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963 E South Union Ave apt #27 Midvale, Utah, United State !"#$%&"'6&2$"2 ana()ida$99'*)+ail(,o+

/1D NA4Y MID4A1E UTA5UNITED STATES Sales Associate October 2013 - Present
An 6e7 ,u to+e7 8 9ue tion a:out +e7,handi e and advi e ,u to+e7 on +e7,handi e ele,tion( Ite+i;e and total ,u to+e7 +e7,handi e ele,tion at ,he,<out ,ounte7, u in) ,a h 7e)i te7, and a,,ept ,a h o7 ,ha7)e ,a7d =o7 pu7,ha e ( Ta<e invento7> o7 e?a+ine +e7,handi e to identi=> ite+ to :e 7eo7de7ed o7 7epleni hed( -a,< ,u to+e7 pu7,ha e in :a) o7 ,a7ton ( Sta+p, atta,h, o7 ,han)e p7i,e ta) on +e7,handi e, 7e=e77in) to p7i,e li t( De i)n and et up adve7ti in) i)n and di pla> o= +e7,handi e on helve , ,ounte7 , o7 ta:le to att7a,t ,u to+e7 and p7o+ote ale (

35I3@&0I1&A MID4A1E UTA5UNITED STATES 3a hie7 Ap7il 2#$3 & Septe+:e7 2#$3
.e,eive pa>+ent :> ,a h, ,he,<, ,7edit ,a7d , vou,he7 , o7 auto+ati, de:it ( I ue 7e,eipt , 7e=und , ,7edit , o7 ,han)e due to ,u to+e7 ( A i t ,u to+e7 :> p7ovidin) in=o7+ation and 7e olvin) thei7 ,o+plaint ( G7eet ,u to+e7 ente7in) e ta:li h+ent ( E ta:li h o7 identi=> p7i,e o= )ood , e7vi,e o7 ad+i ion, and ta:ulate :ill u in) ,al,ulato7 , ,a h 7e)i te7 , o7 opti,al p7i,e ,anne7 ( Maintain ,lean and o7de7l> ,he,<out a7ea and ,o+plete othe7 )ene7al ,leanin) dutie , u,h a +oppin) =loo7 and e+pt>in) t7a h ,an ( 3ount +one> in ,a h d7a6e7 at the :e)innin) o= hi=t to en u7e that a+ount a7e ,o77e,t and that the7e i ade9uate ,han)e(

S5/ASTA.T 3INEMAS 6TAY1/.S4I11E UTA5UNITED STATES 3a hie7 Ap7il 2#$2 & Ap7il 2#$3
.e,eive pa>+ent :> ,a h, ,he,<, ,7edit ,a7d , vou,he7 , o7 auto+ati, de:it ( I ue 7e,eipt , 7e=und , ,7edit , o7 ,han)e due to ,u to+e7 ( A i t ,u to+e7 :> p7ovidin) in=o7+ation and 7e olvin) thei7 ,o+plaint ( G7eet ,u to+e7 ente7in) e ta:li h+ent ( An 6e7 ,u to+e7 8 9ue tion , and p7ovide in=o7+ation on p7o,edu7e o7 poli,ie ( Sell ti,<et and othe7 ite+ to ,u to+e7 ( A i t ,u to+e7 :> p7ovidin) in=o7+ation and 7e olvin) thei7 ,o+plaint ( 3a h handlin) and till :alan,in) <ill

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T7ilin)ualB =luent in .u ian, U<7ainian and En)li h( Al+o t 3 >ea7 ,u to+e7 e7vi,e(

3 >ea7 ,o+pute7 and ,o++uni,ation <ill (

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