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Sara Elmer Orchard Hill Elementary School Cycle 23: 4/3-4/10 st Grade: 1 Week Week

Take attendance by singing Hello (so-mi) to each student and have each student sing back. Do la-so-mi patterns and have the students echo back (also do the hand signs). Have the students figure out which solfege is higher - so or la. Have the students figure out which solfege is higher - so or mi. Have the students figure out which solfege is lower - la or mi. Musical Focus: concepts/skills to emphasize Have the students get into a circle and sit down on the floor. singing, tempo (fast/slow), melody Play following piece (Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks from Pictures at (low/high; la, so, mi), beat, an Exhibition by Mussorgsky) and do motions.
Objective: WALT: use appropriate singing voices and sing songs accurately; use instruments appropriately; demonstrate and identify tempo (fast/slow); identify melodic direction (low/high) and patterns (including la, so, and mi), and demonstrate beat. Materials: Songs - Apple Tree Apple props Baby Chick Puppet Instruments - maracas Toy egg with baby chick CD - Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks from Pictures at an Exhibition Sheet music for movement activity National Standard(s) Addressed:

Singing, alone & with others, a varied repertoire of music Performing on instruments, alone & with others, a varied repertoire of music Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments Composing & arranging music within specific guidelines Reading and notating music Listening to, analyzing, and describing music Evaluating music & music performances Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, & disciplines outside the arts Understanding music in relation to history and culture

New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards: 1.1 The Creation Process 1.1.2.B.1, 1.1.2.B.2, 1.1.2.B.3, 1.1.2.B.4 1.2 History of Arts and Culture 1.2.2.A.1, 1.2.2.A.2 1.3 Performance 1.3.2.B.1, 1.3.2.B.2, 1.3.2.B.3, 1.3.2.B.4, 1.3.2.B.5, 1.3.2.B.6, 1.3.2.B.7 1.4 Aesthetic Response and Critique 1.4.2.A.1, 1.4.2.A.2, 1.4.2.A.3, 1.4.2.A.4 1.4.2.B.1, 1.4.2.B.2, 1.4.2.B.3 Assessment: Class Participation/Teacher Observation WILF: Students use singing voices, intune singing; use instruments appropriately; demonstrate and identify tempo (fast/slow), identify melodic direction (low/high) and pattern (including la; so; mi); and demonstrate a steady beat.

A Section Tap palm of hands back and forth (quickly). As music goes up hands go up and then down. Repeat. B section Tap knees with steady beat (slower than A). Shake hands up in air when shaking sound comes. A Section Repeat first section. Talk about what sections are the same. Ask the students what are we tapping during the A section and the B section. Pass out the maracas and explain when those will be used in the piece. Explain about passing the plastic toy egg around in the sections that are the same. Play music and do the game with the maracas and the toy egg. Repeat game a few times. Review what we were tapping. Introduce Apple Tree song. Have the students share what the song is about. Have students listen for how the song ends - high or low (answer: low). Sing song again. Have the students show with their hands the answer. Have students tap the beat on their laps while they listen to the song again. Teach the song in parts. Sing the whole song all together. Have the students figure out the solfege for the first half of the song. Have the students move to face the board. Have the students notate with the apples (on the board) the melodic pattern. Notes/Extension: Extensions: 1) (Do this activity before notate the song.) Have the students practice passing the apple prop while they sing the Apple Tree song. (Have everyone pat the beat during the song and pass the apple - to the beat - around the circle.) After the students are able to pass the apple to the beat, play the Apple Tree game. Explain how whoever has the apple at the end of the song is out. Those who are out, play a steady beat on a drum. 2) (Do this activity at the end of the class.) Play the movement music on the piano and have the students move to the type of music (e.g. walking, skipping, marching, etc.).


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