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Lesson Plan #6 and 7 (50 Minute Lesson) (monologues will take two days to make sure everyone gets

to go) ! Lesson Topic: Monologue and performance work ! Big Idea: What can we do to combat bullying? How can we become more educated to improve our community? ! Skills and Understandings to be Emphasized: ! Assessment: Summative Assessment on the first part of the unit. ! Sequence of Lesson: o Warm Up: Shake it out! (5 min) o Monologues: (45 min on day 1 and 30 on day 2) ! Basic Idea: First you get a piece of poser board (or white board) and write YES and NO at the top. Then, with your group, you are going to generate a list under each heading. The base question comes from an issue you are exploring ! 1. Why do people decide to be bullies? ! 2. Why do teens not talk to teachers or parents about being bullied? ! 3. What can students do about being bullied? ! Your list is a list of reason. It can be words or phrases- brief thoughts on specific reasons why young people might make either choice. After making the list, every person picks a reason off the list (publicly, so there are no repeats) from either YES or NO and along with that reason. Each person spends ten minutes alone, thinking about who this person might be creating a fictional story of a time when their choice was made for this reason. Then, people come up one at a time, sit in a chair facing the group, and tell their story. They dont perform it. They simply tell it from the point of view of the character and the rest of the group interviews them about their life, their choices, and their story. The group cannot be judgmental but they can be inquisitive and try to learn as much about this person and their point of view as they can. Then the next person goes. o 0"$1'213'45'6789':;7.'7.'<;#8'%;#'.%=&#8%.'<7++'>7++'-=%'%;#7"'.#+>?$..#..6#8%'>-"6'>-"'%;#' 6-8-+-@=#'$A%7B7%)C' ' ' '



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