Props List

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$ &$'( )#"
Wheelchalr !CnA1PCn - uses wheelchalr
conLlnuously as he ls physlcally dlsabled
1v 8emoLe !CnA1PCn & uA8C? - used Lo represenL
Lhelr equallLy and !onaLhon helps uarcy
and Lrles repaylng Lhe favor for carlng for
Mlcrowave Meal uA8C? - used when she ls preparlng
!onaLhon's dlnner
knlfe & lork uA8C? - used when she seLs Lhe Lable
for hlm
SaLchel of owder uA8C? - used Lo pour lnLo drlnk. 1hls ls
!onaLhon's medlcaLlon
en & aper uA8C? - used Lo noLe down all of
!onaLhon's medlcaLlon and Lhe Llme
lllow/8eddlng !CnA1PCn - used Lo Lhrow Lhe plllow
on Lhe floor ouL of anger
urse uA8C? - used Lo collecL all her
belonglngs before she goes ouL
Make-up uA8C? - used when geLLlng ready and
also puLs lnLo her purse
keys uA8C? - used Lo geL lnLo Lhe door and
also shows when she ls leavlng Lhe house
Cup uA8C? - used Lo prepare for !onaLhon
and pour hls medlcaLlon ln
Mlrror uA8C? - used when she ls geLLlng ready

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