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THE ACTIVITIES OF THE CENTRAL OPERATIONS 19 DEPARTMENT OF THE METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE. The Crown Prosecution Service has received intelligence of corrupt and criminal activities committed by several officers within the Central Operations 19 department of the Metropolitan Police Service !ncluded in this "le is CCT# evidence$ witness statements and more information to discredit Commander %avid &olce of the Metropolitan Police Service and officers within his specialist department The activities in 'uestion include Murder$ (revious )odily *arm and many more criminal o+ences Commander % &olce has also been suspected of soliciting to commit murder Two people have been involved in providing information to the Crown Prosecution Service and the Mayor of ,ondon Those two people being named as ,adness and i-&o.ii-/0 )oth have provided us with CCT# images to prove the illicit activities of the CO19 officers 1t this time in the investigation$ ! am able to name the following so far that have ta2en part and are believed to be still participating in these crimes3

Commander %avid &olce$ Central Operations 19 Superintendent Tasha *ughes$ Central Operations 19 Chief !nspector Connor Macrae$ Central Operations 19 !nspector 4amie 1rscott$ Central Operations 19

CCT# images prove that the officers named above did in fact$ with help from members of the &othschild organisation did torture a former member of the &othschilds named 5mily6178 and remove her "ngers$ eyeballs and other parts of her body

Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit

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The ne=t image is a witness testimony stating that Chief !nspector C Macrae severely assaulted him to ma2e sure he doesn>t >blab>$ meaning report him to the authorities

Exhibit DL-%

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More is yet to be added to this document This was last updated on the 1@6 A@67A1@

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