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Tutorial - Nuclear and Particle Physics

Q 1. Assume the charge radius of a proton to be less than 1015 m. If we classically assume the proton to be a spinning solid sphere with spin 1 h , calculate a lower 2 limit on = v/c of a point on the proton equator ? Q 2. If the proton magnetic moment were due to the rotational motion of a positive spherical charge distribution of radius R spinning about its axis with angular speed 2 , show that = eR . Using this result obtain the expression = (e/2m)s. 5 Q 3. A nucleus is in a state with orbital angular momentum = 1. If the total angular momentum of the nucleus is j = 3/2 and the z component of the total angular momentum is 1 h , what is the probability of nding the nucleus with ms = +1/2? 2 Q 4. Explain using your knowledge of isospin symmetry why the reaction below has to have a negligible cross section. The measured cross section is indeed found to be very small, 13 pico-barns (1 pico barn = 1012 barns). Why is it non zero? d + d + 0 Q 5. Since 27 Si and 27 Al are mirror nuclei, their ground states are identical except for charge. If their mass dierence is 6 MeV, estimate their radii (neglecting the protonneutron mass dierence). Is it correct to assume that they will have exactly equal radii? What if these nuclei were much heavier (large A). Q 6. Consider the reactions d + 16O + 14N d + 12C p + 13C Assuming isospin invariance, what isospin values can be reached by these reactions for the states in 14 N and 13 C ? (16 O, 12 C, , and d denote ground states; 14 N and 13 C can be excited.)

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