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Andre Lopez The Enlightenment Project Rubric

Excellent 3 Enlightenment Thinkers Satisfactory Needs Improvement Poster will include 1 major thinker of the Enlightenment. Poster includes only 1 correct idea or reform of the Enlightenment thinker.

Poster will include Poster will 3 major thinkers of include 2 major the Enlightenment. thinkers of the Enlightenment Poster will correctly illustrate or have written down the major idea or reform associated with each of the 3 thinkers. Poster correctly illustrates the major works done by all 3 Enlightenment thinkers. Poster will correctly illustrate at least 2 major ideas of 2 Enlightenment thinkers.

Their Major Ideas of Reform

Their Major Works

Poster correctly illustrates at least 2 works by Enlightenment thinkers. Poster includes 2 quotes from 2 different Enlightenment thinkers. Poster uses 2-3 types of art supplies in creative ways.

Poster correctly illustrates only 1 major work of the Enlightenment thinkers. Poster includes only 1 quote from 1 of the Enlightenment thinkers. Poster only uses a minimal amount of creative features (1-2).

Quotes from each Philosopher Poster illustrates at least 1 quote from each of the 3 philosophers. Creativity Poster uses a variety of art supplies including colorful construction paper, stickers, cut outs,and symbols. Poster is neat and easy to read. Characters are clear and the ideas are presented in a neat fashion.


Poster is clear enough to understand and interpret, but crowding or bad use of space is a problem.

Project is unreadable and illustrations are hard to interpret.

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