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Episode Three Study Guide Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What mistake does Jocasta think Oedipus is making?

(lines 1080-1088) What is the good news from the messenger? How does Oedipus react to the news? (around lines 1150) What is Jocastas advice to Oedipus on how to deal with the second part of the oracle (sleeping with his mother)? (around 1160) What tragic news does the messenger deliver to Oedipus? (lines 1200-1220) In your own words, retell the messengers story. How does Jocasta try to stop the messenger from relaying his story? At this point, how does the word blind accurately describe Oedipus? Describe the interaction between the messenger and the servant. What do we learn from them? At what point does Oedipus clue into the truth? When are the blinders removed? How does he react?

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