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Observation #1 "What Lies Ahead" This episode happens over the course of two days..

The way the observaion is timed is how the actors would see it as it were happening. It is not timed as the veiwer is watching it. Location: An Atlanta highway going toward For Bennett 125 miles away. It is a hot and sticky summer afternoon. There is a graveyard of burnt wrecked and fli!!ed cars with bodies blood belongings litering the interstate. The grou! who are tired dirty and stranded are among the wreckage salvaging what they can. Figured World: A figured world is an atmosphere created upon a basis of shared values and brought to life by actors who work to meet goals and comunicate.
The figured world that I will be observing is a comic book turned TV show called The Walking Dead. Based in and around the city of Atlanta, eorgia, the story follows a grou! of !eo!le who are having to fight for survival from "ombies. The series starts with main character, #ick, waking u! in an abandoned and "ombie infested hos!ital after suffering through a gunshot wound. Because the series starts off like this, the characters nor the viewers know what the strains orgin is. Because of the des!erate need for survival, killing is acce!ted and e$!ected many times daily. The "ombies, which are called %walkers% by the characters, are vicious and chase after the humans if they hear or smell them. The only way to effectively kill a walker is to either cho! the head off or shoot them in the head, so the killings are vicious. &illing other humans like a !assing grou! is not allowed. Being greedy in the rations of food and water is frowned u!on as well. 'eavy wea!ontry is normal among the characters as well as the children having their own wea!on. Being strong and basically being heartless when you think of a life, is essential to survival in this figured world. The sensitive and weak do not survive. In this !retty much a!ocaly!tic environment, there is no internet, !hone service, or mail service. If the characters want to communicate something over a long distance, they have to travel to get the message to its destination. (ost of the communication is face)to)face verbal. There are many small grou!s of !eo!le in this world, but the show follows #ick*s grou! who is accumalated of his family, friends, and !eo!le he*s !icked u! along the way. But there is one grou! who does not get along with #ick and his friends. 'is followers call him %The overnor% and he is a vindictive, heartless, killing machine. Because they don*t share the same views, these are the two big discourse communities in the series. walkers are also a discourse community.

Actors: Actors are people who make up the figured world and give it meaning. They carry out the hopes, actions, and goals for the figured world and share the same values

as a whole. These actors I felt make the most impact on my chosen figured world for many different reasons. Rick Grimes: "ick is the sherriff of a small#town outside of Atlanta. After waking u! from coma to an ac!ocaly!tic world he reunites with his family and leads his small grou! through this dangerous world in search of survival. $e takes on the leader role in this figured world and is sometimes the voice of reason and com!romise.

Shane Walsh: %hane is "ick&s !artner and best friend. 'hen the outbreak ha!!ened %hane took "ick&s family under his wing and fled for safety. (uring that time %hane and )ori began a relationshi!. *ow that "ick is back it has stirred u! some unwanted feelings for %hane. %hane has a tendency to get out of control with his rage and "ick and )ori seem to be the only ones who can calm him down.

Lori Grimes: )ori is "ick&s wife and mother to +arl. %he is the emotional center to the grou! as well as a rock for "ick. %he really aids to +arol as they are the only mothers in the grou!. %he is torn between her husband "ick and his !artner %hane as she harbors feelings for him.

Daryl Dixon: (aryl became a !art of the grou! when he crossed !aths with "ick in Atlanta. $e is skilled in survival and a fearless asset to the grou!. $e rides alone on the road on his motorcycle. Although he is a stone cold machine he does have a soft s!ot for +arol and may have some feelings for her although they haven&t been admitted yet.

Carl Grimes: The son of )ori and "ick. +arl is at the age where he is starting to rebel against any authority he is given. $e loves his father but wishes that %hane was his father sometimes. $e wears his dad&s !olice hat.

Carol Peletier, The mother of %o!hia. %he is a sensitive weak emotional woman with a soft s!ot for (aryl.

Glenn Rhee: The -go#to- man when it comes to ma!s and automotive work. Always hel!ful and willing to volunteer.

Dale Hor ath: The moral co! of the grou!. .bviously has hard feelings towards %hane. $e is a father figure toward Andrea.

So!hia Peletier: +arol&s (aughter who has gone missing. +arl&s best friend.

Artifacts: Rick"s #a$%e : "ick kee!s his badge with him to show his su!eriority to the grou!. Although this is mostly effective it also causes tension with %hane and other actors who have leadershi! /ualities. G&ns: The guns are essential to survival for the grou!. This is how they stay alive from the walkers but the sound of the guns attracts more walkers. It henders their survival. Daryl"s #o : (aryl is the only one who does not use a gun in the grou! to !rotect himself. $is bow is im!ortant because it shows that he is a skilled survivalist and he uses the same for the duration of the show.

11 '()( * 1 P(). # The grou! is s!lit u! into a convoy of three cars. "ick )ori +arl +arol and %o!hia are in the stationwagon. 0lenn (ale %hane T#(og and Andrea are in the "1 while (aryl is riding solo on his motorcycle. )ori tells +arl of the time when they visited the 0rand +anyon when he was a baby and "ick !romises the whole car that they will go again soon. At the same time %hane is in the "1 cleaning the guns and teaches Andrea how to !ut the gun together that her father gave to her. The grou! then runs into the wreckae of cars and at that moment the "1 busts a valve and breaks down. 1 P()( * The grou! gets out and looks around the wreckage for gas water food and clothes while 0lenn and (ale try to fi2 the "1. Andrea cannot handle the sight of dead bodies and goes into the "1 to sit.

1:+, P() * (ale is on to! of the "1 looking through binoculars when he sees a !ack of walkers 3about a 144 or more5 walking u! behind the grou!. (ale warns "ick on the ground who in turn runs and tells everyone on the ground to get under the cars.

+arol gets se!erated from %o!hia but can see her under a car a few feet from her. Andrea who is still in the "1 is unaware of what is ha!!ening. %he sees the walkers and runs into the bathroom with the gun in !arts. The noise she is making attracts the walkers who try to get in the bathroom. T#(og is too late to get under a car falls and gashes his arm o!en. "unning away a walker smells his blood and chases him. $e falls and is backed u! against a car. (aryl comes u! behind the walker and kills it. Andrea kills the walker with a screwdriver in the eye. 1:-, P()( * Thinking all of the walkers have !assed the grou! starts to get out from under the cars when a walker sees %o!hia moving and starts chasing her. 6ore walkers start chasing her and she runs off of the interstate down a swam!y embankment and into the woods. "ick sees this and runs after thme with his gun. )ori sto!s +arol from runnig after them. 1:., P()( * "ick comes u! in front of the chase 7ust as %o!hia falls down. 'ith the walkers not far behind %.!hia begs "ick to shoot them with his gun. $e says no saying the noise would attract more walkers from the interstate. $e !icks her u! and carries her to the side of a creek where they both get in. $e tells %o!hia to hid inn the water under a cover of thick tree roots while he tries to drive them away from her. %he !rotests and begs him not to leave her. %he listens to his orders of not to move unless he doesn&t come back and they se!erate.

/:-. P() # "ick kills the walkers with a rock. +:+, P()( * "ick (aryl 0lenn %hane and T#(og are back at the s!ot where "ick left %o!hia and she isn&t there. "ick tells them everything that ha!!ened and they start looking for her. (aryl finds a trail and they s!read out. They lose her trail. - P()( # +arol is frantic and is wondering why not everyone is out searching. .:1. P() * (aryl and "ick find a walker kill it and o!en u! his stomach to check if it had eaten %o!hia. 0:+, P() * %unset is coming and %o!hia isn&t back. Andrea is mad at (ale because he won&t give her gun back to her. %hane takes (ale&s side saying she isn&t trained. "ick and (aryl come back em!ty handed and e2!lain that searching the woods in the dark would be like tri!!ing over themselves and that they&d search in the morning. +arol is frantic. "ick e2!lains what he did and +arol&s sadness turns to anger. 1 '()( * The grou! all gets a wea!on and goes into the woods in search !f %o!hia. (ale stays with the "1. They find a tent in the woods with a dead walker inside. 1, '() * The grou! hears church bells ringing in the distance. Thinknig it may be %o!hia signaling for hel! they run towards the noise. 1,:+, '()( * They find a church and no %o!hia inside # 7sut walkers. .utside of the church %hane tells )ori that he !lans on leaving the grou! and venturing out solo. )ori u!set tells him not to go while %hane tells )ori that she needs to tell "ick about their affair. 1,:+. '()( * +arol stays in the church and begs 0od to bring %o!hia back to her. /:+, P()( * "ick %hane and +arl go out on one last look for the day and they see a dear. +arl inching u! to it to get a better look while "ick and %hancce stay back and watch a gunshot goes off and the deer is shot. %o is +arl.

Disco&rse Comm&nities: %hane and "ick, They are both co!s so they automatically take on a sense of leadershi! in the grou!. Their ideas of what they think is right sometimes clash with the rest of the grou!. They are also entangled in a love triangle involving "ick&s wife )ori. 'hile "ick was in a coma in the abandoned hos!ital )ori and %hane thought he was dead and to kill the sting of loss %hane and )ori started a relationshi!. This had to be broken u! on the return of "ick. %hane stills harbors feelings for )ori.

Observation #/ " retty !uch "ead Already" #bservations $% and $& ta'e place over the course of one day but are two different episodes. The way the observaion is timed is how the actors would see it as it were happening. It is not timed as the veiwer is watching it.

#verview and Location: It is now months after %o!hia went missing and +arl has been shot. The man who shot +arl took them to $ershel 0reene&s farm. )uckily $ershel is a retired general !hysician and nurses +arl back to health. "ick makes a rocky deal with $ershel and he lets them stay on his farm until +arl is well again. The grou! lives on the edge of a field on the farm outside in a makeshift cam! of tents a motorhome and cars.

'ctors: Hershel Greene, .wner of the farm where "ick&s grou! is now living. Father to 6aggie and Beth. $e is kee!ing walkers in the barn because he believes they are sick. $e

doctored +arl&s dying body nack to health. $is views clash often with "ick. $e is stubborn and very inde!endent.

)a%%ie Greene: (aughter of $erhshel. %he is torn between her feelings for 0lenn and her loyalty to her father. %trong willed and inde!endent. %he is dating 0lenn.

1 '()( * The grou! is eating breakfast at their cam!. 0lenn sees 6aggie from across the field and she starts shaking her head no. 0lenn looks back at (ale who is shaking his head yes. 0lenn gets u! and tell the grou! that $ershel is kee!ing over a do8en walkers in the barn. 1:1. '() * The grou! gets u! and goes to the barn. %hane looks through the doors to see himself that walkers are in there. %hane says that they need to kill the walkers or leave the farm all together. "ick argues that they are $ershel&s guest it isn&t their decision to make and that it isn&t their land. +arol says they can&t leave because %o!hia is still out there. %hane yells at her saying that %o!hia is dead. (aryl comes in saying that they are close to finding her. That&s when %hane and (aryl start fighting. (ale says he talked to $ershel last night and that $ershel sees these walkers as sim!ly sick family members.. That&s when the barn doors start shaking from the inside.

1:+, '()( * %hane is walking aroun the barn surveying it. $e starts messing with the locks and the walkers start !ushing on the door because of the noise he&s making. At the same time 0lenn goes to 6aggie trying to a!ologi8e for telling the grou! about the walkers. %he smashes an egg into his hat. )ori is doing homework with +arl. +arl starts talking about %o!hia. $e doesn&t want to leave until they find her and even after that he doesn&t want to leave. 11 '()( * (aryl goes to the stables to get a horse ready to go look for %o!hia. +arols comes out of nowhere and asks him not to go because he is hurt and she is doubtful that %o!hia is still out there. +arol tells (aryl that she an&t lose him too. (aryl gets mad and storms out. (ale and Andrea are inside the "1. (ale advises Andrea about %hane. $e believes he is dangerous. Andrea leaves the "1 and (ale asks 0lenn to watch while he goes to get water. $e is really going to hide the guns. 11:1. '()( * $ershel is inside of his house eating !eaches and reading the Bible. "icks comes in and offers hel! and tells $ershel that he knows about the barn. $ershel tells "ick to leave the barn alone and that by the end of the week the grou! needs to be gone. "ick begs to stay and tell $ershel that )ori si !regnant. 11:+, '()( * "ick and %hane are at the barn. %hane says they need to leave and "ick says he is negotiating with $ershel. "ick tells %hane about )ori and %hane is visiably shaken. %hane thinks the baby is his but doesn&t tell "ick. 11:-. '()( * %hane goes to )ori and confronts her about her !regnancy. $e !rotests that the baby is his. )ori tells %hane that even if he is the father he won&tt be the dad ever. %hane says that "ick is not strong enough for this worl now and that she should !ick him. $ershel asks "ick to come hel! him with a favor. 1/ P()( * %hane goes into "1 looking for guns. $e cannot find them and knows that (ale took them. $e goes out looking for him. (aryl takes +arol into a flower field and a!ologi8es to her. (aryl says that he thinks %o!hia is still alive and he has nothing else to do but find her. +arol says they will find her. 0lenn meets 6aggie in front of her house and a!ologi8es for telling the grou!. $e says the reason he did it was because he is tired of danger and doesn&t want 6aggie to be in danger. They kiss. A lot. 1/:+, P()( * (ale is in the woods trying to bury the guns when %ahne finds him. $e

threatens (ale and (ale !oints a gun at %hane but cannot find the dtrength to shoot him. %hane takes the gun.%hane takes the guns back to the grou! and tells everyone that it is time to grow u! and start !rotecting their own. $e hands a gun to Andrea T#(og 0lenn and +arl. 6aggie tells %hane that if they do shoot the walkers in the barn $erhel will make them leave. "ick and $ershel are in the woods at creek. There are two walkers stuck in the mud and $ershel has !oles with hooks around the end to get them out. The result is to !ut them in the barn. 1/:-, P()( * "ick and $ershel are coming out of the woods when %hane and the grou! see tem. %hane runs down to them and starts shooting the walkers on a !ole to show $ershel and "ick that no -sick- human being can survive that many gunshot wounds. %hane o!ens u! the barn and the walkers emerge. (aryl T#(og Andrea and %hane !ut down the walkers as everyone else watches. After all are slain %o!hia comes out of the barn as a walker. +arol runs to her but is sto!!ed by (aryl. "ick takes it u!on himself to shoot her in the head.

"iscourse (ommunitites: Hershel Greene: $ershel has a hard time reali8ing that the world will never be the same again. $e looks at the walkers like a doctor looks at sick !atients. $e believes he can cure them and make them normal again. Thats why he tra!!ed his family in the barn.

Observation #+ ")ebras'a" The way the observaion is timed is how the actors would see it as it were happening. It is not timed as the veiwer is watching it.

1/:-. P()( * +arol is hysterical and (aryl is !ulling her u!. $ershel&s daughter Beth goes over to her mom who has 7ust been killed. As she turns her dead body over the walker attacks Beth. The grou! saves her. 1/:., P()( * %hane is interrogating $ershel as he and his family are walknig back to the house. %hane says that $ershel knew this whole time that %o!hia was in the barn and $ershel !rotests and says that he didn&t. $ershel tells %hane to get off of his land now. Andrea is with %o!hia&s body and covers it u!. 1:,, P()( * 0lenn asks 6Aggie if she knew about %o!hia. 6Aggie asks 0lenn what&s going to ha!!en now. 0lenn says they 7ust have to move on. T#(og %hane Andrea and )ori are at the barn. Andrea says they need to have a ervice for the ones they loved and burn the rest of the bodies. They start to !re!are the bodies. T# (og and Andrea think what %hane did was good. "ick is worried about the conse/uences with $ershel. )ori says there is no !oint in arguing anymore about it. 1:/, P()( * (aryl is in the "1 with +arol and is sitting with her. +arol is staring out of a window at an em!ty field. )ori comes in and tells her the service is about to start. +arol says she is not going because her daughter died a long time ago and that -thing- was not her daughter. / P()( * The service is over. T#(og and Andrea are loading u! the bodies to be burned. Beth is in the kitchen with 0lenn and 6aggie. %he colla!ses. They determine she is in shock. $ershel is gone. 6aggie reali8es that $ershel has gone into town to a bar he was a egular at when he used to be an alcoholic. "ick and 0lenn volunteer to go after him to get hel! for Beth. /:1. P()( * In the car 0lenn starts talking to "ick about his love for 6aggie and how he doesn&t think it is the right time for a relationshi!. "ick says all he has now is time. /:-, P()( * "ick and 0lenn find $ershel in the bar. They talk about ho!e and how they need to cling to it for the sake of their families.

/:., P() * )ori goes after "ick and $ershel because Beth is getting worse. .n the way she hits a walker in the road and loses control of her car fli!!ing it.

Artifacts: 2ire: The grou! uses fires to dis!ose of the dead walkers that they kill. Love: )ove is kee!ing ho!e alive in actors like 0len and 6aggie and %hane for )ori.

3ntervie #1 * Rick Grimes:

*. A lot of times+ certain situations come up that need someone to step up and ta'e charge in order to fi, it. -ow does your group decide on what needs a leadership role and who gets it. 'ell most of the time I feel that it is my res!onsibility to myself and the grou! that they are !rotected so if something is to ha!!en I will take it u!on myself to resolve it for the good of the grou!. This is because of the 7ob I led before the outbreak trained me to remain calm under stressful sitautions and to kee! focused at all times. %ometimes other members of the grou! may want to take on the res!onsibility and if the grou! thinks that is suitable then they can. 'e try to communicate as much as !ossible as a grou!. %. /ou too' it upon yourself to end 0ophia1s life when she emerged from the barn as a wal'er. Why is that. I was the reason %o!hia went missing. I should have stayed with her like she asked me to. I thought that by leading the walkers away from her was the best way to kee! her safe. 'hen she came out of the barn like that I felt like it was my res!onsibility to end this turmoil for her mom and she needed to die by my hand. &. Are you worried at all about (arl growing up in this now apocalyptic world. I feel like )ori and myself raised him right so far and though a lot of what we know is gone we will establish as much of a home as we can and I know +arl will be 7ust fine. $e may not have the most normal years ahead of him but it&s the new definition of normal that he will have to learn to ada!t to. $e will be stronger more skilled and focused on the well being of others and not 7ust himself. that you are at -ershel1s farm.

I was so ill !re!ared back then. I didn&t know anything and I was alone. I was scared and thought I had lost everything. 'hen I finally reconnected with everyone I found some faith somehow. I still don&t know everything but I am more !re!ared and skilled. I trust my grou! and although everyday is a new battle I&m not alone anymore. 2. 0hane+ who is your best friend and partner+ is starting to lose his cool more and more often. Are you worried at all about his attitude changing. I&ve known %hane since the seventh grade and he really is like my brother. I am so thankful to him for kee!ing )ori and +arl safe while I was gone. I understand that it is almost im!ossible for someone to remain sane and calm during something like this. I don&t blame him for acting like this but someimes he needs to calm down. 'hen the incident ha!!ened at the barrn he shouldn&t have ri!!ed o!en the barn doors and shot $ershel&s family like that. I&d rather not talk about that day.

Interview $% 3 0ophia eletier

*. /ou ran away after 4ic' told you to stay. What made you do that. I thought I knew how to get back to the interstate. I 7ust wanted to see my mom and I did what "ick said and ke!t the sun on my left shoulder. I 7ust wanted to see my mom. %. -ow did you end up on -ershel1s farm. I was in the woods. I tri!!ed and hurt my ankle and couldn&t get u!. Then I heard the walkers coming and I could crawl away fast enough. It ha!!ened so fast. I should&ve 7sut stayed in the creek.

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