Project 2 - Go Deer Tag

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Project Framework

The purpose for this project is to revitalize a system of nominating students for Deer Tags. Deer Tags (similar to military tags) are given to students who are caught doing a kind act. The goal is to acknowledge good students and to make the process easier for teachers.

The deer tag initiative was in place for several years in Deer Park High School. It was a program that began at the junior high school and was continued at the high school. The program was important to building student moral and encouraging kind behavior. As of the last four years, the program has not been promoted and has dwindled. This change is mainly due to a shifts in administration.
Another issue that contributed to the disappearance of the Deer Tag program is the flow of paperwork. A teacher would receive a paper log in which he or she would write the name of a student that they are nominating that six weeks. The paper would be turned in to the assistant principals secretary and then was returned to the teacher. As efficient as the staff may be, the school staff is large and the flow of paper was not always efficient.





This program would involve staff: Teachers and the administrative staff. Teachers would nominate students. Administrative staff would collect names, maintain data and disperse tags and prizes.

Teachers can nominate 2 students The teacher can complete and submit a form online (see form). The program will be promoted by broadcast announcements as a reminder to teacher and students.

The project will begin at the beginning of the school year. The teacher can nominate students each six-weeks. Students names will be entered in a raffle at the end of a semester. The program will start over at the semester. The

The student will receive a Deer Tag from the principal. Then, as an incentive the name of the student and the teacher will be eligible for a raffle for a prize. The tags and prizes will be included in the budget each year.

Return to Strategies

To evaluate if the program is succeeding, data will be reviewed by the supervising administrative staff member. One of the check points would be at the end of each six weeks. Are teachers nominating students? For the program to be successful, there may need to be a clarification to teachers of what type of actions qualify as tag worthy.

A summative evaluation of the Go Deer! program would occur at the end of the second year of the program.
There would have to be a continuum of the program in order to have comparative data between the school years. If the system is not maintained, then the format would have to be re-evaluated. The Campus Improvement Committee would have input in the process and results of the program.

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