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St. Patrick Catholic School


Jr. Kindergarten PM!

Wednesday PM

Owl Leader: Jolly Phonics Sound: Letter of Week: Colour of Week:

Supervision: 11:47-12:07 inside ! Centers
*change center signs before students arrive to open or close a center*

Important Info Allergies: Epi Pens are located in the top right hand drawer of my desk. ! Corbin > allergic to sesame EPI PEN ! Patrick > sensitive to lactose Rhonda Carol is the Educational Assistant in the room for the morning and afternoon. Yazzy cannot be picked up by Ben Boyle (her father) All songs and files are in the PM CLASS folder on my desktop.

12:30 Students arrive the main doors with parents, then come to the classroom Students sign in by tracing their name at their table or complete the following Bell Work.

SmartBoard Owl Sign In > students place their owl in the tree Once students have completed work they may sit quietly on the carpet and read a book from the bin.

12:40 Carpet (students sitting on stools) 1. Begin with morning prayer. Pass around cross for students to say a special intention 2. Calendar > If there is an owl leader they will lead (refer to front board) Begin with Days of the Week song, decide day then count to decide date #, sing Months of the Year song and decide month. 3. Change season and weather. 4. Name the letter of the week 5. Jolly Phonics Song 6. Colour bin > choose item > I have a (colour) (item) 7. Show and Share ONLY OWL LEADER 1:00 Activity (students sitting on stools) Expectation: Application:

Alphabet open/closed 1 2 3 4 5 6 Math open/closed 1 2 3 4 5 6 Science open/closed Library open/closed Dramatic Play Open/closed Sand open/closed Fine Motor open/closed Building open/closed Blocks open/closed Art (grey table) open/closed Table Top Open/closed

1:25 Snack Prayer at carpet. Students line up to wash hands when name card is shown.
1:45 Group Centers Alphabet Center: Grey Table: Math Center: Blue Table: Smartboard: Carpet:

2:12 Gym > enter gym and students put their bum on the wall. Run wall to wall to warm up.

2:25 Centers > Students Choice 2:50 Clean Up > play clean up song

2:55 Song/Story/Show and Share (group one or group two) (students sitting on stools) Goodbye Prayer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Students put stools away. Remove shoes. Sit at table.

Chalkboards Open/closed

3:10 Dismissal Students remain seated at their desk. Call each student as parent arrives. Hand out students Communication Bags located on blue shelf.

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