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The six interactive components of the patientcentered process

The patient-centered clinical method. Sumber : Stewart et. Al.(1995)

Exploring both the disease and the illness experience

-Dimensions of illness (feelings, ideas, effects on function and expectations) -history, physical, lab

Understanding the whole person

-The proximal context (e.g. Family, employment, social support) -The person (e.g. Life history, personal and developmental issues) -The distal context (e.g. Culture, community, ecosystem)

Finding common ground

-Goals of treatment and/or management -Roles of patient and doctor -Problems and priorities

Lanjutan ...

Incorporating prevention and health promotion

-Health enhancement -Risk avoidance -Risk reduction -Early identification -Complication reduction

Enhancing the patient-doctor relationship

-Compassion -Power -Healing -Self awarness -Transference and countertransference

Being realistic
-Time and timing -Teambuilding and teamwork -Wise stewardship of resources

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