Gamay: Day Length Type: Market Aim: Storability: Taste: Bulb Shape: Bulb Size

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Gamay (E 71.

Day length type: Market aim: Storability: Taste: Bulb shape: Bulb size: Skin quality: Late Short Day Fresh market Short to medium (2-4 months) Sweet moderately pungent Flattened globe to grano Medium large (60-90 mm), depending on seasonal factors, sow date and location Very attractive red colour

Nearest equivalent: Mata Hari, 2 weeks later Variety description: Late Short Day red onion with good handling and storage characteristics. It has a vigorous plant habit with good partial resistance to foliar diseases compared to most Short Day red varieties. Very good intensity red external colour with excellent internal ring colour development and good single centres. It has a tight neck, which is ideal for curing. Variety summary: Diseases: Growing area: Sowing period: ++ + + + Superior Late Short Day red onion Very good internal colour and skin retention Good foliar disease intermediate resistance Very good flavour

Good general foliage disease resistance Latitude 25-35: South Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, South Africa, Middle East South Hem: Late May-Late Jun North Hem: Late Nov-Late Dec (in all regions a few weeks earlier if by transplant seedlings)

Harvesting period: approx 24-26 weeks after seeding South Hem: Late Nov-Dec North Hem: Late May-Jun

Descriptions, recommendations and illustrations in brochures and leaflets shall correspond as closely as possible to tests and practical experience. This information shall be provided to assist professional growers and users, whereby variable local conditions must be taken into account. Under no circumstances shall Enza Zaden Export B.V. accept liability based on such information for deviating results in the cultivated product. The Purchaser shall itself determine whether the items are suitable for the intended cultivation and whether they can be used under local circumstances. Current information concerning the resistances is available on p under test for registration.

LATE SHORT DAY - March 2009


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