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This chapter focused on the research method, procedures of collecting data and the research instrument used by the researchers in the study.

Research Design This study used a descriptive and quantitative method design because it focuses more on the statistical data of the research. This study used a non-experimental method because no intervention was done regarding the results of the study.

Research Setting The study was conducted in Ateneo de aga !niversity, located in Ateneo Avenue, aga City. The data gathered came from the "chool Infirmary situated in #rancis $. %urns "& 'all, located inside Ateneo de aga !niversity Campus. The "chool Infirmary is a primary health care institute which provides basic medical services to the campus.

Population and Sample The population for this study were Ateneo de aga !niversity students who were enrolled in any of the summer classes during ())*, ()+), ()++ and ()+(. There are a total of (,-* students enrolled in summer class during ()++ and a total of (.,/ students enrolled in the summer class of ()+(. The data gathered came from those students who reported their health concerns to the "chool Infirmary during their summer class.

Data Gathering Procedure A letter was given to the "chool Infirmary of Ateneo de aga !niversity, as0ing permission to have the data about the students who reported their health concerns during their summer class in the span of 1 years. After the approval has been sought, the researchers collected the data and clustered it by the year it was ta0en. 2e tabulated the results and identified the most common health problems of Ateneo de aga !niversity college students during summer season.

Research Instrument In this research, the first instrument we used was the letter that as0ed permission from the "chool Infirmary of Ateneo de aga !niversity to have the data. The other instrument was the census given by the "chool Infirmary to the researchers.

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