Paper 2 MS

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2 1. (a) (i) (ii) (iii ) (i) (ii) 12 2.

4 Group 16 and period 2 Group 16 because atom R has 6 valence electrons Period 2 because atom R has 2 shells filled with electrons W and !oth have same number of proton but different number of neutron""same proton number but different nucleon number. # !ecause its outermost occupied shell is filled with $ electrons""outermost occupied shell is full"" it does not share% donate or receive electrons. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 &'&() *



2 (a) i) ii) iii) (b) i) ii) (c)

)on+ chain"bi+ molecules formed b, -oinin+ to+ether man, repeatin+ subunits"monomer. Pol,meri.ation""pol,merisation Plastic ba+s""containers""to,s""batter, cases""pails. Produce to/ic +ases""cause air pollution 1. 0se biode+radable s,nthetic pol,mer 2. Reduse% reuse and rec,cle s,nthetic pol,mers &,pe of +lass1 2used +lass 3omponent1 !oron o/ide &,pe of +lass1 #oda4lime +lass

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 &'&() 9

(a) i) ii) (b i) ) ii)

iii ) (c) i) ii)

#aponification to precipitate the soap""reduce solubilit, of soap Reduce water surface tension 1. 5,drophilic part soluble in water% h,drophobic part soluble in +rease. 2. (nion of soap surround"lifted"loosened the stains"+rease from the cloth. 2ormin+ an emulsion #oft water does not contain calcium ions and ma+nesium ions. 5ard water contains calcium ions and ma+nesium ions 3ontainer because soap forms scum

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



(a) (b)


5ei+ht of precipitate (cm) 2 2

1 11 4 46 66 6 6 6$ 2 444
Axis with correct label and unit Transfer all points correctly Draw the raph correctly (c) (i) !"0 c#$ (ii) !%0"!&1000 #ol && 0"00'! #ol (iii) !%0"!&1000 #ol &&0 "00'! #ol i() 1 #ol () )a'* * +rO4', (d) )a+rO4

;olume of barium chloride solution (cm6)

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 10

(All) 3r'424 react co#pletely "" (All) 3r'424 are used up


(i) (ii) (iii )

(b) (c) (d)

(i) (ii)

Redo/ reaction 22e 28 8 3l2 22e 68 8 23l4 3orrect chemical formulae of reactants and products !alance the e9uation correctl,. 2 cm6 of the product formed is put into a test tube. #odium h,dro/ide solution is added slowl, until in e/cess. !rown precipitate that is insoluble in e/cess sodium h,dro/ide solution is produced Pin: colouration " spot is observed !lue colouration " spot is observed When iron is in contact with .inc% iron does not rust. When iron is in contact with copper% iron rusts. (ppl, +rease ont the surface""appl, paint on the surface "" +alvanisin+ "" tin platin+

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1




&he reaction is an e/othermic reaction "heat released to the sorroundin+s"" 1 mole of propanol burnt in e/cess o/,+en released 2<17 := of heat ener+,



>o. of mol of 365?'5@ 1.2"6< "" <.<2 5eat released@ 2<17 A <.<2 ""4<.6 :=""4<6<< =

1 1

(ii) B @ 4<.6 / 1<<< "" 2<< / 4.2 (c ) @ 4?.*$ 3 Cner+, 365?'5 8 *"2 '2 5 @ 42<17 := mol 41 63'2 8 452' l.(rrow upwards with ener+, labelled and two ener+, level shown 2. Reactants and products are at the correct ener+, level 6. 5 @ 42<17 := mol 41 0se wind shield""use thin copper can""never use wire +au.e""stir the water with thermometer""wei+h the spirit lamp immediatel, before and after burnin+ 1.&he heat of combustion of ethanol is hi+her 2.>umber of carbon atoms per molecule in ethanol is hi+her 6. more carbon dio/ide and water molecules are produced"" more heat is released 1 1 1

4<6<< 2<< / 4.2

1 1

(d) (e)

1 1 1 1



#ection ! ? (a) 1.#maller pieces of charcoal has larger/bigger total surface total area 2.#maller pieces of charcoal is easier to burn when e/posed to o/,+en 6.Dore heat is produced b, smaller pieces of charcoal than bi+ pieces 4.Dore heat is absorbed b, the food (i) ) 4<"16< "" <.27 cm6s 41 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 (ii) ) En 8 52#'4 En#'4 8 52 181


1. 3orrect formula od reactants 2. 3orrect formula of products 6. Dol of 52#'4 @ <.7 A 7<"1<<< "" <.<27 2rom e9uation% 1 mol of 52#'4 4. Ff <.<27 mol of 52#'4 7. ;olume of 52 @ <.<27 / 24 dm6 ""<.6 dm6 "" 1 <.<27 / 24<<<""6<< cm6 7 (iii) C/pt F and FF 1.Rate of reaction of e/pt F is hi+her 2.&he si.e of .inc in C/pt F is smaller 6.&otal surface area of .inc in C/pt F is bi++er"lar+er 4.&he fre9uenc, of collision between zinc atom and !drogen ion/"# in C/pt F is hi+her 7. &he fre9uenc, of effective collisionbetween particles in C/p F is hi+her C/pt FF and FFF 1. Rate of reaction in C/pt FF is hi+her 2.&he concentration of sulphuric acid in C/p FF is hi+her 6. &he no. of 58 per unit volume in C/pt FF is hi+her"+reater in C/pt FF"" the concentration of h,dro+en ion in C/pt FF is hi+her 4. &he fre9uenc, of collision between .inc atom and 58 in C/pt FF is hi+her 7. &he fre9uenc, of effective collision in C/pt FF is hi+her 1 1 1 1 1 1 mol of 52 <.<27 mol of 52 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1<



6 &otal $ (a) (i) Clectrode P1 iodide ion"F4 and h,dro/ide ion"'54 Clectrode 1 h,dro+en ion"58 and potassium ion"G8 (ii)Clectrode P1 o/,+en molecule" +as""o/,+en Clectrode 1 h,dro+en molecule"+as""h,dro+en r$ formula (iii) Clectrode P1 iodine molecule""iodine Clectrode 1 h,dro+en molecule"+as""h,dro+en H e9uation1 P1 2F4 F2 8 2e 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1


1 258 8 2e 52 3onfirmator, test at P1 4 #tarch solution is added into the solution around electrode P % 4blue colouration " precipitate is formed

(b) 3ell A 3ell I &,pe of cell Clectrol,tic cell ;oltaic cell &he ener+, chan+e Clectrical ener+, 3hemical ener+, to to chemical electrical ener+, ener+, &he terminal of Positive Positive terminal " the cell terminal " anode1 cathode1 copper 3opper >e+ative terminal " >e+ative anode1 aluminium terminal " cathode1 copper Fons present in the 3u 28% 58 electrol,te #'4 24 % '54 'bservation (node1 >e+ative &hinner terminal"(luminium plate1 thinner 3athode1 brown deposit""brown solid is deposited""thic:er 5alf e9uation for both electrodes (node1 3u 3u 28 8 2e 3athode1 Positive terminal"3opper plate1 brown deposit""brown solid is deposited""thic:er (l plate"4 terminal1 (l (l 68 8 6e 3u plate""8 4541/2


? 3u 28 82e >ame of the process occurred at both electrodes"terminal terminal1 3u 28 82e 3u (node"(l plate1'/idation 3athode"3opper plate""ne+ative terminal1 Reduction 3u


Total *


+ 1 + + 1 1

)ut,1,ene + )ut,',ene + +-$ + + ',#ethylpropene +

1 4

+hoose any two structural for#ula and correct na#e






Draw structural for#ula of any one iso#er of butene +arbon,carbon double bond
3n52n% n@2%6%JJ.

Draw structural for#ula of any one iso#er of butane 5in le co(alent bond
3n5 2n82 % n@1% 2% 6JJ


181 181 6


.ethod 1/ Apparatus/ test tube .aterials/ Li0uid in bottle .1 li0uid in bottle 21 #a nesiu# ribbon1 wooden splinter1 #atches" 3rocedure/ 1" ! c#$ of li0uid in bottle . is poured into a test tube" '" A piece&' c# of #a nesiu# ribbon is put into the test tube" $" 4f the effer(escence occurs1 test the as by put a burnin wooden splinter at the #outh of the test tube" 4" Any obser(ation is recorded" !" 5teps 1 to $ are repeated usin li0uid in bottle 2 to replace li0uid in bottle ." OR .ethod ' / Apparatus/ test tubes and deli(ery tube fix with stopper .aterials/ Li0uid in bottle .1 li0uid in bottle 21 #arble chips1 li#e water" 3rocedure/ 1" ! c#$ of li0uid in bottle . is poured into a test tube" '" A spatula of #arble chips is put into the test tube" $" 4f the effer(escence occurs1 test the as by flow it into li#e water" 4" Any obser(ation is recorded" !" 5teps 1 to $ are repeated usin li0uid in bottle 2 to replace li0uid in bottle ." Obser(ation/ Li0uid in bottle .&2 63op sound7 is heard && Li0uid in bottle .&2 2o chan e

1 1 1 1 1 1



li#e water turns #il8y&cloudy&chal8y Li0uid in bottle .&2 is ethanoic acid Li0uid in bottle .&2 is ethanol

181 1 1 1< &otal 2< 181 181 4 1 1 2



Dedicine4 3obalt46< %use to :ill cancer cell (rcheolo+,4 carbon414% use to determine the a+e of the fossils Kan, suitable isotopes and usesL (i) 3ompound A1 ionic 3ompound I1 3ovalent



4&he meltin+ point of compound A is hi+her than compound I 4Dore heat is needed to overcome the stron+ forces in compound A 'R 43ompound A can conduct electricit, in molten and a9ueous solution whereas compound I cannot conduct electricit, in all state 4the ions in molten and a9ueous solution are freel, to move in compound A% no ions"molecules are present in compound I

1 1

1 1


Fonic compound.( E and A"" I and A) 1. (tom E releases two electrons to atom A 2. and achieve a stable octet electron arran+ement. 6. E 28 formed""E positive ion formed 4. (tom I receives two electrons and achieve a stable octet electron arran+ement. 7. I 24 formed"" I ne+ative ion formed. 6. E 28 and I 24 are attracted b, a stron+ electrostatic forces "" ionic bond 3ovalent compound( W and A) 1.atom W needs 4 electrons to achieve a stable octet electron arran+ement 2. (tom A needs 2 electrons to achieve a stable octet electron arran+ement 6. 'ne atom of W contribute four electrons to be shared with two atoms A 4. &wo atoms A will contribute two electrons each to be share with one atom W

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1



1< 7. 'ne atom W shares four pairs of electrons with two atoms A% formin+ two double covalent bonds "" &he formula of the compound is WA2" or can deduce from the dia+ram 1

1< &otal 2<



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