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Sarah Kelzer Mass Comm: Law & Ethics 10-29-2013 Professor Dimitro a !

he "i#e $lo%& $ 'olice ri#e alo%& so(%#s li)e the t*'e of e+'erie%ce that co(l# offer &reat 'romise of actio% a%# #rama, -he% . recei e# the assi&%me%t to sha#ow a 'olice officer ri#e alo%&/ . was e+cite#0 there co(l# 1e &reat o''ort(%it* here, .% the e%#/ the e e%i%& we%t %othi%& li)e . e+'ecte# or e e% wa%te#, E e% tho(&h . sche#(le# m* tri' three wee)s i% a# a%ce/ the 'olice officers ma#e me wait twe%t* mi%(tes to e e% tal) to me, !we%t* mi%(tes ma* %ot seem li)e a 1i& #eal/ 1(t whe% it2s 3ri#a* %i&ht/ the thir# shift a%# it2s 1ee% a lo%& wee)/ all . reall* wa%te# to #o was 1e i% 1e#, 3(rthermore/ the 'olice officers were%2t too 1(s* to %otice me, !he* were 4(st sta%#i%& aro(%# a%# tal)i%&, 5fficer Katie 6, e%#e# (' 1ei%& 7st(c) with me,2 . )%ew she felt this wa* for a co('le of reaso%s, !he first thi%& she #i# was o'e% the #oor a%# sa* 89o( comi%2:; M* first tho(&ht was well, its nice to meet you, too . fo(%# o(t her act(al %ame whe% we &ot i%to her car, 6efore . co(l# e e% 1(c)le m* seat 1elt Katie was calle# to Case*2s <e%eral Store o% =%i ersit* $ e%(e 1eca(se of a 8#isor#erl*,; She #ro e >?m'h i% a 2?m'h %ei&h1orhoo#/ 1arel* sto''i%& for sto' si&%s a%# o% her com'(ter the e%tire time, . was &e%(i%el* scare#, .f . ca%2t e e% te+t a%# #ri e/ wh* sho(l# this 1e le&al: 5%ce we arri e# at Case*2s/ there was o%l* o%e )i# who was tal)i%& to a%other 'olice officer, Katie tol# me to wait i% the car 1eca(se . co(l# 1e a lia1ilit* as she &ot o(t to tal) to her fellow officer, -he% she came 1ac) to the car after a co('le of mi%(tes/ she was &e%(i%el* #isa''oi%te#, $''are%tl* the 'eo'le who were act(all* 1ei%& #isor#erl* were%2t e e% at the sce%e, !he com'lai%t was a1o(t how some *o(%& 'eo'le @either hi&h school or colle&e a&e#A threw a% o14ect at a%other *o(%& 'erso%2s wi%#ow, Katie sai# 8these )i#s are (' a%# #ow% =%i ersit* $ e%(e all the time, Bo o%e2s 1lameless here,; Katie we%t o% to #escri1e how these 8)i#s; #o this sort of thi%& all the time a%# how the* #o%2t reall* ta)e them serio(sl*, $ll . co(l# thi%) of was how (%'rofessio%al this was, !he* are still citize%s a%# #i#%2t #eser e to 1e 1low% off, $fter we left Case*2s/ we #i# a loo' @at the s'ee# of li&htA aro(%# tow% a%# hea#e# to the Kwi) Star &as statio% o% Mai% Street, Katie 'ar)e# her car %e+t to two other 'olice cars 1ehi%# the statio%, She sai# we were 4(st 8&oi%& to sto' i% C(ic) a%# &et a 'o',; . tho(&ht to m*self/ %o 'ro1lem/ she 'ro1a1l* 4(st %ee#s a caffei%e 1oost si%ce she2s wor)i%& the %i&ht shift, M(ch to m* #isma*/ the C(ic) 'o' tri' t(r%e# i%to a half ho(r lo%& 1(ll-shitti%& 1rea) with the two other officers, She literall* wor)e# for 10 mi%(tes a%# the% too) a 30 mi%(te 1rea), 3or all . )%ow/ it co(l# ha e 1ee% more tha% 30 mi%(tes 1eca(se . was so fe# (' with the sit(atio% . wal)e# home after 30 mi%(tes,

-hile . was there howe er/ . #eci#e# to ma)e the most of m* time a%# 1ecome a%# #o a% eth%o&ra'h* as a% o1ser er, . #i#%2t ha e m(ch choice 1(t to o1ser e 1eca(se the officers forme# a cliC(e imme#iatel* a%# wo(l#%2t #irectl* tal) to me, .%stea#/ the* referre# to me as if . was %ot sta%#i%& D i%ches awa*, 3or e+am'le/ the* ar&(e# a1o(t whose t(r% it was to ha e a 'erso% #o a ri#e alo%& with them, 8. was%2t e e% s(''ose# to ta)e her/; Katie sai# @her as i% meA, $s the three officers co%ti%(e# to &ossi' . %otice# ma%* thi%&s ta)e 'lace, 3irst/ o%e of the male officers sta%#i%& there/ #oi%& %othi%& a%# '(r'osel* acti%& &oof* was the same ma% who '(lle# me o er last semester, -he% he '(lle# me o er/ he was e+tremel* a&&ressi e/ mea% a%# tr*i%& to 1e i%timi#ati%&, !he ma% 1efore me %ow loo)e# %othi%& more tha% a )i# tr*i%& to &et atte%tio%, . co%cl(#e# he m(st ha e 1ecome a% officer for the 'ower it &a e him, !he seco%# thi%& . %otice of co%cer%e# &e%#er iss(es a%# the woma%2s role i% the wor)'lace, .% the fiel# a%# i% the car/ Katie was co%fi#e%t a%# %ot the t*'e to 1e easil* i%timi#ate#, Bow/ sta%#i%& with two male cowor)ers/ she slo(che# a&ai%st the co(%ter a%# &i&&le# at whate er the* sai#, $s a woma%/ . was offe%#e#, She was a woma% i% a male #omi%ate# wor) e% iro%me%t/ she was a stro%& 'io%eerE 6(t i% the 'rese%ce of the males/ she was s(1missi e a%# we%t a&ai%st e er*thi%& . 1elie e i%, Fer %o% er1al 1eha ior ma#e it o1 io(s that she felt %ot eC(al to them, .f a 'erso% came i% ri&ht at that er* mome%t to ro1 the &as statio%/ there is %o #o(1t i% m* mi%# that Katie wo(l#%2t ha e 1ee% the o%e to ta)e char&e, !here is %o reaso% for that, She ha# the same le el of 'ower as the males/ 1(t she chose to lower herself, M* ri#e alo%& e+'erie%ce e%#e# (' t(r%i%& i%to a ra%t a1o(t e er*thi%& that is wro%& with the s*stem, . 1e&a% to wo%#er/ is this a% acc(rate #escri'tio% of the 'olice force or #i# . 4(st &et a co' o% a #(# %i&ht: $t the er* least/ we co(l# ha e 1ee% i% the car 'atrolli%& the streets, !he Colle&e Fill was f(ll of st(#e%ts st(m1li%& aro(%#, .%stea#/ . liste%e# to i%a''ro'riate 4o)es @that . ha# %o #esire to hearA as m* woma% role mo#el &i&&le#, !here was so m(ch misse# 'ote%tial hereE . tha%)e# Katie 'olitel* for letti%& me ta& alo%& a%# . wal)e# home from the &as statio%, M* 1o*frie%# #ro e me to &et m* car that . ha# left at the 'olice statio%0 a% a''ro'riate e%#i%& for a #isa''oi%ti%& %i&ht,

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