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2013-2014 ! UMU Lesson Plan Template!

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Name: Taylor Haney Grade Level: Kindergarten Subject: Mathematics Big Idea/Lesson Focus: Subtracting within 5

Date: February 11, 2014 Class Period: 2:20-3:00 Lesson # & Title: #1, Subtraction

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Essential Question: What is subtraction?

Context for Learning:! There are 22 students in my classroom. There are 13 boys and 9 girls. They range in age from 5-6 years olds. Low socioeconomic status, urban, two IEPs, and six underperforming readers.! Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):! ! ! Introduce New Skill or Content! Practice! ! ! Review! Remediation/Reteaching!

Content Standards:! CCSS.Math.Content.K.OA.A.1"Represent addition and subtraction with objects, ngers, mental images, drawings1, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.! Learning Objectives:! When given a handout with seven subtraction problems, the student will solve the subtraction problems using the pictures provided, achieving 5 out of the 7 correct.! ! ! Academic Language (or A.L. Demands, A.L. Objectives): ! Students will be able to use and understand: value and name of numbers 0-10, subtraction, subtract, minus, take away, equals, in all, total! Students will become familiar with the academic language when they hear the book I will be reading during explicit instruction. Students will continue to hear and use the academic language throughout the rest of the lesson when they participate in the SMART Board and Cheerios activity. ! Instructional Materials and Support:! SMART Board, laptop, The Action of Subtraction by Brian P. Cleary, Cheerios, cups, paper, independent practice worksheet, strategy papers, number lines! Prior Knowledge:! All of the students are familiar with numerals 0-10 and their values. Students are able to write, recognize, and identify the numbers 0-10. The past few weeks students have been working on addition up to 10 and are used to seeing a number sentence/equation. Students have used many strategies and manipulatives to help solve addition problems.!


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Pre-Assessment for the unit: Students were giving a pre-assessment prior to this lesson. There were 10 subtraction problems on the pre-assessment that students were asked to solve by writing the answer. ! Assessment(s) during the lesson: During guided practice students will practice solving subtraction problems utilizing cheerios. Observe students to see who may need additional support. ! Assessment(s) at the end of the lesson: Students will complete a handout that has seven subtraction problems. They will use the pictures on the handout to help them solve the problem. To achieve the objective, students must answer 5 out of 7 correctly. ! Post-Assessment for the unit: Students will be given a post-assessment at the conclusion of the three lessons. There are 8 subtraction problems that students will solve by writing the answer. Additionally, there are 2 subtraction number sentences that the students will be asked to read aloud.!

Strategies & Learning Tasks!

Introduction: (5 min.)! Have students come to carpet! Go over I Can Statement! Pull up YouTube video on addition and subtraction ( v=UID5GYLI_lk)! After the video is nished, inform students of the di#erences between addition and subtraction! o Adding is putting together, answer is bigger! o Subtracting is taking away from a total, answer is smaller!

Presentation/Explicit Instruction: (5-8min.) ! Read The Action of Subtraction! Solve some of the problems that are presented in the story.! o Model on SMART Board! o While modeling go over key terms in subtraction! $ Minus sign, equal sign, take away! $ Read the number sentence!

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Structured Practice/Exploration: (10 min.)! Complete several subtraction problems on the SMART Board.! Pull sharing sticks to call on random students to assist with the problem.! o After completing each problem, have the class read the subtraction problem.! Have students return to their seats. ! Guided Practice/Specic Feedback: (8-10 min.)! Distribute Cheerios and a piece of paper to each student.! Display a subtraction problem on the SMART Board.! Guide students to start on the left (rst number) and place that amount of cheerios on the piece of paper. !

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Once students have done that, state the minus sign and tell students to take away/eat the amount of Cheerios that is on the right side of the problem. ! Finally, have students count how many Cheerios they have left on their paper.! o Model this entire process on the SMART Board. ! State the number sentence and then have students chorally respond back. !

Independent Practice/Application: (5 min.)! Model a subtraction problem where students have to cross out objects to get the answer on the SMART Board (this is what they will need to do for the independent practice). ! Distribute a handout to each student.! Have students write their name and complete the handout. Collect when students are nished.! Closure: (3-5 min.)! Put two problems on the board and review the minus and equal symbols.! Preview four strategies the students can use to help them solve subtraction problems. ! Di"erentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment:! For the ELL and the students who are underperforming in mathematics, they will be given a ! number line to assist them in solving the subtraction problems. The number line can also help! them write the number correctly.! The students that achieved 100% on the pre-assessment will receive more di%cult problems on! the handout that students will complete during independent practice.!

Research and Theory: ! I am incorporating Lev Vygotskys theory of sca#olding by creating a lesson that slowly! ! withdraws teacher support so students can complete the skill on their own.! This lesson includes some interdisciplinary instruction by incorporating language arts into a! ! mathematics lesson. To begin the lesson, I will read a book to students and throughout the! ! lesson students will be learning and practicing new vocabulary words. Verbal/Linguistic ! ! intelligence which falls under Gardners Multiple Intelligences is utilized in this piece of the! ! lesson.! The lesson was planned to support several learning styles such as visual, aural, and verbal.! ! Using a variety of activities that include many learning styles will allow students to learn the ! ! content in a way that suits them best. Research has shown that each learning style uses ! ! di#erent parts of the brain. More knowledge is remembered when multiple parts of the brain ! ! are used.! I am incorporating Jean Piagets thoughts on schema by activating students prior knowledge! about addition and the beginning of the lesson. My purpose for this is to review what they! already know about addition and discuss how subtraction is the opposite.! I am incorporating Albert Banduras theory on self-regulation to help my students stay on task! by controlling their own behavior. I will create an environment where students respect! themselves to help obtain knowledge. Students use self-observation, judgement, and self-! response to control their own behavior.! I am using Cheerios to help engage/motivate my students extrinsically to solve problems during! guided practice.!

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2013-2014 ! UMU Lesson Plan Template!

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Name: Taylor Haney Grade Level: Kindergarten Subject: Mathematics Big Idea/Lesson Focus: Subtracting within 10

Date: February 12, 2014 Class Period: 2:25-3:00 Lesson # & Title: #2, Subtraction

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Essential Question: What is subtraction?

Context for Learning:! There are 22 students in my classroom. There are 13 boys and 9 girls. They range in age from 5-6 years olds. Low socioeconomic status, urban, two IEPs, and six underperforming readers.! Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):! ! ! Introduce New Skill or Content! Practice! ! ! Review! Remediation/Reteaching!

Content Standards:! CCSS.Math.Content.K.OA.A.1"Represent addition and subtraction with objects, ngers, mental images, drawings1, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.! Learning Objectives:! When given a handout with nine subtraction problems, the student will use manipulatives to help them solve the problem, achieving 7 out of 9 correct.! ! ! Academic Language (or A.L. Demands, A.L. Objectives): ! Students will be able to use and understand: value and name 0-10, subtraction, subtract, minus, take away, equals, in all, total, number sentence! The students will hear some of the academic language during the opening of this lesson when they watch a short video clip. During explicit instruction, students will hear me use the language as I model how to solve subtraction problems. Students will continue to hear and use the academic language throughout the rest of the lesson. ! Instructional Materials and Support:! Laptop, SMART Board, whiteboard, dry erase marker, scenarios for acting, handouts for independent practice, and Unix cubes! Prior Knowledge:! All of the students are familiar with numerals 0-10 and their values. Students are able to write, recognize, identify the numbers 0-10. The past few weeks students have been working on addition up to 10 and are used to seeing a number sentence/equation. Students have used many strategies and manipulatives to help solve addition problems. Yesterday, students were introduced to subtraction within 5.!


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Pre-Assessment for the unit: Students were giving a pre-assessment prior to this lesson. There were 10 subtraction problems on the pre-assessment that students were asked to solve by writing the answer. ! Assessment(s) during the lesson: During structured and guided practice, students will use the academic language and practice solving subtraction problems. I will use observation to see which students seem to be getting the concept and which ones need more support.! Assessment(s) at the end of the lesson: Students will complete a handout that has nine subtraction problems. They will use manipulatives to help them solve the problem. Once they have written the answer on the line, the student will color the corresponding heart. To achieve the objective, students must answer 7 out of 9 correctly.! Post-Assessment for the unit: Students will be given a post-assessment at the conclusion of the three lessons. There are 8 subtraction problems that students will solve by writing the answer. Additionally, there are 2 subtraction number sentences that the students will be asked to read aloud.! Strategies & Learning Tasks!

Introduction: (5 min.)! Have students come to carpet! Go over I Can Statement! Review subtraction by playing a short video clip ( mathconnects/assets/asset_view.html?s=an_gk_le_subtractionstory&type=ANI)! o Stop the video after the rst example and ask students to help you solve the next two problems.! Review the strategies that students can use to help them solve subtraction problems.! o Use ngers, use objects, use mental math, and use cubes!

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Presentation/Explicit Instruction: (3-5 min.) ! Using the SMART Board model subtraction problems using numbers 0-10.! After solving the problem, have students chorally restate the number sentence.! Structured Practice/Exploration: (5 min.)! Play a Balloon Pop on the SMART Board ( ! o A subtraction problem will be displayed at the bottom. Students will have to pop balloons to solve the problem. Once they think they have solved it correctly, press the check button. Use sharing sticks to select students.! Guided Practice/Specic Feedback: (8-10 min.)! Instruct students to sit in a circle on the carpet.! Explain that everyone is going to get a chance to participate in acting out subtraction problems. Tell students that I am going to read several situations and they are going to act it out. Pull sharing sticks to select the group of students for each problem and have them stand in the middle of the circle. Read the problem. After students have solved the problem, write it on a whiteboard and have the class read the problem together. (Adjust the problems as needed)!

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5 dancing ducks are dancing around in the pond, and 3 ducks needed to go home for dinner. (3 students will dance back to their seat in the circle). How many dancing ducks do we have left? ! 7 birds are ying in the sky. 2 birds got tired and decided to go back to the nest. (2 students are chosen to return to their seat). How many birds do we have left?! 6 bunny rabbits are hopping in the forest. 5 of the bunnies have to go home for bedtime. How many hopping bunnies are left in the forest?! 3 ice skaters are skating beautifully on the ice rink. 2 of them need to leave to get some hot cocoa. How many skaters are left?!

Independent Practice/Application: (10 min.)! Have students return to their seats.! Distribute a handout to each student.! Have students write their name on the handout and explain the instructions. While students are writing their name, pass out Unix cubes to each table.! o Students will solve the subtraction problem and write the answer on the line. Then they will color the corresponding heart.!

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Closure: (5 min.)! Play a YouTube video to review solving subtraction problems within 10 (http:// ! o Encourage students to sing along! Stop throughout the video so that students can solve the subtraction problems.! Di"erentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment:! For the ELL and the students who are underperforming in mathematics, they will be given a! number line to assist them in solving the subtraction problems. The number line can also help! them write the number correctly.! For the ELL and the students who are underperforming in mathematics, their assessment! during independent practice will have only two hearts (answers) to choose from instead on! three.!

Research and Theory: ! I am incorporating Lev Vygotskys theory of sca#olding by creating a lesson that slowly! ! withdraws teacher support so students can complete the skill on their own.! The lesson was planned to support several learning styles such as visual, aural, and verbal.! ! Using a variety of activities that include many learning styles will allow students to learn the ! ! content in a way that suits them best. Research has shown that each learning style uses ! ! di#erent parts of the brain. More knowledge is remembered when multiple parts of the brain ! ! are used.! During the introduction, my goal is to activate students schema. I want to see what they! remember from yesterday and get them to begin thinking about subtraction.! I am incorporating Bruners ideas of students constructing new ideas based on their current or! past knowledge. Students will us their prior knowledge of two dimensional shapes and what ! ! we learned on Tuesday to help them learn the new shapes.! I have incorporated Howard Gardners theory of Multiple Intelligences including interpersonal, ! ! musical, bodily-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, and spatial.!

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2013-2014 ! UMU Lesson Plan Template!

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Name: Taylor Haney Grade Level: Kindergarten Subject: Mathematics

Date: February 13, 2014 Class Period: 1:00-1:40 Lesson # & Title: #3, Subtraction (Small Group)

Big Idea/Lesson Focus: Writing a number sentence

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Essential Question: What is subtraction?

Context for Learning:! There are 22 students in my classroom. There are 13 boys and 9 girls. They range in age from 5-6 years olds. Low socioeconomic status, urban, two IEPs, and six underperforming readers.! Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):! ! ! Introduce New Skill or Content! Practice! ! ! Review! Remediation/Reteaching!

Content Standards:! CCSS.Math.Content.K.OA.A.1"Represent addition and subtraction with objects, ngers, mental images, drawings1, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.! Learning Objectives:! When given a handout, the student will create a subtraction number sentence and solve it correctly, achieving 100% accuracy.! Academic Language (or A.L. Demands, A.L. Objectives): ! Students will be able to use and understand: value and name 0-10, subtraction, subtract, minus, take away, equals, in all, total, number sentence! Students will have the opportunity to practice and use the academic language during structures, guided, independent, and closure to the lesson. They will hear me use the terms during the opening and explicit section.! Instructional Materials and Support:! Laptop, SMART Board, cups, tennis balls, 2 dice, worksheets for structured practice, worksheets for guided practice, handouts for independent practice, Unix cubes and/or other manipulatives ! Prior Knowledge:! All of the students are familiar with numerals 0-10 and their values. Students are able to write, recognize, identify the numbers 0-10. The past few weeks students have been working on addition up to 10 and are used to seeing a number sentence/equation. Students have used many strategies and manipulatives to help solve addition problems. Prior to this lesson, these students have been practicing to subtract within 10.!


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Pre-Assessment for the unit: Students were giving a pre-assessment prior to this lesson. There were 10 subtraction problems on the pre-assessment that students were asked to solve by writing the answer. ! Assessment(s) during the lesson: The students will practice writing a subtraction number sentence during structured and guided practice. I will provide additional support if the student seems to be struggling.! Assessment(s) at the end of the lesson: The students will create a subtraction number sentence and solve it correctly, achieving 100% accuracy.! Post-Assessment for the unit: Students will be given a post-assessment at the conclusion of the three lessons. There are 8 subtraction problems that students will solve by writing the answer. Additionally, there are 2 subtraction number sentences that the students will be asked to read aloud.!

Strategies & Learning Tasks!

Introduction: (3-5 min.)! Go over I Can Statement! Review subtraction within 10 by providing students with manipulatives and story problems.! Presentation/Explicit Instruction: (5 min.) ! Model how to write a number sentence using the SMART Board.! o The rst number is how many you start out with.! o The second number is the amount that is taken away.! o Solve the problem.! Structured Practice/Exploration: (10 min.)! Explain to students that they are going to practice subtraction by bowling. ! Distribute and handout to each student and have them write their name. ! Explain instructions:! o Students will roll a tennis ball to hit the cups. They will write down the number of pins that were knocked down. Then they will solve the problem and write the answer. Students will take turns doing this.!

Guided Practice/Specic Feedback: (8-10 min.)! Explain the Dice Game.! o o Students will be placed into groups! They will take turns rolling the dice. The orange dice will be rolled rst and students will write this number on the rst line. Then they will roll the green dice and write this number on the second line.! Using manipulatives students will solve the problem and write down their answer. !

Independent Practice/Application: (5-8 min.)! Have students return to their seats.! Pass out a handout to all of the students and have them write their name in the space provided.! Tell them that they are going to create their own number sentence.!

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First they will draw cookies in their jar and place this number in the rst square. Then they will put an X over some of them and write this number in the second square. Finally, students will solve their subtraction problem.!

Closure: (5 min.)! Each student will share their number sentence with the group.! Di"erentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment:! This lesson is geared toward the academic level of the students that are included in this small group.! Research and Theory: ! I am incorporating Lev Vygotskys theory of sca#olding by creating a lesson that slowly! ! withdraws teacher support so students can complete the skill on their own.! Students will participate in activities that encompass cooperative learning. These students will! ! have face-to-face interactions with their peers and me. The lesson allows all of the students to ! ! practice teamwork skills and individual accountability. John Dewey was a believer of ! ! ! cooperative learning so his theory was taken into account when creating this lesson.! I have incorporated Howard Gardners theory of Multiple Intelligences including interpersonal, ! ! intrapersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, and visual/spatial.!

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