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Our body has many systems that work together to serve our body. One system that transports supplies to other systems is the circulatory system. The circulatory system transports food and nutrients to cells around the body to make sure the cells have enough supplies. This system plays a big role in our human body. Having the different organs in the circulatory system helps it to complete the roles. These organs are the heart, the arteries and the veins. The main organ is the heart. When the heart squeezes, blood is pumped throughout the body and back. In normal activities, like sitting, talking and walking, your heart should beat 70 times per minute. This is an important organ, so you need to take very good care of it. The arteries and veins are also important too. It is because these organs allow blood to pass through. The arteries carry blood cells with oxygen and nutrients. But the veins are different; they carry blood cells with no oxygen and nutrients. All organs group together to make the system function properly. These functions are very important to be known as well. The circulatory systems functions are mainly about the blood cells inside the blood vessels. The first blood cell is the red blood cells. They bring oxygen and nutrients around the body and bring carbon dioxide to the lung for us to exhale. The second blood cell is the white blood cells. They fight bacteria and germs by shooting chemicals called antibodies or swallow up the germs. Finally, the platelets clot our blood when you get a cut to stop it from bleeding. Just like how we interaction with friends, the circulatory system also interact with other body systems in the human body. The circulatory system interacts with the excretory system. The red blood cell carries water, salt, calcium and extra nutrients though the arteries to the kidneys. It would drop down the things and the kidney would collect it to make it into urine. The circulatory system also interacts with the respiratory system. The red blood

cell carries carbon dioxide and gets though the capillaries. Then it drops down the carbon dioxides and get the oxygen from the alveoli. Although the circulatory system is a hard working system, sometimes it can go wrong. Some diseases would infect the system. The hemophilia disease prevents the blood from clotting properly; this would make it hard to stop bleeding. Giving injection with blood clotting chemical treats this disease. The second disease is the sickle-cell anemia. This disease would make the red blood cell looses it round shape. Therefore, it cant carry as much oxygen as a normal red blood cell can. This disease is treated by blood transfusion. The last disease is Leukemia. This disease would make too many white blood cells. Therefore, it cant defend infections properly. It would also stop bone marrow making red blood cell. This disease is treated by bone marrow transplant from relatives. Having these diseases is bad, so why dont we prevent it from happening. Exercise more would keep the heart stronger and fitter, which can prevent heart diseases. Eating a balance diet would also help. Eat vitamins and minerals like fruit and vegetable. Eating wholegrain bread would give the heart energy. And remember not to smoke. If you smoke, the blood vessels would become narrower and the heart needed to work harder by pumping faster, which causes heart stroke. The circulatory system performs an important role for our body. So we need to keep it healthy to prevent diseases to ruin the good system. Exercise and eating a balanced diet is all good for the circulatory system.

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