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CUBS Community

Volume 2, Issue 9 April 2014

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PAS testing begins for K-5 (PAS test Mar. 31April 11)
First grade field trip to Salato Wildlife Center

SBDM news: allocations for 14-15; schedule approval for 14-15; PAS C results; Leader in Me update Visit us on the web: Are you reading our new school wide book Trouble According to Humphrey? As of 3/24/14 we have had 21 snow days last day for students June 10 Crab Orchard PTO is on Facebook contact Tasha Price if you would like to be a member

3rd 9 weeks ends today Dress up as a Super Hero Kick off to Read A Thon- Be a Hero Read to Someone

5th grade field trip to Pine Mountain Read A Thon fundraiser begins today thru April 18
5th grade field trip to Pine Mountain 5th grade field trip to Pine Mountain
CUBS Spirit day wear school shirt and colors 2nd grade field trip to Disney on Ice Post PAS celebration @ 9:00 a.m. Book Fair April 14 18 (Buy one get one free) Report cards go home 4 grade 4H field trip SBDM @ 4:00 p.m. 4th grade field trip to Odyssey of the Mind (Lexington) PTO meeting @ 6:00 p.m. (Kindergarten performs Go Green science activities @ 6:30 p.m. Pizza @ 7:00 p.m. Wear Camo- We are hunting for academic excellence Field Trip for CUBS Chorus Norton Center

Are you waiting on the bus or is the bus waiting on you?Students should be on time, waiting patiently for the bus.(LC Code of Conduct)
GED classes are being offered if interested call Gail Owens.

Blood Drive 3:30 7:30 p.m. KONA Ice day! Teddy Bear Clinic for 2nd grade @ 10:00 a.m. Science Fair College Colors day wear your college colors
PAS D Testing K and 1; SAT 10 testing for 2nd grade

25 28 29 30

Adventure in Ag. 3rd grade field trip

Attendance parties will be given to the class that has the highest percentage of students here each month. Be here each and every day! February winners Preston & Meadows

Our campus is NON SMOKING please do not smoke on our grounds.

An excused absence or tardiness can be granted if one of the following is evident: 1. Personal illness as certified by a parent/guardians note for six days per year; and six (6) parent/guardian notes to excuse morning or afternoon tardies per year; NEW 2. Clinical appointments if verified by statement from a health professional; After a total of ten (10) medical excuses each year, any absences due to medical reasons in excess of ten (10) will require completion of the Districts Medical Excuse Form; NEW 3. Verification of illness by school health nurse in cases of extended absences (three consecutive days or more); 4. Death or severe illness in the students immediate family (three days are allowed for the death of ones parent, grandparent, or sibling; one day is allowed for the death of ones aunt, uncle, or cousin); 5. Court summonses; 6. One day for attendance at the Kentucky State Fair (Proof of attendance); 7. Religious holidays and practices; 8. Failure of bus transportation (missing the bus is no excuse); and 9. Participation in school activities approved by the Principal; 10. Exclusion for head lice if sent home by school personnel, including the day sent home and one day following.
All other absences & tardiness will be considered unexcused. When extended absences are anticipated, students and parents should notify and make arrangements with the principal or attendance clerk. Crab Orchard Elementary begins the school day at 8:10 a.m. and dismisses at 3:20 p.m. Students that come to school later than 8:10 a.m. and leave before 3:20 p.m. will be counted tardy. All students are required to attend regularly and punctually.

Leader in Me
The Leader in Me is a whole-school transformation model that acts like the operating system of a computer it improves performance of all other programs. Based on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Leader in Me produces transformational results such as higher academic achievement, fewer discipline problems, and increased engagement among teachers and parents. Better yet, The Leader in Me equips students with the self-confidence and skills they need to thrive in the 21st century economy. It started in 1999 when struggling school A.B. Combs Elementary was asked to reinvent itself or be shut down. When principal, Muriel Summers, asked parents and business leaders what they wanted in their schools, she heard the following: Leadership Accountability Adaptability Initiative and Self-direction Cross-Cultural Skills Responsibility Problem Solving Communication Creativity Teamwork This feedback represents what most people believe that our schools should not merely be focused on improving test scores, but should provide opportunities for students to develop their full potential. As Muriel searched for answers she attended a 7 Habits seminar and noticed how comprehensive the habits were in covering the same needs expressed by her community. She and staff developed a leadership theme and a school mission statement: To Develop Leaders, One Child at a Time. They taught the 7 Habits not as a curriculum, but in a ubiquitous fashion, integrating them into the curriculum, traditions, systems, and culture of AB Combs. In 2006 A.B. Combs became the #1 magnet school in the country. The leadership model began to be replicated by other schools with similar results. In 2008, Dr. Stephen R. Covey, published the bookThe Leader in Mewhich documents the leadership model these schools pioneered and its outcomes for staff, students, parents and community.

As a school we have been investigating this process. We really want this for our school. At this time we have applied for funding to become a Leader in Me school. The first week of April is when grant awards will be given. Keep your fingers crossed in the coming months you will learn more about Leader in Me. If you are interested and would like to read the book Leader in Me let your childs teacher know.

Our campus is NON SMOKING please do not smoke on our grounds.

Newsletter 3

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