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Richard Yeung Prof.

Kat Gonso College Writing 3/20/14 Primary Review: Justin Wong First reading the rationale, it lets the audience know that the topic is about the MFAs Japanese exhibit. The audience of this review are tourists of Boston. The duration that this exhibit is open for plays an important role as well, as this review will influence the audience to go before it closes. Back to the main review, it is about a Japanese exhibit of different pieces. There is good description distinction between the two different types of woodblocks: the shin hanga and sosaku hanga. After, you go on to talk about the small little books with block printing, which is good because it shows there is more than one type of medium in which woodblock is printed. To conclude the review, you give a clear reason of why you recommend this exhibit at the MFA. Overall, I think you did a good job with the review. The first thing I did notice, however is the caption you have underneath the first illustration. I feel like since there is a caption underneath this illustration, it needs to be consistent with the other pictures (i.e. add captions). You do a good job in your first paragraph by stating the call to write and the urgency of writing this review, which would be because museums and art galleries were a small part of your childhood. In the second paragraph, you say that the exhibit felt incomplete and forced; I feel like you can expand and elaborate by writing more of why the works presented felt out of place.

Other than that, the focus is elaborated very well in the next two paragraphs. I think in the paragraph where you talk about the two different schools there could be more elaboration. Do some more research about the two schools. I think in the section where you talk about the sailboats you can add a little more. Perhaps you can research the history or importance of sailboats in woodblock printing. I also think its a little too abrupt when you talk about the artists attention to detail. I think you did a pretty good job in explaining the section where there are books with block printing. You explain the importance of its design and structure, and that is what the readers of a review are looking for. You also do a good job in critiquing and criticizing the location of these books; perhaps you can provide a slight suggestion of how the books may be showcased or tell the audience where they may find it. I liked how you reviewed the last piece of art, as you describe the reason as to why it is abstract and non-conforming to the traditional woodblock printings. Overall, this review was pretty good. One of the main things to keep in mind when writing this organization. At times while reading this, I would get so confused and I would often have to reread it 2 or three more times to understand it. It isnt that the vocabulary is hard to understand, but sometimes you talk about one topic too briefly and youre already moving on to the next. The readers of a review want very captivating to read, and if you dont think words can describe it well, maybe try to find more pictures and talk about the significance. I am sure that the exhibit was not only limited to the things you talked about, and you can research more about the exhibit online if you dont have time to return to the museum.

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