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Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

Stage 2 Library Program 2014 Australian Curriculum English Year 3

Year 3 Content Descriptions for Library Program 2014

Language strand
Language for interaction Understand that success ul coo!eration "ith others de!ends on shared use o social con#entions$ including turn% ta&ing !atterns$ and orms o address that #ary according to the degree o ormality in social situations 'ACELA14()* Text structure and organization Understand ho" di erent ty!es o te,ts #ary in use o language choices$ de!ending on their !ur!ose and conte,t ' or e,am!le$ tense and ty!es o sentences* 'ACELA14(2* %xpressing and de&e!oping ideas 1denti y the e ect on audiences o techni3ues$ or e,am!le shot si4e$ #ertical camera angle and layout in !icture boo&s$ ad#ertisements and ilm segments 'ACELA1423* %xpressing and de&e!oping ideas Learn e,tended and technical #ocabulary and "ays o e,!ressing o!inion including modal #erbs and ad#erbs 'ACELA1424*

Literature strand
Literature and context +iscuss te,ts in "hich characters$ e#ents and settings are !ortrayed in di erent "ays$ and s!eculate on the authorsreasons 'ACEL.1/04*

Literacy strand
Texts in context 1denti y the !oint o #ie" in a te,t and suggest alternati#e !oints o #ie" 'ACELY1)(/*

esponding to !iterature +ra" connections bet"een !ersonal e,!eriences and the "orlds o te,ts$ and share res!onses "ith others 'ACEL.1/0)* esponding to !iterature +e#elo! criteria or establishing !ersonal !re erences or literature 'ACEL.1/02*

"nteracting #it$ ot$ers Listen to and contribute to con#ersations and discussions to share in ormation and ideas and negotiate in collaborati#e situations 'ACELY1)()* "nterpreting' ana!ysing' e&a!uating 1denti y the !oint o #ie" in a te,t and suggest alternati#e !oints o #ie" 'ACELY1)(/*

%xamining !iterature +iscuss ho" language is used to describe the settings in te,ts$ and e,!lore ho" the settings sha!e the e#ents and in luence the mood o the narrati#e

"nterpreting' ana!ysing' e&a!uating 5ead an increasing range o di erent ty!es o te,ts by combining conte,tual$ semantic$ grammatical and !honic &no"ledge$ using te,t !rocessing strategies$ or e,am!le monitoring$ !redicting$ con irming$ rereading$ reading on and sel %correcting

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

%xamining !iterature +iscuss the nature and e ects o some language de#ices used to enhance meaning and sha!e the reader-s reaction$ including rhythm and onomato!oeia in !oetry and !rose 'ACEL.1)00* Creating !iterature Create imaginati#e te,ts based on characters$ settings and e#ents rom students- o"n and other cultures using #isual eatures$ or e,am!le !ers!ecti#e$ distance and angle 'ACEL.1)01* "nterpreting' ana!ysing' e&a!uating Use com!rehension strategies to build literal and in erred meaning and begin to e#aluate te,ts by dra"ing on a gro"ing &no"ledge o conte,t$ te,t structures and language eatures 'ACELY1)20* "nterpreting' ana!ysing' e&a!uating Use com!rehension strategies to build literal and in erred meaning and begin to e#aluate te,ts by dra"ing on a gro"ing &no"ledge o conte,t$ te,t structures and language eatures 'ACELY1)20* Creating texts Plan$ dra t and !ublish imaginati#e$ in ormati#e and !ersuasi#e te,ts demonstrating increasing control o#er te,t structures and language eatures and selecting !rint$and multimodal elements a!!ro!riate to the audience and !ur!ose 'ACELY1)22*

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

Australian Curriculum English Year 4

Year 4 Content Descriptions for Library program 2014

Language strand
Text structure and organization Understand ho" te,ts #ary in com!le,ity and technicality de!ending on the a!!roach to the to!ic$ the !ur!ose and the intended audience 'ACELA1400* Text structure and organization 1denti y eatures o online te,ts that enhance readability including te,t$ na#igation$ lin&s$ gra!hics and layout 'ACELA1(03*

Literature strand
Literature and context 6a&e connections bet"een the "ays di erent authors may re!resent similar storylines$ ideas and relationshi!s 'ACEL.1)02* esponding to !iterature +iscuss literary e,!eriences "ith others$ sharing res!onses and e,!ressing a !oint o #ie" 'ACEL.1)03*

Literacy strand
"nterpreting' ana!ysing' e&a!uating 1denti y characteristic eatures used in imaginati#e$ in ormati#e and !ersuasi#e te,ts to meet the !ur!ose o the te,t 'ACELY1)00* "nterpreting' ana!ysing' e&a!uating 5ead di erent ty!es o te,ts by combining conte,tual$ semantic$ grammatical and !honic &no"ledge using te,t !rocessing strategies or e,am!le monitoring meaning$ cross chec&ing and re#ie"ing 'ACELY1)01* "nterpreting' ana!ysing' e&a!uating Use com!rehension strategies to build literal and in erred meaning to e,!and content &no"ledge$ integrating and lin&ing ideas and analysing and e#aluating te,ts 'ACELY1)02*

%xpressing and de&e!oping ideas E,!lore the e ect o choices "hen raming an image$ !lacement o elements in the image$ and salience on com!osition o still and mo#ing images in a range o ty!es o te,ts 'ACELA140)*

esponding to !iterature Use metalanguage to describe the e ects o ideas$ te,t structures and language eatures o literary te,ts 'ACEL.1)04*

%xamining !iterature +iscuss ho" authors and illustrators ma&e stories e,citing$ mo#ing and absorbing and hold readers- interest by using #arious techni3ues$ or e,am!le character de#elo!ment and !lot tension 'ACEL.1)0/* %xamining !iterature Understand$ inter!ret and e,!eriment "ith a range o de#ices and deliberate "ord !lay in !oetry and other literary te,ts$ or e,am!le nonsense "ords$ s!oonerisms$ neologisms and !uns 'ACEL.1)0)* Creating !iterature Create literary te,ts that e,!lore students- o"n e,!eriences and imagining 'ACEL.1)0(*

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

7#er#ie" o Library Lessons 8ey Conce!ts 9 .he Lost .hing : Communications Science Unit .erm 1 Stage 2 2014
Library RFF consists of 1 hour per week. The Australian Curriculum descriptions will be the focus for activities throughout the term. This supports classroom teaching and learning in the area of literacy specifically the unit of work !The Lost Thing". #k 1 #k ) #k #k 1 #k 2 #k 3 #k * #k 7 #k 8 #k 10 #k 11
Chinese $ew year activities %Classes not yet formed& ,ntroduction and welcome back to library. "The Lost Thing"
'one 'ate

( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

)*+1 -+) 10+) 1*+) )1+) 1+11+17+)2+-1+*+1

.The Rules of /ummer" .The Red Tree" .Arrival"

4remier5s Reading Challenge

Communications 6ieroglyphics Communications 6ieroglyphics Communications codes Communications codes Revision

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

.erm 1 Stage 2 Library Program 2014

Wk 1 Lesson
Chinese $ew 9ear

Read .Race for the Chinese :odiac" by ;abrielle #ang. Create library posters from old atlas pages 4romoting Reading Copacabana 4/ library or 4remier5s Reading Challenge. Read .The Rules of /ummer" by /haun Tan. Children interpret illustrations on each page. #hy should you break+keep the rules of summer@ #hat might the conseAuences be@ ,llustration tells the story and show possible conseAuence of breaking the rules. Remind children of library rules pit rules introduce reward system connected to Balues Cducation. Remind children of the borrowing returning procedures.

Race for the Chinese :odiac

<ld atlases =lack permanent markers .Rules of /ummer" A1 paper 4encils

,ntroduction >unit ./haun Tan" Focus ? illustrations

Creating . Rules of Reread .The Rules of /ummer" by /haun Tan. 'iscuss symbols and devices used by the /ummer" Bisual artist to convey meaning. Clements such as Literacy 'ACEL.1)0/* scale colour teDture. Creating . Rules of Read .The Red Tree" by /haun Tan /ummer" artwork 'iscuss further the role of illustrations in picture books to tell the story. 'iscuss how children will create their own 'ACEL.1)0/* .rules of summer" artwork where the illustration tells the story of possible conseAuences. Creating . Rules of Read .Arrival" =y /haun Tan". /ummer" artwork 'iscuss how can a story be told with no 'ACEL.1)0/* words %no teDt in Arrival&. 4ossible 'ACEL.1)0(* interpretations may include each image being a memory both good and bad mood created by symbols and colour etc.

.The Red Tree" A1 paper 4encils .The Red Tree" A1 paper 4encils

.Arrival" Large Art 4aper #atercolour paint

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer Wk Lesson 3 4remier5s Reading


4remier5s Reading Challenge begins this week. 'iscuss rules logging in and keeping reading log. Time allowed for class to log into 4RC site.

Resources ,#=

Communications. Codes

Read .the Eewel Fish of Farnak" by ;raham =ase #atch ;raham =ase video discussing how to solve the puGGle using the hieroglyphs within the book. Children complete their own Eewel fish% reward for solving the puGGle&. Read book .The Cleventh 6our" by ;raham =ase. 'iscuss clues to breaking the code within the illustrations. Children work in pairs to decode puGGle and solve the mystery. Read .The #aterhole" =y ;raham =ase. /olve the puGGle within the pages. Complete Eewel Fish artwork. Read .Cnigma" by ;raham =ase. Allow time to enter 4RC reading log. Read .Legend of the ;olden /nail" by ;raham =ase. Complete challenge. #atch trailer.

Communications. Codes

Communications. Codes

10 11

Communications. Codes Revision

.the Eewel Fish of Farnak" Eewel fish activity sheet. ,#= ;raham base official website. H httpI++www.graemebase. .The Cleventh 6our" ,#= ;raham base official website. 'ecoding page %copied from the back of the book&. H httpI++www.graemebase. .The #aterhole" 'ecoding page %copied from the back of the book&. .Cnigma" ,#= .Legend of the ;olden /nail" H httpI++www.graemebase.

Library Program 2014 Cathy Shearer

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