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Revised 02/11

Lifting Lesson Plan

Essential Question: How will I challenge these kids physically, work their neural muscular system, loco-motor skills, skeletal muscles, cardiovascular system while keeping it fun at the same time Goal: !y goal for the lesson is to keep the students moving for the duration of the class, and e"cited a#out lifting weights$ Objective: %tudents will perform lifting techni&ues correctly for they will not lift heavy weight$ I will make sure to address the techni&ues at the start and end of class$ Materials: 'eight room, dum##ells, iron weights, #enches, and other various lifting e&uipment$ Alignment with State Standards (ontent %tandard) *ctive +articipation %tandard ,) -he student participates regularly in physical activity$ .enchmark 1) -he student will participate in non-structured and structured physical activities$ (ontent %tandard) +hysical /itness %tandard 0) -he student achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness$ .enchmark 1) -he student will achieve a level of fitness and muscular strength$ (ontent %tandard) +ersonal and %ocial .ehavior %tandard 1) -he student e"hi#its responsi#le personal and social #ehavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings$ .enchmark 1) -he student will e"hi#it self-discipline, respect for others and the learning environment, as well as appropriate levels of sportsmanship E !loration: 2uring this lesson I will #e e"plaining the muscles that we will #e working out, and why we are working in this particular rep rang and sets$ -his is our ,rd week in this lifting program so we will #e working more towards power and strength, rather than muscle hypertrophy$ O"#L$%E: 1 minute e"planation period 'arm up set .ench press dum##ell fly dips incline #ench push up challenge %tations) Engagement: I will #e setting this particular lesson plan into different sections$ I will instruct them to spend as much time as they need on their warm up in order to ensure they are ready to lift$ *t this point I will have e"pected the students to have worked hard, and ask me any &uestions they have for any particular lift$ !ost kids find lifting to #e very competitive and fun$ *lso this works to my #enefit #ecause I will #e working them in more of a neural-muscular fashion and increasing their heart rate$ I will do this for the remainder of class$ &ool 'own: /or the cool down I will have the students engaged a little more, testing their knowledge of static stretching$ I will put them in a circle and go to each individual student and ask them to name off a stretch we can perform, and what that particular stretch focuses on$ A!!lication: -owards the end of the lesson plan I will ask them how they liked the lesson and the game$ It is crucial to get their feed #ack so I know as a teacher to keep doing this particular game in the future, or make ad3ustments$ &onclusion:

Revised 02/11

I will close out the lesson #y reviewing the loco-motor, and sport specific skills we performed in class$ -hen I will go over why it is important to #e a#le to perform these skills, and how they may apply in our everyday lives or the sports we play$ 4ven if the child isn5t interested in sports it is imperative that they still know how their #ody functions for overall health and wellness$ Evaluation: %AME(&LASS(AGE S#)$*$%G S*$LL A##$#"'E

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