Arahan: Kira Dan Tulis: Kemahiran: Penyelesaian Masalah

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Nama : Class: Date:

Kemahiran : Penyelesaian Masalah

Arahan : Kira dan Tulis

1. Terdapat 3 bola hitam. Lily tambah 3 bola kelabu la i. !erapakah "umlah bola dalam bakul#

Nama : Class: Date:

$. Terdapat % bintan . Lily tambah 3 bintan la i. !erapakah "umlah bintan dalam bakul#

Nama : Class: Date:

3. Terdapat $ murid lelaki dalam kelas. Datan $ murid lelaki la i. !erapakah "umlah lelaki sekaran #

%. Lily mempunyai % bintan . Lily tambah % bintan "umlah bintan dalam bakul#

la i. !erapakah

Nama : Class: Date:

&. 'e(( has ) marbles. $ are bla*k. The rest are bla*k. +o, many bla*k marbles does 'e(( ha-e#

Nama : Class: Date:

). 'e(( has & balloons. 3 are ,hite. The rest are ray. +o, many ,hite balloons does 'e(( ha-e#

Nama : Class: Date:

Nama : Class: Date:

.. There are / bees . 3 (ly a,ay. +o, many bees are le(t.

Nama : Class: Date:

8. There are . days in a ,eek. +o, many days are there in $ ,eeks#

There are

days in $ ,eeks.

/. There are 3 plums in a pa*ket. +o, many plums are there in 3 pa*kets.

There are

plums in 3 pa*kets.

10. There are & pupils in a ro,. +o, many pupils are there in $ ro,s#

There are

pupils in $ ro,s.

Nama : Class: Date:

11. A bo1 *ontains 3 bars o( *ho*olate. Miss Amy bou ht % bo1es o( the *ho*olates. +o, many bars o( *ho*olate did she buy#

2he bou ht bars o( *ho*olate. ) (lo,ers are put e3ually into 3 -ases. +o, many (lo,ers are there in ea*h -ases#

There are

(lo,ers in ea*h -ases.

1$. / buns are eaten e3ually by 2han and his $ (riends. +o, many buns did 2han eat#

2han ate


13. Miss Chan has 10 pen*ils. 2he ,ants to i-e them e3ually to 3 irls and $ boys. +o, many pen*ils ,ill ea*h *hild et#

4a*h *hild ,ill et


Nama : Class: Date:

1%. 1$ pears are put e3ually into % baskets. +o, many pears are there in ea*h basket#

A basket has


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