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Evidence of Competency: Photo Elicitation The photo elicitation project and analysis that was submitted in Multiculturalism in Higher

Education was an interested project. One thing that stuck out to me was the creative ways in which the assignments were structured as well as the class structure. Multiculturalism in higher education challenged me in different ways that was hard in the beginning. The photo elicitation project challenged me to get out of my comfort zone and challenge my identities. This paper helped me reflect and disclose some of the identities that I was not comfortable with. I was proud that I was vulnerable in the assignment and that I was able to take a risk. The three sets of learning outcomes that the artifact illustrates are: Commitment to Social Justice, Analytical Inquiry, and Communication Skills. In terms of commitment to social justice the paper was intended to increase my understanding of privilege, oppression, and social justice. It provides an opportunity to articulate a personal philosophy that integrates personal experiences and academic knowledge. The reason I choose this assignment was due to the life changing experience I felt in comprising the document but also the dialogue that took place in class. Through that dialogue I experienced the ability to articulate diversity and the complexity of social justice and ways to expand my concepts of power, privilege and oppression and apply theories and frameworks to them. This paper also pushed me to challenge my abilities in the learning outcome analytical inquiry and communication skills. Due to the lack of understanding I had about the topic I had to reflect deeply to find images that fit the term. It was no easy task and I truly felt myself grow from the experience and understand how to analyze terms through images and art. Finally, in terms of communication skills, I really challenged myself by organizing the information in a complex and though provoking way. Through this assignment I felt as though I was able to bring my whole self and integrate that in the assignment.

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