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EDUCATION: University of Southern California- Cumulative G A: !"#$ Major: Broadcast and Digital Journalism / Minors: Sports Media and Popular Music 303-929-2240

E% E&IENCE Sun'elt S(orts Net)or*- Sideline Reporter Reported live from New Orleans at un !elt men and women"s bas#etball tournament. $ost of %alf-%our& live s%ow between 'ames t%rou'%out tournament pla(. USCfoot'all"0om- &ivals Affiliate- On-Air Reporter and Videographer Report for and produce video for ) * football beat and recruitin' process. ideline report for all %ome and awa( football 'ames. *over brea#in' news usin' social media and live messa'e boards.

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Annen'er+ T2 Ne)s -USC - !ecuti"e Producer# Sports Anchor# Reporter Au+ust ,-.-- resent upervise more t%an 200 students for ) *"s award winnin'& live& ni'%tl( newscast. Report& s%oot& write and edit sports and news pac#a'es as a one-man-band. +roduce and contribute stories for ,- +ress *lub"s .!est tudent /ebsite for +ublication.0 &ose Bo)l 1e3ia &elations- asa3ena4 CA- Production and Media Operations January ,-.,-,-./ 1nterviewed pla(ers and coac%es for social media pieces t%at ran durin' 'ame wee#. *reated& wrote and edited ori'inal video pac#a'es for t%e Rose !owl"s 2024 3!ric# *ampai'n.0 ES N- 5os An+eles4 CA- Sports$ation %ntern June-Au+ust ,-.! 4dited and wrote to video for s%ow"s dail(& 3*%eers& 5eers and 6ears&0 se'ment. -ssociate produced for 32024 4 +7 pecial0 and 3Red& /%ite and !oo"s *ountdown.0 NBC Ne)s- Bur'an*4 CA- $et&or' $e&s %ntern Researc%ed and pitc%ed content for $ightl( $e&s and )oda( Sho&. et up and conducted interviews for da(-of-air and feature pieces. *overed t%e !oston 8arat%on !ombin' and *%ristop%er 9orner man%unt. /rote cop( and supervised editin' for web se'ments. NBC Olym(i0s - 5on3on4 En+lan3- Production %ntern +repared reporters at events includin' swimmin'& %andball and field %oc#e(. :ield produced from production truc# durin' t%e Openin' and *losin' *eremonies. ADDITIONA5 6ONO&S +%i !eta ;appa National $onor ociet(- ) *& 5anuar( 2023- +resent -nnenber' -mbassador- ) *& 8arc% 2022- +resent 8ember of 9elta 9elta 9elta ororit(- ) *& -u'ust 2022- +resent 7ale )niversit( ummer *onservator( for -ctors- New $aven& ummer 2009 N*-- 8en"s :inal :our <olunteer& 2002-200= S7I55S: January- 1ay ,-.!

July- Au+ust ,-.,

-vid& :inal *ut +ro& >uantel& -dobe +%otos%op& -udacit(& oundslides& iNews& 4N+?& 9rupal& treambo@& 8icrosoft Office& 9reamweaver& /ord+ress 6witter& :aceboo#&6umblr& 1nsta'ram& +interest& :renc%

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