 4ill continue revie4ing 5y reading the mini 5oo#let o) >Fo4 To Tell The Eood Euys "rom The Bad Euys? 5y the National Child Sa)ety Council! +s I am reading I 4ill sto, a)ter a certain situation has ,resented itsel) and as# them 4hat they 4ill thin# 4ill ha,,en ne2t!

Pre-Assess&ent -4hat in)ormal&)ormal assessment 4ill you use to gauge 4here the students are 5e)ore the lesson 5egins&may include a ru5ric.
In this lesson3 I 4ill 5e o5serving their discussion ans4ers and noting res,onses 5y use o) a ru5ric! I 4ill sho4 students ,ictures o) di))erent ,laces and as# them 4hat they 4ould do i) a stranger a,,roached them! +re the strangers good or 5ad@ Fo4 can they tell@ Students 4ill then 5e as#ed to get their Stranger iaries and ,ull out their collages! Then they 4ill 5e as#ed to go to the materials ta5le and collect3 scissors3 glue3 and a maga:ine 4ith ,eo,le in it! This time they 4ill 5e directed to 4or# on the section o) the tri-)olded construction ,a,er that is titled >0hat a good and 5ad stranger loo#s li#e to me!? They 4ill 5e given eight to ten minutes to 4or# on them!

De"elop&ent -ho4 4ill teacher ,rovide e2am,le3 students e2,lore&,ractice.:

0e 4ill then go to our discussion car,et and discuss 4hat their good and 5ad strangers loo#ed li#e to them! Students 4ill 5e as#ed 8uestions li#e >0hat might your 5ad stranger 4ant or say to you@ 0hat might your good stranger 4ant or say to you@ 0hat do you do i) a stranger as#s you to #ee, a secret or go some4here 4ith them@ -Tell someone you #no4 li#e the ,olice3 or your mom3 dad3 5a5ysitter. 0hat do you do i) a stranger tries to ta#e you some4here 5y touching you@ -Scream3 Gell3 Bite3 Dic#3 Aust get a4ayH.!

Conclusion -ho4 4ill students sho4 4hat they learned then end 4ith a calming activity.:
Tell students they need to tell someone 4here they are going at all times and never go o)) 5y yoursel)! The 5uddy system is a great 4ay to have )un3 and youre never aloneH 0e 4ill ans4er our Aournal Iuestion o) the day! Todays Iuestions 4ill 5e >Can there 5e good strangers@ 0hat ma#es a stranger 5ad@ Fo4 can I stay sa)e 4hile out ,laying?! 0e 4ill conclude 5y dancing and interacting 4ith an online the stranger danger song 5y The *earning Station on GouTu5e!

Post Assess&ent -ho4 4ill you in)ormally&)ormally assess 4hether or not the students mastered the lesson o5=ectives&may include a ru5ric. :
I 4ill assess them throughout the unit 5y using a ru5ric and o5serving3 as 4ell as reading the content o) their daily =ournal 8uestions!

Multiple %ntelligences'Di((erentiated %nstruction -,lace an 2 5y each one covered in the lesson.: S,atial -a5ility to visuali:e. *inguistic -4ords&s,o#en&4ritten. *ogical-mathematical Dinesthetic-movement. Musical Inter,ersonal -interaction 4&others. Intra,ersonal -sel)-re)lective a5ility. Naturalist -having to do 4&nature. BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB BBB BBB

)loo&*s Ta+ono&y'Di((erentiated %nstruction -,lace an 2 5y each o) the items that a,,ly.: BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB Dno4ledge -tell3 list3 de)ine3 la5el3 recite3 memori:e3 re,eat3 )ind3 name3 record3 )ill in3 recall. Com,rehension -locate3 e2,lain3 summari:e3 identi)y3 descri5e3 re,ort3 discuss3 revie43 sho4. +,,lication -demonstrate3 construct3 record3 illustrate3 research3 order3 dis,lay3 ,ractice. +nalysis -com,are3 contrast3 classi)y3 criti8ue3 solve3 e2,eriment3 e2amine3 in)er3 categori:e. Evaluation -=udge3 ,redict3 veri)y3 rate3 determine3 decide3 choose3 )orecast3 estimate3 ,rioriti:e. Synthesis -com,ose3 hy,othesi:e3 design3 )ormulate3 create3 invent3 develo,3 re)ine3 ,roduce.

Special ,eeds -indicate ho4 you 4ill e2tend the lesson )or gi)ted learners and decrease the lesson )or struggling learners. : Ei)ted *earners: My gi)ted learners 4ould 5e encouraged to 5e more descri,tive in discussion3 as 4ell as more detailed in their =ournal ans4ers! *earners Belo4 *evel: I 4ill discuss the unit 4ith the S,ecial Education Teacher and a ,ara 4ill 5e availa5le )or the student i) needed )or reading3 occu,ational3 or scri5ing assistance! *earners 4& Behavior Issues: I 4ill also 5e discussing 4ith the S,ecial Education Teacher ,ossi5le strategies )or my students 4ith 5ehavioral issues and 4ill im,lement them as necessary!

Materials ,eeded: '. Fo4 To Tell The Eood Euys "rom The Bad Euys 5y the National Child Sa)ety Council (. Pictures o) di))erent ,laces! 1. Stranger iaries

We sites (or Lesson: 5/ #ttp:''www/youtu e/co&'watc#6"7A)89e:O#D;s 3/ #ttp:''www/nationalc#ildsa(etycouncil/org'inde+/p#p6 option7co&1content<"iew7article<id75=4:555<catid7>?:c#ild-protection<%te&id78=@

Pre-Service Teachers Name: Ruth Byrd Course: Elementary School Methods Management Instructor: r! avid "ran#lin

ate: $%&'(&($'%

Lesson Plan Day T#ree

Portions o) *esson +da,ted )rom Cornett -($''.

Two-Pronged Focus -ensures integration.: Core Content +rea -use Common Core Standards. / Writing Standards:
0!1!'$- 0rite routinely over e2tended time )rames -time )or research3 re)lection3 and revision. and shorter time )rames -a single sitting or a day or t4o. )or a range o) disci,line-s,eci)ic tas#s3 ,ur,oses3 and audiences! Speaking and Listening Standards: S*!1!'-Engage e))ectively in a range o) colla5orative discussions -one-on-one3 in grou,s3 and teacher-led. 4ith diverse ,artners on grade 1 to,ics and te2ts3 5uilding on others ideas and e2,ressing their o4n clearly! S*1!'5-"ollo4 agreed-u,on rules )or discussions -e!g!3 gaining the )loor in res,ect)ul 4ays3 listening to others 4ith care3 s,ea#ing one at a time a5out the to,ics and te2ts under discussion.! Language Standards: *!1!65- Identi)y real-li)e connections 5et4een 4ords and their use -e!g!3 descri5e ,eo,le 4ho are )riendly or hel,)ul.

Core Content +rea or +rts&P!E!&Music -use Common Core Standards. / FACS Standards: 7!%!'- +ssess health3 4ellness3 and sa)ety
issues o) individual and )amilies 4ith a variety o) disadvantaging conditions! 7!%!%- iscriminate 5et4een situations that re8uire ,ersonal ,revention or intervention and those situations that re8uire ,ro)ession assistance! 7!6!9- emonstrate strategies that hel, ,artici,ants ma#e in)ormed choices3 access resources and su,,ort3 )ollo4 through on res,onsi5ilities3 and ta#e a,,ro,riate ris#s! Counseling Standards: '!'!6- recogni:es the e))ects o) res,onsi5le 5ehavior '!'!9- ,rovides a list o) school and community resources 1!'!1- develo,s 4ays to res,ond to ina,,ro,riate ,hysical contact 1!'!6 recogni:es situations in 4hich adults in the school or community are needed to #ee, students sa)e Art Standards: %!1!1- creates art 4ith a ,ur,ose '!%!( communicates ,ersonal ideas and )eelings through the choice o) media3 techni8ues3 and&or ,rocesses Music Standards: 1!1!'- ,artici,ates )reely -inde,endently or 4ith a grou,. in music activities re,resenting a variety o) styles or genre at a,,ro,riate and individual s#ill levels!

Student O !ecti"es -4hat should students #no4 and 5e a5le to do.:

'. Students 4ill #no4 4hat to do 4hen they are home alone!

Teac#ing Procedure -ho4 4ill strategies 5e used to hel, students ,ro5lem solve.:
Strategic 8uestions and statements 4ill 5e used 4hen necessary to guide&aide students through the discussion ,rocess in order to reach a ,articular conclusion! Conce,ts throughout the unit should 5e and have 5een care)ully sca))olded to 5uild conce,t #no4ledge o) strangers and 4hen danger is ,resent! Teacher modeling 4ill 5e used 4hen necessary to encourage all student ,artici,ation!

$eading Strategy -4hat one reading strategy 4ill you use in this lesson;reading out loud is not a strategy.:
In *esson <ne3 4e 4ill 5e using Conte2tuali:ing as our reading strategy! 0hen students conte2tuali:e3 they read through the lens o) their o4n e2,erience and understanding! 0e 4ill 5e utili:ing our descri,tive 4ord 4all throughout the unit as 4ell! <ur descri,tive 4ord 4all 4ill 5e added to and utili:ed every day throughout the unit! 0e 4ill 5e using a directed reading thin#ing activity to aid com,rehension as 4ell!

%ntroduction -ho4 4ill you gain attention3 set mood3 esta5lish ,ur,ose3 ma#e ground rules3 and ,rovide voca5ulary )or lesson.:
I 4ill 8uic#ly revie4 4ith students 4hat 4e have learned so )ar 5y as#ing revie4 8uestions such as >+re all 5ad strangers ugly or scary loo#ing@ o they have 4ea,ons@ Can they loo# li#e a normal cou,le and 5e 4al#ing a ,u,,y@? 0e 4ill discuss 4hat ma#es a stranger 5ad! Jnder our escri,tive 0ord 0all 4e 4ill add stranger descri,tions! 0e 4ill read >0hat i) a stranger? 5y the National Child Sa)ety Council! +s I am reading I 4ill sto, a)ter a certain situation has ,resented itsel) and as# them 4hat they 4ill thin# 4ill ha,,en ne2t! I 4ill then as# students i) they have ever 5een home alone3 4hat they do 4hen they are 5y themselves such as activities and sa)ety rules! I 4ill as# students ho4 they ans4er the ,hone or the door 4hen they are home alone3 and 4e 4ill discuss never o,ening the door to someone 4e dont #no4 or saying >mom isnt home through the door?!

Pre-Assess&ent -4hat in)ormal&)ormal assessment 4ill you use to gauge 4here the students are 5e)ore the lesson 5egins&may include a ru5ric.
In this lesson3 I 4ill 5e o5serving their discussion ans4ers and noting res,onses 5y use o) a ru5ric! I 4ill 5e loo#ing )or #no4ledge regarding 4hether or not they )eel they 5elieve they should o,en the door right a4ay and 4hether it is sa)e -even in a small to4n. to tell someone their ,arents arent home -even over the ,hone.! I) I notice a student isnt ,artici,ating very much3 I might ,ull them in during a 8uiet time and as# them then to avoid em5arrassment!

De"elop&ent -ho4 4ill teacher ,rovide e2am,le3 students e2,lore&,ractice.:

Students 4ill 5e grou,ed u, into grou,s o) t4o or three and ,rovided a num5er -,er student.3 then each grou, 4ill 5e given a set o) note cards 4ith a s,ecial scenario -4hich they get to act out.! <nce I have o5served all grou,s and each student has acted out all the ,arts o) the scenarios3 4e 4ill s4itch grou, cards 5ecause each set is uni8ue! Note: one o) the students 4ill 5e the stranger! -This 4ill 5e done )or '6 minutes.

Conclusion -ho4 4ill students sho4 4hat they learned then end 4ith a calming activity.:
I 4ill conclude the lesson 5y as#ing them to ans4er their =ournal 8uestions >0hy is it unsa)e to tell someone over the ,hone that your ,arents arent home3 a)ter all they arent near5y right@ I) there are so many good ,eo,le out there3 4hy do 4e tell you it isnt sa)e to o,en the door )or a stranger@? Students 4ill 5e given '$ minutes to ans4er their 8uestions3 and then I 4ill start the stranger danger song that 4e 4ill dance to -*in# Belo4.!

Post Assess&ent -ho4 4ill you in)ormally&)ormally assess 4hether or not the students mastered the lesson o5=ectives&may include a ru5ric. :
The assessment )or the scenarios 4ill 5e done using a sim,le chec#mar# sheet! "or each student3 there 4ill 5e a 5lan# 5o2 -one )or each ,ossi5le scenario.! They 4ill receive a K )or acce,ta5le ans4ers to the stranger and a L )or each unacce,ta5le ans4er! I 4ill also 5e using their =ournal 8uestions as a )ormal assessment!

Multiple %ntelligences'Di((erentiated %nstruction -,lace an 2 5y each one covered in the lesson.: S,atial -a5ility to visuali:e. *inguistic -4ords&s,o#en&4ritten. *ogical-mathematical Dinesthetic-movement. Musical Inter,ersonal -interaction 4&others. Intra,ersonal -sel)-re)lective a5ility. Naturalist -having to do 4&nature. BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB BBB BBB

)loo&*s Ta+ono&y'Di((erentiated %nstruction -,lace an 2 5y each o) the items that a,,ly.: BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB Dno4ledge -tell3 list3 de)ine3 la5el3 recite3 memori:e3 re,eat3 )ind3 name3 record3 )ill in3 recall. Com,rehension -locate3 e2,lain3 summari:e3 identi)y3 descri5e3 re,ort3 discuss3 revie43 sho4. +,,lication -demonstrate3 construct3 record3 illustrate3 research3 order3 dis,lay3 ,ractice. +nalysis -com,are3 contrast3 classi)y3 criti8ue3 solve3 e2,eriment3 e2amine3 in)er3 categori:e. Evaluation -=udge3 ,redict3 veri)y3 rate3 determine3 decide3 choose3 )orecast3 estimate3 ,rioriti:e. Synthesis -com,ose3 hy,othesi:e3 design3 )ormulate3 create3 invent3 develo,3 re)ine3 ,roduce.

Special ,eeds -indicate ho4 you 4ill e2tend the lesson )or gi)ted learners and decrease the lesson )or struggling learners. : Ei)ted *earners: My gi)ted learners 4ould 5e encouraged to 5e more descri,tive in discussion3 as 4ell as more detailed in their =ournal ans4ers! *earners Belo4 *evel: I 4ill discuss the unit 4ith the S,ecial Education Teacher and a ,ara 4ill 5e availa5le )or the student i) needed )or reading3 occu,ational3 or scri5ing assistance! *earners 4& Behavior Issues: I 4ill also 5e discussing 4ith the S,ecial Education Teacher ,ossi5le strategies )or my students 4ith 5ehavioral issues and 4ill im,lement them as necessary! Materials:

>0hat i) a stranger? 5y the National Child Sa)ety Council Note cards 4ith scenarios! We sites (or Lesson: 1! #ttp:''www/youtu e/co&'watc#6"7wk&S9AStO&9

Pre-Service Teachers Name: Ruth Byrd Course: Elementary School Methods Management Instructor: r! avid "ran#lin

ate: $%&'(&($'%

Lesson Plan Day Four

Portions o) *esson +da,ted )rom Cornett -($''.

Two-Pronged Focus -ensures integration.: Core Content +rea -use Common Core Standards. / Writing Standards: 0!1!'$- 0rite routinely over e2tended time )rames -time )or research3
re)lection3 and revision. and shorter time )rames -a single sitting or a day or t4o. )or a range o) disci,line-s,eci)ic tas#s3 ,ur,oses3 and audiences! Speaking and Listening Standards: S*!1!'-Engage e))ectively in a range o) colla5orative discussions -one-on-one3 in grou,s3 and teacher-led. 4ith diverse ,artners on grade 1 to,ics and te2ts3 5uilding on others ideas and e2,ressing their o4n clearly! S*1!'5-"ollo4 agreed-u,on rules )or discussions -e!g!3 gaining the )loor in res,ect)ul 4ays3 listening to others 4ith care3 s,ea#ing one at a time a5out the to,ics and te2ts under discussion.! Language Standards: *!1!(5- Jse commas in addresses! *!1!65- Identi)y real-li)e connections 5et4een 4ords and their use -e!g!3 descri5e ,eo,le 4ho are )riendly or hel,)ul.

Core Content +rea or +rts&P!E!&Music -use Common Core Standards. / FACS Standards: 7!%!'- +ssess health3 4ellness3 and sa)ety
issues o) individual and )amilies 4ith a variety o) disadvantaging conditions! 7!%!%- iscriminate 5et4een situations that re8uire ,ersonal ,revention or intervention and those situations that re8uire ,ro)ession assistance! 7!6!9- emonstrate strategies that hel, ,artici,ants ma#e in)ormed choices3 access resources and su,,ort3 )ollo4 through on res,onsi5ilities3 and ta#e a,,ro,riate ris#s! Counseling Standards: '!'!6- recogni:es the e))ects o) res,onsi5le 5ehavior '!'!9- ,rovides a list o) school and community resources 1!'!1- develo,s 4ays to res,ond to ina,,ro,riate ,hysical contact 1!'!6 recogni:es situations in 4hich adults in the school or community are needed to #ee, students sa)e Art Standards: %!1!1- creates art 4ith a ,ur,ose '!%!( communicates ,ersonal ideas and )eelings through the choice o) media3 techni8ues3 and&or ,rocesses Music Standards: 1!1!'- ,artici,ates )reely -inde,endently or 4ith a grou,. in music activities re,resenting a variety o) styles or genre at a,,ro,riate and individual s#ill levels!

Student O !ecti"es -4hat should students #no4 and 5e a5le to do.:

'. (. 1. Students 4ill #no4 in)ormation they should #no4 in case they get lost! Students 4ill #no4 in)ormation they should #no4 i) home alone! Students 4ill #no4 im,ortant num5ers in case o) emergencies!

Teac#ing Procedure -ho4 4ill strategies 5e used to hel, students ,ro5lem solve.:
Strategic 8uestions and statements 4ill 5e used 4hen necessary to guide&aide students through the discussion ,rocess in order to reach a ,articular conclusion! Conce,ts throughout the unit should 5e and have 5een care)ully sca))olded to 5uild conce,t #no4ledge o) strangers and 4hen danger is ,resent! Teacher modeling 4ill 5e used 4hen necessary to encourage all student ,artici,ation!

$eading Strategy -4hat one reading strategy 4ill you use in this lesson;reading out loud is not a strategy.:

%ntroduction -ho4 4ill you gain attention3 set mood3 esta5lish ,ur,ose3 ma#e ground rules3 and ,rovide voca5ulary )or lesson.:
I 4ill as# students >0hat is im,ortant in)ormation@ 0hat does it mean to you@? Then I 4ill as# students to close their eyes! I 4ill as# them >0hat ,o,s into your head 4hen I say the 4ords im,ortant in)ormation@? I 4ill 4rite their ans4ers on the 5oard! Then I 4ill as# students >Is there any in)ormation that is not really needed@?

Pre-Assess&ent -4hat in)ormal&)ormal assessment 4ill you use to gauge 4here the students are 5e)ore the lesson 5egins&may include a ru5ric.
In this lesson3 I 4ill 5e o5serving their discussion ans4ers and noting res,onses 5y use o) a ru5ric! I 4ill 5e loo#ing )or #no4ledge regarding 4hether or not they have a good understanding o) im,ortant num5ers and 4hen to use them!

De"elop&ent -ho4 4ill teacher ,rovide e2am,le3 students e2,lore&,ractice.:

I 4ill continue to move on to as# >0hat num5ers are im,ortant to #no4 i) you get lost@? -Fo,e)ully they 4ill mention M''3 their ,arents num5ers3 a house num5er3 and school num5er.! I 4ill then hand out their emergency num5ers 4or#sheet! I 4ill then as# students >0hat are im,ortant emergency num5ers@? -E2am,le M''3 the ,olice de,artment3 the )ire de,artment3 ,oison control3 and mom and dads 4or# num5ers!?

Conclusion -ho4 4ill students sho4 4hat they learned then end 4ith a calming activity.:

Students 4ill 5e given a ,a,er to ta#e home to their ,arents&guardians and as#ed to go over 4ith their ,arents 4hat im,ortant num5ers they need to #no4 i) they 4ere to get in to trou5le3 or need their hel,! E2,lain they 4ill receive 5onus credit i) they 5ring it 5ac# to ,ut in their Stranger iaries! 0e 4ill then sing the Song&Chant -lin# is 5elo4.!

Post Assess&ent -ho4 4ill you in)ormally&)ormally assess 4hether or not the students mastered the lesson o5=ectives&may include a ru5ric. :
0ere students a5le to )ill out in)ormation 4ithout hel,@ Fo4 much hel, did they need@ o the students #no4 the num5er M'' and 4hen it is a,,ro,riate to use it@

Multiple %ntelligences'Di((erentiated %nstruction -,lace an 2 5y each one covered in the lesson.: S,atial -a5ility to visuali:e. *inguistic -4ords&s,o#en&4ritten. *ogical-mathematical Dinesthetic-movement. Musical Inter,ersonal -interaction 4&others. Intra,ersonal -sel)-re)lective a5ility. Naturalist -having to do 4&nature. BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB BBB BBB

)loo&*s Ta+ono&y'Di((erentiated %nstruction -,lace an 2 5y each o) the items that a,,ly.: BCB BCB BCB BBB BCB BCB Dno4ledge -tell3 list3 de)ine3 la5el3 recite3 memori:e3 re,eat3 )ind3 name3 record3 )ill in3 recall. Com,rehension -locate3 e2,lain3 summari:e3 identi)y3 descri5e3 re,ort3 discuss3 revie43 sho4. +,,lication -demonstrate3 construct3 record3 illustrate3 research3 order3 dis,lay3 ,ractice. +nalysis -com,are3 contrast3 classi)y3 criti8ue3 solve3 e2,eriment3 e2amine3 in)er3 categori:e. Evaluation -=udge3 ,redict3 veri)y3 rate3 determine3 decide3 choose3 )orecast3 estimate3 ,rioriti:e. Synthesis -com,ose3 hy,othesi:e3 design3 )ormulate3 create3 invent3 develo,3 re)ine3 ,roduce.

Special ,eeds -indicate ho4 you 4ill e2tend the lesson )or gi)ted learners and decrease the lesson )or struggling learners. : Ei)ted *earners: My gi)ted learners 4ould 5e encouraged to 5e more descri,tive in discussion3 as 4ell as more detailed in their =ournal ans4ers! *earners Belo4 *evel: I 4ill discuss the unit 4ith the S,ecial Education Teacher and a ,ara 4ill 5e availa5le )or the student i) needed )or reading3 occu,ational3 or scri5ing assistance! *earners 4& Behavior Issues: I 4ill also 5e discussing 4ith the S,ecial Education Teacher ,ossi5le strategies )or my students 4ith 5ehavioral issues and 4ill im,lement them as necessary! Materials: Personal In)ormation Sheets

Emergency Num5er 0or#sheets Every students ,hone num5er3 ,arents names3 and home address Stranger iaries

We sites (or Lesson: #ttp:''www/songs(orteac#ing/co&'sa(etysongs'strangerdanger/p#p

Pre-Service Teachers Name: Ruth Byrd Course: Elementary School Methods Management Instructor: r! avid "ran#lin

ate: $%&'(&($'%

Lesson Plan Day Fi"e

Portions o) *esson +da,ted )rom Cornett -($''.

Two-Pronged Focus -ensures integration.: Core Content +rea -use Common Core Standards. / Speaking and Listening Standards:: S*!1!'-Engage e))ectively in a range o)
colla5orative discussions -one-on-one3 in grou,s3 and teacher-led. 4ith diverse ,artners on grade 1 to,ics and te2ts3 5uilding on others ideas and e2,ressing their o4n clearly! S*1!'5-"ollo4 agreed-u,on rules )or discussions -e!g!3 gaining the )loor in res,ect)ul 4ays3 listening to others 4ith care3 s,ea#ing one at a time a5out the to,ics and te2ts under discussion.!

Core Content +rea or +rts&P!E!&Music -use Common Core Standards. / FACS Standards: 7!%!'- +ssess health3 4ellness3 and sa)ety
issues o) individual and )amilies 4ith a variety o) disadvantaging conditions! 7!%!%- iscriminate 5et4een situations that re8uire ,ersonal ,revention or intervention and those situations that re8uire ,ro)ession assistance! 7!6!9- emonstrate strategies that hel, ,artici,ants ma#e in)ormed choices3 access resources and su,,ort3 )ollo4 through on res,onsi5ilities3 and ta#e a,,ro,riate ris#s! Counseling Standards: '!'!6- recogni:es the e))ects o) res,onsi5le 5ehavior '!'!9- ,rovides a list o) school and community resources 1!'!1- develo,s 4ays to res,ond to ina,,ro,riate ,hysical contact 1!'!6 recogni:es situations in 4hich adults in the school or community are needed to #ee, students sa)e Art Standards: %!1!1- creates art 4ith a ,ur,ose '!%!( communicates ,ersonal ideas and )eelings through the choice o) media3 techni8ues3 and&or ,rocesses

Student O !ecti"es -4hat should students #no4 and 5e a5le to do.:

'. (. 1. Students 4ill #no4 )rom a ,ro)essionals ,ers,ective ho4 to ,revent getting into a dangerous situation! Students 4ill #no4 )rom a ,ro)essionals ,ers,ective 4hat to do should they )ind themselves in a dangerous situation! Students 4ill #no4 )rom a ,ro)essional 4hich ,ro,er community resources they should turn to in a given situation!

Teac#ing Procedure -ho4 4ill strategies 5e used to hel, students ,ro5lem solve.:
Strategic 8uestions and statements 4ill 5e used 4hen necessary to guide&aide students through the discussion ,rocess in order to reach a ,articular conclusion! Conce,ts throughout the unit should 5e and have 5een care)ully sca))olded to 5uild conce,t #no4ledge o) strangers and 4hen danger is ,resent! Teacher modeling 4ill 5e used 4hen necessary to encourage all student ,artici,ation! Pro)essional modeling 4ill ,rovide a uni8ue vie4 o) the to,ic!

$eading Strategy -4hat one reading strategy 4ill you use in this lesson;reading out loud is not a strategy.:
Nenn iagram

%ntroduction -ho4 4ill you gain attention3 set mood3 esta5lish ,ur,ose3 ma#e ground rules3 and ,rovide voca5ulary )or lesson.:
To introduce this lesson I 4ill 8uic#ly revie4 all that 4e have done so )ar to hel, us in our 8uest to )ully understand stranger danger! Then I 4ill state that 4e still havent heard )rom a ,ro)essional -li#e a ,olice o))icer.! I 4ill as# ho4 many o) the students have heard a ,olice o))icer tal# a5out sa)ety! I 4ill then 8uic#ly introduce our visiting o))icer!

Pre-Assess&ent -4hat in)ormal&)ormal assessment 4ill you use to gauge 4here the students are 5e)ore the lesson 5egins&may include a ru5ric.
My ,re-assessment 4ill 5e o5serving res,onses in my 8uestion o) ho4 many students have heard a ,olice o))icer tal# to them a5out sa)ety!

De"elop&ent -ho4 4ill teacher ,rovide e2am,le3 students e2,lore&,ractice.:

+)ter the o))icer has s,o#en 4ith them and le)t3 I 4ill ,ass out Nenn iagrams3 revie4 ho4 they are com,leted3 and e2,lain to students that 4e 4ill 5e com,aring and contrasting strangers! I 4ill 8uic#ly as# )or one e2am,le )rom a student ho4 4e can com,are strangers! I 4ill 5e loo#ing )or the ans4er o) good strangers and 5ad strangers!

Conclusion -ho4 4ill students sho4 4hat they learned then end 4ith a calming activity.:
I 4ill have each student go online to the site 4e used in lesson one and com,lete an individual '6 8uestion 8ui: on the 4e5site I 4ill give them! Then they 4ill 5e given time to dra4 their o4n Stranger anger 0arning Picture!

Post Assess&ent -ho4 4ill you in)ormally&)ormally assess 4hether or not the students mastered the lesson o5=ectives&may include a ru5ric. :
My ,ost assessment 4ill 5e o5servations in ho4 they listened and res,onded to the o))icer using a chec# sheet3 as 4ell as the results )rom the online 8ui: -as a )ormal assessment.! I 4ill also 5e a5le to )ormally assess using the Nenn iagrams!

Multiple %ntelligences'Di((erentiated %nstruction -,lace an 2 5y each one covered in the lesson.: S,atial -a5ility to visuali:e. *inguistic -4ords&s,o#en&4ritten. *ogical-mathematical Dinesthetic-movement. Musical Inter,ersonal -interaction 4&others. Intra,ersonal -sel)-re)lective a5ility. Naturalist -having to do 4&nature. BCB BBB BBB BBB BCB BCB BCB BBB

)loo&*s Ta+ono&y'Di((erentiated %nstruction -,lace an 2 5y each o) the items that a,,ly.: BCB BCB BCB BCB BBB BCB Dno4ledge -tell3 list3 de)ine3 la5el3 recite3 memori:e3 re,eat3 )ind3 name3 record3 )ill in3 recall. Com,rehension -locate3 e2,lain3 summari:e3 identi)y3 descri5e3 re,ort3 discuss3 revie43 sho4. +,,lication -demonstrate3 construct3 record3 illustrate3 research3 order3 dis,lay3 ,ractice. +nalysis -com,are3 contrast3 classi)y3 criti8ue3 solve3 e2,eriment3 e2amine3 in)er3 categori:e. Evaluation -=udge3 ,redict3 veri)y3 rate3 determine3 decide3 choose3 )orecast3 estimate3 ,rioriti:e. Synthesis -com,ose3 hy,othesi:e3 design3 )ormulate3 create3 invent3 develo,3 re)ine3 ,roduce.

Special ,eeds -indicate ho4 you 4ill e2tend the lesson )or gi)ted learners and decrease the lesson )or struggling learners. : Ei)ted *earners: My gi)ted learners 4ould 5e encouraged to 5e more descri,tive in discussion3 as 4ell as more detailed in their =ournal ans4ers! *earners Belo4 *evel: I 4ill discuss the unit 4ith the S,ecial Education Teacher and a ,ara 4ill 5e availa5le )or the student i) needed )or reading3 occu,ational3 or scri5ing assistance! *earners 4& Behavior Issues: I 4ill also 5e discussing 4ith the S,ecial Education Teacher ,ossi5le strategies )or my students 4ith 5ehavioral issues and 4ill im,lement them as necessary! Materials: Nenn Pa,er Colored Pencils&Mar#ers&Crayons iagrams



We sites (or Lesson: Stranger Danger -ui. Set to 5> -uestions: #ttp:''pediatrics/a out/co&'od''l' l1strngdngr/#t&6 nu& er1o(10uestions75?<page74<start75

Pre-Service Teachers Name: Ruth Byrd Course: Elementary School Methods Management Instructor: r! avid "ran#lin

ate: $%&'(&($'%

Lesson Plan Day Si+

Portions o) *esson +da,ted )rom Cornett -($''.

Two-Pronged Focus -ensures integration.: Core Content +rea -use Common Core Standards. / Writing Standards: 0!1!'$- 0rite routinely over e2tended time )rames -time )or research3
re)lection3 and revision. and shorter time )rames -a single sitting or a day or t4o. )or a range o) disci,line-s,eci)ic tas#s3 ,ur,oses3 and audiences! Speaking and Listening Standards: S*!1!'-Engage e))ectively in a range o) colla5orative discussions -one-on-one3 in grou,s3 and teacher-led. 4ith diverse ,artners on grade 1 to,ics and te2ts3 5uilding on others ideas and e2,ressing their o4n clearly! S*1!'5-"ollo4 agreed-u,on rules )or discussions -e!g!3 gaining the )loor in res,ect)ul 4ays3 listening to others 4ith care3 s,ea#ing one at a time a5out the to,ics and te2ts under discussion.! Language Standards: *!1!(5- Jse commas in addresses! *!1!65- Identi)y real-li)e connections 5et4een 4ords and their use -e!g!3 descri5e ,eo,le 4ho are )riendly or hel,)ul. $eading Standard: R*!1!9! istinguish their o4n ,oint o) vie4 )rom that o) the narrator or those o) the characters!

Core Content +rea or +rts&P!E!&Music -use Common Core Standards. / FACS Standards: 7!%!'- +ssess health3 4ellness3 and sa)ety
issues o) individual and )amilies 4ith a variety o) disadvantaging conditions! 7!%!%- iscriminate 5et4een situations that re8uire ,ersonal ,revention or intervention and those situations that re8uire ,ro)ession assistance! 7!6!9- emonstrate strategies that hel, ,artici,ants ma#e in)ormed choices3 access resources and su,,ort3 )ollo4 through on res,onsi5ilities3 and ta#e a,,ro,riate ris#s! Counseling Standards: '!'!6- recogni:es the e))ects o) res,onsi5le 5ehavior '!'!9- ,rovides a list o) school and community resources 1!'!1- develo,s 4ays to res,ond to ina,,ro,riate ,hysical contact 1!'!6 recogni:es situations in 4hich adults in the school or community are needed to #ee, students sa)e Art Standards: %!1!1- creates art 4ith a ,ur,ose '!%!( communicates ,ersonal ideas and )eelings through the choice o) media3 techni8ues3 and&or ,rocesses Music Standards: 1!1!'- ,artici,ates )reely -inde,endently or 4ith a grou,. in music activities re,resenting a variety o) styles or genre at a,,ro,riate and individual s#ill levels!

Student O !ecti"es -4hat should students #no4 and 5e a5le to do.:

Students 4ill demonstrate a com,lete understanding o) good and 5ad strangers! Students 4ill demonstrate a com,lete understanding o) 4hat to do in certain situations! Students 4ill demonstrate a com,lete understanding o) the dangers o) tal#ing to strangers!

Teac#ing Procedure -ho4 4ill strategies 5e used to hel, students ,ro5lem solve.:
Strategic 8uestions and statements 4ill 5e used 4hen necessary to guide&aide students through the discussion ,rocess in order to reach a ,articular conclusion! Conce,ts throughout the unit should 5e and have 5een care)ully sca))olded to 5uild conce,t #no4ledge o) strangers and 4hen danger is ,resent! Teacher modeling 4ill 5e used 4hen necessary to encourage all student ,artici,ation!

$eading Strategy -4hat one reading strategy 4ill you use in this lesson;reading out loud is not a strategy.:
*isten Read iscuss

%ntroduction -ho4 4ill you gain attention3 set mood3 esta5lish ,ur,ose3 ma#e ground rules3 and ,rovide voca5ulary )or lesson.:
I 4ill as# enthusiastically >0ho li#es the story *ittle Red Riding Food@? Then I 4ill tell them that 4e 4ill read it and then I am going to 5e dividing the students into grou,s o) three to discuss ans4ers on a 4or#sheet I 4ill 5e giving themH

Pre-Assess&ent -4hat in)ormal&)ormal assessment 4ill you use to gauge 4here the students are 5e)ore the lesson 5egins&may include a ru5ric.
None 4ill 5e necessary )or this lesson 5ecause I should already have a good understanding o) 4hat they #no4 to this ,oint!

De"elop&ent -ho4 4ill teacher ,rovide e2am,le3 students e2,lore&,ractice.:

0e 4ill go to our discussion car,et and I 4ill read the story! Then I 4ill grou, the students and give them the 4or#sheet and as# them to 5egin! +)ter )ive minutes 4e 4ill discuss 4hat 4as on the 4or#sheet and 4hat their discussions 4ere! -Iuestions on the 4or#sheet 4ill 5e: Fo4 can some strangers 5e li#e the 4ol)@ Fo4 4ould you react i) you 4ere red riding hood@ Fo4 could she have ,revented her ,redicament@ 0hich o) her actions 4ere unsa)e@. I 4ill try not to allo4 this 4hole ,art o) the lesson to e2ceed ($minutes 5ecause the conclusion 4ill ta#e longer than normal today!

Conclusion -ho4 4ill students sho4 4hat they learned then end 4ith a calming activity.:

I 4ill conclude todays lesson 5y as#ing the students to 4rite a three ,aragra,h essay e2,laining 4hat they have learned a5out strangers3 the dangers o) tal#ing 4ith strangers3 and 4hat they need to do i) in a situation as 4ell as resources they have availa5le! +)ter they have had su))icient time to 4rite 4ithout distraction3 I 4ill ,lay the *ittle Red Riding Food Song -*in# Belo4. )or them to sing to and dance to!

Post Assess&ent -ho4 4ill you in)ormally&)ormally assess 4hether or not the students mastered the lesson o5=ectives&may include a ru5ric. :
The )ormal essay 4ill 5e my last and )inal unit assessment! I 4ill then assess the entire content o) their Stranger iaries as a 4ay to assess their gro4th!

Multiple %ntelligences'Di((erentiated %nstruction -,lace an 2 5y each one covered in the lesson.: S,atial -a5ility to visuali:e. *inguistic -4ords&s,o#en&4ritten. *ogical-mathematical Dinesthetic-movement. Musical Inter,ersonal -interaction 4&others. Intra,ersonal -sel)-re)lective a5ility. Naturalist -having to do 4&nature. BCB BBB BCB BCB BCB BCB BBB BBB

)loo&*s Ta+ono&y'Di((erentiated %nstruction -,lace an 2 5y each o) the items that a,,ly.: BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB BCB Dno4ledge -tell3 list3 de)ine3 la5el3 recite3 memori:e3 re,eat3 )ind3 name3 record3 )ill in3 recall. Com,rehension -locate3 e2,lain3 summari:e3 identi)y3 descri5e3 re,ort3 discuss3 revie43 sho4. +,,lication -demonstrate3 construct3 record3 illustrate3 research3 order3 dis,lay3 ,ractice. +nalysis -com,are3 contrast3 classi)y3 criti8ue3 solve3 e2,eriment3 e2amine3 in)er3 categori:e. Evaluation -=udge3 ,redict3 veri)y3 rate3 determine3 decide3 choose3 )orecast3 estimate3 ,rioriti:e. Synthesis -com,ose3 hy,othesi:e3 design3 )ormulate3 create3 invent3 develo,3 re)ine3 ,roduce.

Special ,eeds -indicate ho4 you 4ill e2tend the lesson )or gi)ted learners and decrease the lesson )or struggling learners. : Ei)ted *earners: My gi)ted learners 4ould 5e encouraged to 5e more descri,tive in discussion3 as 4ell as more detailed in their =ournal ans4ers! *earners Belo4 *evel: I 4ill discuss the unit 4ith the S,ecial Education Teacher and a ,ara 4ill 5e availa5le )or the student i) needed )or reading3 occu,ational3 or scri5ing assistance! *earners 4& Behavior Issues: I 4ill also 5e discussing 4ith the S,ecial Education Teacher ,ossi5le strategies )or my students 4ith 5ehavioral issues and 4ill im,lement them as necessary! Materials: *ittle Red Riding Food

Erou, 0or#sheet "ormal Essay Sheet -To later 5e ,ut 4ith the Aournal 0ritings. Stranger iaries

We sites (or Lesson: #ttp:''www/youtu e/co&'watc#6"71FA9>$O9@:A

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