Beauty With Brain

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I think that there is no such relation of beauty with brain. Beauty is profligate and temporary.

Beauty is just to capture the eyes but the intellectual brains capture the brain and rule the heart of many people. According to the science all have same brain and same number of neurons, it matters how to simulate those millions neurons. There are many intellectuals like APJ Kalam, Einsteins who are known for their work no matter how they look or what they wear.

Hello Friends, In my opinion Beauty & Brain can go together but it does not mean that Brain can't go without beauty. An external beauty is temporary, Mortal. Actually beauty means an internal beauty a person is having a good soul. If a person is having a good soul & intelligent as well he can be rock on in life. If a person is beautiful but not having brain is showpiece only & A person is having brain but not very beautiful/handsome can easily move on towards ladder of success.

Hi guys, I think physical beauty is temporary, seasonal, and thus MORTAL. People usually lose their charm as the time goes by. BUT intelligence, creativity, and thus BRAINS cannot be destroyed by time. SO the only way to move ahead is to enhance our skills & memory.

I think Beauty and Brain has no relation. You can have both, you just need to work hard. If you want to look good, you need to do lot of workout, bring all your fat in proportion and you would shine like a diamond. The same way if you want to develop your brain, you need to study and practice hard to increase your speed and you would be can intelligent. But Beauty and Brain will fade away with your age, what remains is your attitude which pass on to others. As not all the people born with intelligent or beauty. If someone is very beautiful but is full of arrogance then of what use these people are to the society. Similarly, if someone is very intelligent but is selfish or arrogant, what good can they do for the betterment of humanity. So we should judge people by their attitude (that's what you call Inner Beauty) not just by brain and beauty.

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