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Running head: MINICASE 3 1

Minicase 3 BMIS 351 System Analysis and Design Daniel Moynihan Ap il 1!" !#1$

MINICASE 3 ! Assumptions: %o this Minicase my assumptions a e that the &SSM p o'ides s(illed employees to di))e ent o gani*ations +ased upon thei e,ui ements on a tempo a y +asis- .he o gani*ations ha'e cont acts /ith &SSM and sends a sta))ing e,uest to them- 0n getting the e,uest" &SSM chec(s i) the cont act is 'alid o e1pi ed" &SSM sends it +ac( to the company stating the same and as(ing them to ha'e a ne/ cont act /ith them- %o 'alid cont acts" &SSM chec(s i) sta))ing e,uest )alls /ithin the negotiated p ice othe /ise they send the e,uest +ac( to the company /ith a lette stating /hy the e,uest is in'alid- %o 'alid e,uests the placement depa tment chec( i) the app op iate s(illed sta)) is a'aila+le o not- I) app op iate sta)) is a'aila+le" he o she is ma (ed as 2 ese 'ed3- I) they a e not a'aila+le" depa tment c eates a memo )o the same- All the sta))ing e,uests a e send to the a angements depa tment- .his depa tment then contact the sta)) to ag ee to the placement and i) ag eed" they a e ma (ed as placed- A copy o) the sta))ing e,uest and placement )ees +ill is sent to the client- A copy o) the sta))ing e,uest" memo 4i) any5 and placement )ees +ill is sent to the cont act manage - I) the sta)) is placed" cont act manage closes the e,uests in the data+ase othe /ise they noti)y the client a+out it.he a'aila+le classes )o this Minicase a e Cont act Manage " &lacement Depa tment" A angements Depa tment" Re,uesting Company" S(illset and S(illed &e sonAtt i+utes )o Cont act Manage a e emp6id" name" se1" age" 7oining date" add ess and +i thdateAtt i+utes )o &lacement Depa tment a e dept6id" location and no6o)6employeesAtt i+utes )o A angements Depa tment a e dept6id" location and no6o)6employeesAtt i+utes )o Re,uesting Company a e comp6id" c6sta t6date" c6end6date" c6amount" c6name" c6contact6num+e " c6emailAtt i+utes )o S(illed Sta)) a e: ss6id" name" se1" age" +i thdate" s(illset6id and status-

MINICASE 3 3 Att i+utes )o S(illset a e: s(illset6id" s(illset6name" s(illset6p iceRelationships a e: Re,uesting company sends *e o o mo e sta))ing e,uest to cont act manage Cont act manage chec(s one o mo e s(illsets and s(illset p icesCont act Manage e7ects the company8s e,uestCont act manage sends *e o o mo e e,uest copies to the placement depa tment&lacement Depa tment changes the status o) *e o o mo e s(illed sta))s&lacement sta)) sends *e o o mo e e,uest copies to the a angement depa tmentA angement depa tment changes the status o) *e o o mo e s(illed sta))sA angement Depa tment sends +ill to the companyA angement Depa tment sends a copy to the cont act manage -

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