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This Hat is Beautiful.

1. Match the names of the clothes with the correct picture.

1. Sweater 2. Skirt 3. Pants 4. Socks 5. Blouse 6. Hat 7. Shoes 8. Suit 9. Dress

2. Complete the sentences with the correct demonstrative adjective according to the picture. 1) ... are your pants.

2) sweater is dirty.

3. Look!
DEMOSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES. Singular Plural Near This These Far



4. Circle the correct sentences.

1) a) Those pants are clean. b) That pants are clean. 2) a) This is my blouse. b) Those is my blouse. 3) a) That are your shoes. b) These are your shoes. 4) a) This is her hat. b) These is her hat. 5) a) This dress is beautiful. b) These dress is beautiful.

5. Look at the pictures then complete the sentences with the correct demonstrative adjective according to the pictures.
1) .. shoes. 2) pants. 3) dress. 4) suit. 5) hat. 6. Complete the sentences with the correct demonstrative adjective + verb to be according to the pictures.

1) .. my dress. 2) .. your socks. 3) .. his sweater. 4) ..her skirt. 5) my blouse.

7. Make sentences according to the pictures using the demonstrative adjectives. 1) 2) . 3) 4) 5) ..

Homework! Make three sentences with each demonstrative adjective using the clothes that you are wearing.

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