And / or / But I Like Coffee Tea. I Like Coffee I Don't Like Tea. I Don't Like Tea Coffee. Would You Like Tea Coffee? ? ? X X

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And / Or / But I like coffee and tea. I like coffee but I dont like tea.

I dont like tea or coffee. Would you like tea or coffee?

Use And / But / Or 1. I like plums . I dont like peaches. 2. Today it is hot sunny. 3. Today you can have pumpkin soup chicken soup. 4. He owns a car . a motorbike. . Ive ridden a horse .. not a donkey. !. In the evenin" I watch T# .. listen to music. $. He has two sisters . one brother. %. &he has two sisters she doesnt have any brothers. '. (o your pre)er to travel by train .. by bus* 1+. &he bou"ht a skirt .. two blouses in the sale. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1 . 1!. 1$. 1%. 1'. 2+. ,e havent "ot a car .. we both have bicycles. He always walks. He doesnt have a car . a motorbike. -re you "oin" to wear .eans . shorts tomorrow* &he is "oin" to the city )or an appointment . to "o It rained on /onday . Tuesday was )ine. It rained heavily )or a week . there was no )loodin". It rained heavily )or two weeks .. there was a lot o) -re you "oin" to buy a new car .. a second hand one* The 0oo has lions .. ti"ers1 .. no leopards. ,as this e2ercise easy . di))icult )or you*




-nswer 3ey 1. but 2. and 3. or 4. and . but !. or $. and %. but '. or 1+. and 11. but 12. or 13. or 14. and 1 . but 1!. but 1$. and 1%. or 1'. and1 but 2+. or

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