Reading 11: Complementary & Alternative Medicines

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DEFINITION: Every available approach to healing that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine. The boundaries of alternative medicine are constantly changing as different types of care are becoming more accepted by doctors & more requested by patients. Some alternative medicine practices are homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture & herbal medicine. Alternative medicine is often associated with complementary medicine using the term CA !Complementary & Alternative edicine". Therefore, both herbal remedies & meditation, as well as other treatments, fall under the heading of CA . HOW CAM DIFFERS FROM TRADITIONAL MEDICINE? Alternative therapy is frequently described with holistic methods, which means that the doctor or practitioner treats the #whole$ person & not %ust the disease or condition. &n alternative medicine, many practitioners address patients' emotional & spiritual needs as well. This #high touch$ approach differs from the #high tech$ practice of traditional medicine, which tends to concentrate on the physical side of illness. TYPES OF ALTERNATIVE CARE: &)*+,-*. E*&C&)E/ This includes practices such as meditation, prayer, Tai Chi & music therapy, which are intended to develop the mind's ability to affect physical symptoms. ,&-1-2&CA11. ,ASE* 34ACT&CES/ These include substances such as herbs, foods, vitamin dietary supplements. 5erbal remedies include a variety of plants used for medicine or nutrition. They are available in grocery stores, over the &nternet, in health food store or through herbalists. A)&371AT&8E & ,-*.+,ASE* 34ACT&CES/ These practices are based on the manipulation or movement of body parts. &t includes methods li9e massage therapy & therapeutic touch, which manipulate & realign body parts, to help alleviate symptoms. E)E42. E*&C&)E/ This area of medicine is based on the theory !which has not been proved scientifically" that certain energy fields surround and penetrate the body. &t also includes therapies based on bioelectromagnetics ; the theory that electrical currents in all living organisms produce magnetic fields that e<tend beyond the body. 1ST HOMEOPATHY: Every person has an energy called a vital force or self+healing response. =hen this energy is disrupted or imbalanced, health problems develop. 5omeopathy see9s to stimulate the body's defense mechanism & processes so as to prevent or treat illness.


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5omeopathic treatment involves giving e<tremely small doses of substances, called remedies, that produce the same or similar symptoms of illness in healthy people when given in large doses. ost homeopathic remedies are derived from natural substances that come from plants, minerals or animals. 4emedies are sold in liquid, pellet & tablet forms. Treatment in homeopathy is individuali>ed !tailored to each patient". 5omeopathic practitioners select remedies according to a total picture of the patient, including not only symptoms but also lifestyle, emotional, mental states & other factors. 2ND CHIROPRACTIC: #Chiropractic is a heal care discipline which emphasi>es the power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs & surgery$ !Chiropractic College". The chiropractic perspective on health & disease emphasi>es 0 fundamental concepts/ The structure & condition of the body influences how the body functions & its ability to heal itself. The mind+body relationship is instrumental in maintaining health & in the healing process. A healthy, well+aligned spinal column moving with full range of motion allows the nervous system to perform properly, which is vital because it controls every function of your body. The brain & the nerve systems assemble & transmit information necessary to ensure the proper coordination of the body. The spinal system, consisting of the vertebras, the spinal cord & the spinal nerves, carries this information from the brain to all parts of the body. Chiropractic philosophy emphasi>es a holistic approach !total person" to healing which combines elements of the mind, body & spirit. &t maintains that health depends on obedience to natural laws & deviation from such laws can result in illness. *espite debate about the effectiveness of chiropractic, it seems to be most effective for acute low bac9 pain & tension headaches. 7pper cervical spinal manipulation may be beneficial for certain types of hypertension. 3RD HERBALISM: 1. DEFINITON: 5erbalism is a traditional medicinal or fol9 medicine practice based on the use of plants & plants e<tracts. any plants synthesi>e substances that are used for preserving health in human & animals. 5uman also use many herbs & spices as season food. The scope of herbal medicine is also e<tended to include fungi & bee products, as well as minerals, shells & certain animal parts. ROLE OF HERBAL MEDICINE IN MODERN HUMAN SOCIETY: The use of herbs to treat diseases is almost universal among non+industriali>ed societies. 5erbal medicines are a ma%or component in all traditional medicine systems

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& a common element in homeopathic, naturopathic, traditional Chinese medicine & native American medicine. 5erbal medicines, such as opium, aspirin digitalis & quinine have been used since ancient times. The use of, & search for, drugs & dietary supplements derived from plants have increased in recent years. 3. SOME PLANTS WITH THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS: 5ere are some well+9nown plants whose therapeutic effects are usually recogni>ed. Ar !"#$%&: Traditional use as well as recent clinical studies continue to verify the multi+beneficial effects of the articho9e leaf e<tract including lipid+lowering, anti+ o<idative, hepato+protective? as well as aiding dyspepsia & abdominal pain where the stomach, gallbladder, liver & pancreas are primarily affected. S$(: 4ich in vitamins & minerals. Soy may lower ris9 of prostate, colon & breast cancers as well as osteoporosis & other bone health & menopause problems. F&)&r*&+: Sometimes used to treat migraine. &t should be avoided for pregnant women or patients ta9ing blood+clotting medications. Gar-!": 1owers cholesterol, improves blood flow, fights bacteria & viruses. Gr&&. &a: 1ower chances of heart diseases & certain types of cancer. L&/$. 0ra11: 1ower cholesterol levels. Va-&r!a. r$$ : 7sed against sleeping disorders, restlessness & an<iety. Also used as a muscle rela<ant. Pa2a(a: 7sed for insecticidal purposes !9illing ice, worms". RIS4S CONNECTED TO THE USE OF HERBAL MEDICINES: any consumers believe that herbal medicines are safe while many interact with synthetic drugs causing to<icity to patients. Some herbal remedies may have the potential to cause adverse drug interaction when used in combination with various prescription & -TC pharmaceuticals. Therefore, proper double+blind clinical trials are needed to determine the safety & efficacy of each plant before they can be recommended for medical use.


'. ". ,. &. *. 0. #. 3.

READING 12: DEPRESSION 5 COMMON DISTURBANCE IN THE MODERN WORLD A. DEFINITION: *epression may be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, or miserable. ost of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods. True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for wee9s or longer. POSSIBLE CAUSES & RIS4 FACTORS:


The e<act cause of depression is not 9nown. any researchers believe that it is caused by chemical changes in the brain. This may be due to a problem with your genes or triggered by certain stressful events. Some types of depression run in families but depression can also occur if you have no family history of the illness. Anyone can develop depression, even 9ids. The following may play a role in depression/ Alcohol or drug abuse + Certain medical conditions, including underactive thyroid, cancer or long+term pain + Certain medications such as steroids + Sleeping problems + Stressful life events !,rea9ing up with a boyfriend or girlfriend? @ailing a class? *eath or illness of someone close to you? *ivorce? Childhood abuse or neglect? Aob loss? Social isolation, especially common in the elderly". C. SYMPTOMS: *epression can change or distort the way you see yourself, your life and those around you. 3eople who have depression usually see everything with a more negative attitude, unable to imagine that any problem or situation can be solved in a positive way. This feeling is totally dangerous if not treated immediately with the right method or medication because the patients may develop more terrible reactions/ self+torture or even, commit suicide. Symptoms of depression can include/ Agitation, restlessness, and irritability + *ramatic change in appetite, often with weight gain or loss + 8ery difficult to concentrate + @atigue and lac9 of energy + @eelings of hopelessness and helplessness + @eelings of worthlessness, self+hate, and guilt + ,ecoming withdrawn or isolated + 1oss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once en%oyed + Thoughts of death or suicide + Trouble sleeping or e<cessive sleeping + *epression can appear as anger and discouragement, rather than feelings of sadness. MEDICATIONS FOR DEPRESSION: &n general, treatments for depression include/ edications called antidepressants + Tal9 therapy, called psychotherapy. *rugs used to treat depression are called antidepressants. Common types of antidepressants include/ Selective serotonin re+upta9e inhibitors !SS4&s" + Serotonin norepinephrine reupta9e inhibitors !S)4&s". -ther medicines used to treat depression include/ Tricyclic antidepressants + ,upropion + onoamine o<idase inhibitors. WARNING: Children, adolescents, and young adults should be watched more closely for suicidal behavior, especially during the first few months after starting medications. &f you do not feel better with antidepressants and tal9 therapy, you may have treatment+resistant depression. 1ithium and thyroid hormone supplements also may be added to help the antidepressants wor9 better.


CHANGES IN MEDICATIONS: Sometimes, medications that you ta9e for another health problem can cause or worsen depression. Tal9 to your doctor about all the medicines you ta9e. .our doctor may recommend changing your dose or switching to an alternative drug. )ever stop ta9ing your medications without first tal9ing to your doctor. =omen being treated for depression who are pregnant or thin9ing about becoming pregnant should not stop ta9ing antidepressants without first tal9ing to doctors. TAL4 THERAPY: Tal9 therapy is counseling to tal9 about your feelings and thoughts, and help you learn how to deal with them. Types of tal9 therapy include/ B Cognitive behavioral therapy/ Teaches you how to fight off negative thoughts. .ou will learn how to become more aware of your symptoms and how to spot things that ma9e your depression worse. .ouCll also be taught problem+solving s9ills. B 3sychotherapy/ Can help you understand the issues that may be behind your thoughts and feelings. B Aoining a support group of people who are sharing problems li9e yours can also help. As9 your therapist or doctor for a recommendation. E. PREVENTIONS: *o not drin9 alcohol oruse illegal drugs. These substances can ma9e depression worse and might lead to thoughts of suicide. Ta9e your medication e<actly as your doctor instructed. As9 your doctor about the possible side effects and what you should do if you have any. 1earn to recogni>e the early signs that your depression is getting worse. The following tips might help you feel better/ 2et more e<ercise + aintain good sleep habits + See9 out activities that bring you pleasure + 8olunteer or get involved in group activities + Tal9 to someone you trust about how you are feeling + Try to be around people who are caring and position.

READING 13: BIOTECHNOLOGY & BIOPHARMACEUTICALS A. DEFINITION: ,iotechnology is a technology based on biology, especially when used in agriculture, food science & medicine. -r/ #Any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or its derivatives, to ma9e or modify products or processes for specific use$ !7) Conventions on ,iological *iversity". The term ,&-TEC5)-1-2. is used to manipulate & modify organisms & in applying biological research techniques to the development of products that improve human health, animal health & agriculture.


BIOPHARMACEUTICALS: ,iopharmaceutical refers to comple< biological medical products manufactured by biotechnology methodsD processes. ,iopharmaceuticals can treat human diseases that may not be accessible to traditional medicines. A patient is typically dosed with a small molecule via a tablet while a large molecule is typically in%ected. Small molecules are manufactured by chemistry but living cells, such as those found in the human body !bacteria cells, yeast cells, animal or plants cells" create large molecules. ,iotechnology is also commonly associated with landmar9 brea9throughs in new medical therapies to treat hepatitis ,, hepatitis C, cancers, arthritis, hemophilia, bone fractures, multiple sclerosis & cardiovascular disorders. TRANSGENICS: )owadays, biotechnology refers more & more to the production of 2enetically odified -rganisms !2 -". This potentially controversial method means producing biopharmaceuticals involving transgenic organisms, particularly plants & animals that have been genetically modified to produce drugs. This also has some ris9s/ the failure to produce the required organism or the disapproval by the government due to the perceived ris9s & ethical issues. READING 13: DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS A dietary supplement !or food supplement" is a preparation intended to supply nutrients !vitamins, minerals, fatty acids or amino acids" that are missing or not consumed in sufficient quantity in a person's diet. Some countries define dietary supplements as foods while others view as drugs. D!& ar( 1622-&/&. 2(ra/!,: Special needs/ vision, healthy heart, %oint fle<ibility, menopause, sports nutrition. Antio<idants !such as vitamins E & C"/ Cell protection & repair. Calcium supplements/ ,uilding & 9eeping strong, healthy bones. ultivitamin with minerals with :EEmcg folic acid/ @oundation of a supplement plan for everyone.


1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3. 3. 7. 8. 9. :. ;.

,rand+name drug 2eneric drug Therapeutic effect Active ingredient &nactive ingredient ,io+equivalent 2 3 edical profession 3ublic release


Tablet 11. Capsule 12. 3owder 13. *rop 13. Solution 17. Syrup 18. Suspension 19. Eli<ir 1:. 8ials 1;. &nhalants 2<. Suppository 21. Cream 22. -intment 23. 1otion 23. 3aste 27. 3enicillin 28. &nsulin 29. 3olio 2:. Ether 2;. orphine 3<. Aspirin 31. ,irth control pills 32. Antibiotic 33. 8irus 33. ,lood sample 37. ,acteria 38. 8aginal yeast infection 39. 5igh blood pressure 3:. 5ealthy lifestyles 3;. *iuretics 40. Vasodila

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. =.

Stiffer s9in preparation. Considered as copies of brand+name drugs. The most essential & basic components found in any pills. edications are breathed into the nose or mouth. edications e<pand or widen the blood vessels. Containing in%ectable solutions 4eaching the same e<tent in the body when administered. 2ood manufacturing practice. The activity helps raise customers' awareness of some new products on the mar9et. 7sed for mar9eting purposes.

4. The variableD changeable components found in generic drugs. L. A solid pill with a binding agent. M. 1ive in a host cell. N. *issolved drug preparation. O. @ound in legal drugs to help treat patients' disease. P. A hollow gelatin container. >. The very first anesthetic used in surgery. R. 7sed on the s9in only. S. 5elp identify the infecting bacterium. T. 7sed for local application. U. 5elp patients fight against severe diseases. V. 7ltra fine drug particles in a dry form. W. The very first antibiotic used. ?. 7nprepared drug combination. Y. 7seful for people with advanced diabetes. @. Containing alcohol. AA. -ne terrible scourge of humanity. BB. (st drug to replace morphine for simple pains. CC. These smell sweet. DD. 2iving more choices to women EE. 5elp fight bacteria & viruses. FF. Change over time to antibiotic misuse. GG. 3eople with professional 9nowledge to help treat one's health problem. HH. -nly occurs in women. II. 7sed on the scalp. ==. A serious disease without any clear signals. 44. 7sed to avoid pain suffering. LL. 7sed directly into the eye, outer ear canal or nose. MM. 5elp increase blood flow due to reduction in fluid volume. NN. *esigned to melt at body temperature II. 1. a. '. ". ,. 2. MULTIPLE CHOICES: A chemical name FFFF.. to indicate the chemical substances of that drug. 2ives &s given &s giving To give

,rand+name drug is easier to remember than the chemical name. a. Chemical name is the most difficult. '. Chemical name is more difficult to remember. ". Chemical is not as easy to remember as brand+name drug.

,. Chemical name is more difficult to remember than brand+name drug. 3. =hich statement is incorrectG a. Chemical name indicates the chemical substances of one drug. '. ,rand+name drug is used for business purpose. ". ,rand+name drug contains more active ingredients than generic drug. ,. *octors prefer to use brand+name drug name to chemical name. 3. =hich ingredients may be variable in a generic drugG a. Active ingredients '. &nactive ingredients 7. a. '. ". ,. 8. =hich name is harder to say & rememberG ,rand+name drug 2eneric name Chemical name )one

=hat does #bio+equivalent$ meanG a. 5aving the same chemical substances. '. Availability in the body when ta9en ". Availability to the same e<tent in the body ,. Availability to the same e<tent in the body when ta9en. 9. =hich element does not need to be identical between generic & brand+name drugsG a. '. ". ,. :. a. '. ". ,. ;. a. '. ". ,. 1<. a. 2 3 4oute of administration 3rice Condition of administration The investment FF discovering generic medicines is not required. -n &n -f About 5ow late can generic medicines appear on the mar9etG Any time At the same time with brand+name drug (0 years after brand+name drug 0E years after brand+name drug. =hich statement is incorrectG Tablets are the most e<pensive form of medication.

'. Swallowing capsule is easier than tablets. ". A capsule contains powdered medication. ,. A binding agent must be found in a tablet. 11. 3owder alone can be ta9en immediately without any preparation. a. Correct '. &ncorrect 12. =hich medication form must be sterileG a. '. ". ,. *rops &n%ectable solutions A & , are correct. A & , are incorrect.

13. =hat is the difference between S-17T&-) & S7S3E)S&-)G a. '. ". ,. *rug preparation 1iquid form *issolving agent *issolving stateDcondition

13. =hich of these does not contain in%ectable solutionG a. '. ". ,. Ampule 2lass ,ottle 8ial

17. =hich of these needs alcohol agentG a. '. ". ,. Solution Suspension Syrup Eli<ir

18. This mediation form is designed to melt at body temperature. a. '. ". ,. Capsule 3owder Suppository 3aste

19. =hich contains more powdered solidsG

a. '. ". ,.

1otion Cream -intment 3aste

1:. .ou can 9ill bacteria more easily than viruses. a. 8iruses are easier to be 9illed '. 8iruses are less difficult to be 9illed ". ,acteria are easier to be 9illed ,. ,acteria are more difficult to be 9illed. 1;. =hich pair of words has similar meaningG a. '. ". ,. *rug use ; drug misuse 1egal ; illegally *epressant ; stimulants Abuse ; -ver+use

2<. =hich is not a mild allergic reaction of antibioticG a. '. ". ,. &tchy 8omiting 4ash Slight whee>ing

21. =hat's not the similarity between diuretics and vasodilatorG a. &ncrease blood flow. '. 4educe blood pressure against the vessels. ". E<pand blood vessels ,. @lushing out fluids and minerals 22. Consuming too much aspirin leads toFFFF. a. '. ". ,. 2& bleeding Stomach bleeding A or , A and ,

23. *rowsiness may F. when using this product. a. '. ". ,. -ccur -ccurring -ccurred -ccur

23. =hat are snee>ing and runny nosesG a. '. ". ,. Allergies 3ains Symptoms &tches

27. She has aFF in her leg. a. '. ". ,. &tch Allergy Ache 3ain

28. =hich verb goes with #a dose$G a. '. ". ,. ,uy Sell 4ecommen 4elieve

29. &t's possible to buyF.. drugs in a gas station. a. '. ". ,. 2:. a. '. ". ,. 3rescribe 3rescribing 3rescribes 3rescription .F.. higher dose of -TC medicines is dangerous Ta9e Ta9ing Ta9en Too9

2;. =hen should patients contact doctorsG a. '. ". ,. 5ave health inquires. @eel sic9. =orry. Either A or , or C.

3<. =hat are side effectsG

a. '. ". ,. 31. a. '. ". ,.

*esired effects. 3ositive effects. 7nwanted effects. 2ood effects. . FFF. children need an increased requirement for calcium. 2rown 2rowing 2row 2rew

32. Some bacteria can FFF.. diseases. a. a9e '. Ta9e ". Cause ,. *o 33. =hich disease has disappeared in the 7H than9s to the successful use of vaccinesG a. '. ". ,. 3ertussis =hooping cough 3olio 4ubella

33. =hat's the difference between hormones and drugsG a. *rugs are introduced from outside while hormones are synthesi>ed inside the body. '. *rugs are produced inside the body while hormones are introduced from outside. ". A and , are correct ,. A and , are incorrect. 37. All bacteria are totally useful to human beings. a. & agree '. & don't agree 38. =hich factor plays an important role in treating viral infectionG a. '. ". ,. 3atient's own immune system Antibiotic *octor's treatment )atural laws

39. =hich of the following diseases is not transmitted by viral infectionG

a. A&*S '. 5epatitis ". *iabetes ,. eningitis 3:. =hat is the most overall function of antibioticsG a. Hilling bugs or germs. '. 3reventing the growth of bugs or germs. ". Selectively targeting bacteria. ,. A or , or C is correct. 3;. All antibiotics wor9 in the same way. a. & agree '. & disagree. 3<. =hich statement is correctG a. 2eneric and chemical names refer to mar9eting purposes . '. ,rand names present the chemical substances of one drug. ". ,rand names are easier to name than chemical names. ,. ,rand names are harder to use than chemical names. 31. Their effective period of e<clusivity in the mar9et lastsFFFbefore the copy medicines are introduced. a. A few short years '. A few long years ". Some years ,. any years 32. =hich requirement is not necessary for generic drug approvalG a. '. ". ,. Strength Iuality 3rice 3urity

33. =hat does #T5E4A3E7T&C$ meanG a. '. ". ,. Effective to physical well+ being Effective to mental well ; being A or , A and ,

33. =hich term describes the condition of #being available to the same e<tent in the body$G a. '. ". ,. Availability ,io ; equivalence Sensitivity 3otentiation

37. =hich phase doesn't need to be included in generics manufacturingG a. 3ublic release '. *iscovery of final product ". 3roduct promotion ,. 4esearch & development of innovative medicines 38. Iuality, safety & effectiveness are most paid attention to when FFF.. a generic medicine following in brand name counterpart a. '. ". ,. 3roduced 3roduce 3roducing Are produced

39. =hich sentence is true about generic pharmaceuticals & their brand+name counterpart G a. '. ". ,. They are completely similar. They are totally different . Some details are different. Although they have some active ingredients, their appearances !shape or color" are quite different.

3:. =hich factor doesn't cause high cost of brand+name counterpartG a. onopoly '. 1ong ; term investment & research ". 3atent protection ,. E<clusivity in the mar9et 3;. &n which medical field are generic medicines mostly encouraged to be ta9enG a. '. ". ,. 3ersonal prescription 3ublic health care program &nsurance plans )one

1ST: 5igh blood !J("FFF..F is a serious problem when left untreated. This disease with
no !J0"FF..FFcan !J6"FFF.Fthe heart and cardiovascular systems. Self + monitoring of blood pressure can provide important !J:"FF.F. about the effectiveness of therapy. !JJ" FF.FFare medications to treat hypertension. They !JK"FFFFF blood pressure by opening and !JL"FFF the blood vessels or reducing the wor9load of the !JM"FFF. F. ,eta bloc9ers, !JN"FF.FFand vasodilatory are such medications. 4esearchers thin9 that medication therapy to !KE"FF..FFblood pressure should begin with diuretics. FF1F.F. things ma9e a drug important are/ @irst/ *rugs are used to treat a lot of people with many FF.2FF.... Second/ drugs have led the way to FFF3FF.. a disease. 3enicillin/ patients died of a serious infection FF.F3FF... it. &nsulin/ helps patients with advanced ..F7Fachieve their target blood glucose F7F. Smallpo< and polio F.F8F../ smallpo< and polio are 0 most dreadful scourges of humanity. Aspirin/ the FF9F.F drug to treat simple pain !e.g/ muscle pain or FFF:F..". ,irth FF:FFF. pills/ help women control over their FF;FF.F system. 5elp for the heart/ &mportant for FF1<..F and heart failure !e.g 1ano<in and 1asi<".


a. '. ". ,. &. *.


Antibiotics A71BOOO to treat many different bacterial infections. Antibiotics A72BOOO disease by A73BOOO or in%uring bacteria. ,acteria are simple one+celled organisms that can be found, by the billions, all around us/ on furniture and counter+tops, A73BOOO the soil, and on plants and animals. They are a natural and A77BOOO part of life. ,acteria cause disease and infection when they are able to gain access to more vulnerable parts of our bodies and multiply A78BOOO. ,acteria can infect many parts of the body/ eyes, ears, throat, sinuses, lungs, airways, s9in, stomach, colon, bones, genitals. Some antibiotics are CbactericidalC, A79BOOO that they wor9 by 9illing bacteria. -ther antibiotics are CbacteriostaticC, meaning that they wor9 by A7:BOOO bacteria multiplying. Each different type of antibiotic affects A7;BOOO bacteria in different ways. @or e<ample, an antibiotic might inhibit a bacteriumCs ability to turn glucose into energy, or its ability to construct its cell wall. =hen this happens, the bacterium dies A8<"OOO of reproducing. 71. 72. 73. 73. 77. 78. 79. 7:. 7;. 8<. A. are used A. cures A. 9illed A. of A. needing A. rapid A. meaning A. stop A. same A. as ,. is used ,. cure ,. 9ill ,. out ,. to need ,. rapidly ,. mean ,. stopping ,. li9e ,. despite C. use C. is cored C. 9illing C. for C. needed C. rapidity C. meaned C. 9ill C. different C. in spite *. uses *. are cured *. 9ills *. in *. need *. rapid+fire *. means *. 9illing *. similar *. instead


1. 2. 3. 3. 7.

1ST: -TC is what you can buy without a prescription from your doctor. -TC medicines are used to relieve pain and treat symptoms of the common cold, the flu & allergies. Some prevent or cure diseases or help manage recurring problems. Ta9ing -TC medicines still has ris9s. Some interact with other medicines, supplements, foods & drin9s. -thers cause problems for people with certain medical conditions. &f you are pregnant, tal9 to your health care provider before ta9ing any medicines. .ou must never ta9e -TC medicines longer or in higher doses than the label recommends. &f your symptoms do not go away, it's a clear signal that it's time to see your healthcare provider. =hat is -TCG 5ow many functions do -TC performG =hat are theyG =hy does ta9ing -TC still have ris9sG =hat should you do if you are pregnantG =hat mustn't & do with -TCG 2ND: 5erbalism is a traditional medicinal or herbalism fol9 medicine practice based on the use of plans and plant e<tracts. any plants synthesi>e substances that are used for preserving health in humans and animals. &n many cases, these substances serve as plant defense mechani>ing against predation by microorganism or insects. any of the herbs and spices are used by humans to sea food. The scope of herbal medicine is also e<tended to include fungi and bee products, as well as minerals, shells and certain animal parts. =5estimates that MEQ of the world's population presently used in the 7S have been derived from plants. 3harmacologists, microbiologists, botanists and natural ; products chemists are combing the earth for phytochemicals, containing substances that might be developed for treatment of various diseases. (. =hat's the special characteristic of herbalismG 0. 6. :. J. Can you give some e<amples of predationG =hat does the scope of herbal medicine includeG =hat do .-7 use herbal medicine forG =hich might be developed for treatment of various diseasesG

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