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Passion Sunday, Year A April 13, 2014 Matthew 21.


Hosanna to the Son of David. This Gospel account tells us of Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem, but actually 2 processions came into the city on Palm Sunday, one from the west where Pontius Pilate rode in from Caesarea on a mighty war horse as the head of an imperial Calvary to maintain law and order during the days of Passover, and the other from the East. Just a few short weeks ago some of us were privileged to walk down that road from the East. We walked the very same path that Jesus from Galilee rode a donkey down into the city from the Mount of Olives in the very first Palm Sunday procession. Jesus actions had symbolic meanings, he didnt enter the city on foot as a pilgrim instead he rode in as a Messianic King. The story also insinuates royalty, because people in high power were able to take privately owned animals for their use whenever they needed too, and this is what happened when he told his disciples where to get the animal and what to tell the owner. The difference between Jesus donkey and Pilates war horse, demonstrates the difference in leadership. Pilates entry would have been loud and full of pomp as we so often see portrayed in movies, but Jesus entry was a quiet and non violent procession into the city, a procession not normal for a powerful king. Jesus humbled himself and rode quietly into Jerusalem on a lowly animal not meant for a king. His entry portrayed a peaceful monarch humble and riding on a donkey. The crowd was not made up of wealthy people and they could only welcome him by laying down their cloaks and waving palms. They shouted and we sing Hosanna to the Son of David. Hosanna is one of the rare Aramaic words that we find in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John and it is an exclamation that literally means save us, (or help us), we pray. Our Lenten time of preparation and of humbling ourselves before God is drawing to a close, and we begin the holiest week of our year waving palm branches to remind us of that humbleness and lowliness. Today we begin our procession toward the Passion, death and resurrection of Christ and we also sing Hosanna! Jesus save us we pray!

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