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Changing your address letter

(Insert own address) (Insert date) (Insert organisations address) To whom it may concern, Change of address I have recently moved and I am writing to inform you of my change of address with effect from (insert date moved). My previous address was: (Insert previous address) My new address is (Insert new address) Please update your records accordingly. If you have any ueries or uestions then please contact me on (insert phone num!er"email address). #ours faithfully, (Insert own name)

Top tips
Here is a list of the organisations you should give your new address to:
!an$s and !uilding societies %&'( credit and store card providers, mo!ile phone and internet providers, gyms and social clu!s, doctor"dentist, )ational Insurance *ffice T& 'icensing (uthority, opticians +oyal Mail.

Redirect your mail , visit Pic$ up a Moving home? redirection application form from your nearest Post *ffice or phone !"#$ $" $" . Theft or loss of any post , contact +oyal Mail on !"#$ $" $" .

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