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ECE Department CHD 119 Lesson Plan Format Name: Angelica Kohlmann Title of Lesson Title an !

nformation of "oo# "ig Fi'e Content Area Targete Age *ro&p The Shape of Things

The Shape of Me and Other Stuff

"$ Dr% Se&ss Phonics( Phonemic A)areness( Fl&enc$ First *ra e

Stan ar s: +A Stan ar s of Learning ,S-Ls.

!ntegration of Kno)le ge an ! eas / 0se ill&strations an etails in a stor$ to escri1e its characters( setting( or e'ents% !ntegration of Kno)le ge an ! eas / 0se the ill&strations an etails in a te2t to escri1e its #e$ i eas% Phonics an 3or 4ecognition / Kno) an appl$ gra e/le'el phonics an )or anal$sis s#ills in eco ing )or s% Kno) the spelling/so&n correspon ences for common consonant igraphs%

Learning -15ecti'e,s.: (What do you want children to understand after completing this lesson?) After this lesson the students should be able to: 1% ! entif$ common items an animals 1$ their shapes 6% Spell simple items7animals ,cat( hat( og( pig( co)( pen( etc. 1$ so&n ing them o&t an i entif$ing the letters7so&n s 4eso&rces78aterials Nee e : (What resources will the teachers and the children use?) Lamp( classroom o15ects The 1oo# The Shape of 8e an -ther St&ff 1$ Dr% Se&ss Pre/c&t shapes ,cat( og( hat( c&p( pig( co)( pen( etc. Line paper( Pencils "&lliten 1oar paper( Scissors( gl&e( cra$ons( classroom items

Strategies: (How will the teacher engage the children? What activities will the children complete? Indicate the teacher questions prompts! e"pected child action! and the closing portion# Indicate at which point the students are teacher$directed and at which point they are child$directed#) %

"efore the lesson ! )ill as# the chil ren a1o&t sha o)s( an if the$ ha'e e'er seen their sha o) or the sha o) of something7someone else% ! )ill sho) them that man$ o15ects ha'e sha o)s an the$9re all ifferent% ! )ill then intro &ce the 1oo# The Shape of 8e an -ther Things( an start 1$ sho)ing the chil ren that there are man$ sha o)s of things sho)n in the pict&res( an go page/1$/page )ith the #i s rea ing an as#ing if the$ can point o&t )hat sha o) 1elongs to )hat item( or if the$ recogni:e an$ sha o)s as items the$ #no)% After rea ing the stor$( )e )ill ,as a gro&p. sit o)n at o&r es#s an ! )ill Sho) the chil ren one large c&t o&t of a familiar item% The chil )ill i entif$ the item( an then )e )ill so&n it o&t an spell it together( then the chil ren )ill )rite the )or on their line paper% The chil ren ma$ then in epen entl$ ra) sha o)s for each )or % After the chil ren9s in epen ent )or#( )e )ill come together as a gro&p an ma#e a 1&lletin 1oar &tili:ing classroom items the chil ren )ill trace an color to create a sha o) shape%

!n epen ent Practice: (What will the children do to practice the concept they have &ust wor'ed on) Writing words and drawing the shadows that belong to that word# (()# *cat+ with a picture of a cat nearby) ,reating a unique shadow$shape (using a classroom item) for a class bulletin board#

A aptation for Learner Di'ersit$: (How can this lesson be adapted or structured for children with special needs or different age groups?) For special nee s chil ren )ho aren9t as ph$sicall$ capa1le of ra)ing or c&tting( $o& can ha'e pre/c&t items for the 1&lletin 1oar an ha'e each chil name the sha o) $o&9re sho)ing an then ha'e them gl&e it on to the 1&lletin 1oar % For those )ho are not $et rea ing or spelling( it can help to foc&s on the so&n s )ithin each )or ,so&n the )or s o&t )ith the chil ren. an see if the chil ren can i entif$ )hich letter,s. ma#e each so&n % -

Assessment: (How will you determine the e"tent to which the children grasped the concept? .ust be connected to ob&ective and must be measurable) Assessment )ill 1e on the chil 9s a1ilit$ to )rite the pre'io&sl$ re'ie)e )or s 1$ so&n ing them o&t )hen the$ aren9t in sight( an to then connect )hich pict&re goes )ith )hich )or %

Thematic Possi1ilities (connections to other content areas) /his could be tied to a science unit! as shadows are created by light being cast in certain directions# 0ou could further develop this into the different shadows one ob&ect can ma'e! which can lead into simple math and addition# -ptional Anal$sis74eflection: (How well did this lesson wor'? Would you change anything ne"t time?) /his lesson has been a favorite of my students for the past 1 years! the children love to ma'e their own shadows in the end! and the 2r# 3euss boo's are silly and fun! as well as easy for them to begin to read# (4r guess what is coming ne"t when they pic' up on the rhyming pattern)#

So&rce of ! ea7!nformation: A apte from a lesson a co/teacher of mine &se

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