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Avalon Engineers - Home Initiative

Your Engineering Firm has received a request for a proposal from the Ministry of Sustainable evelopment! You are invited to" Propose an environmental house prototype using 3 of the 4 following renewable energy sources: sun, wind, water, or geothermal. This innovative house should use and conserve energy efficiently as well as minimize damage to the environment and to residents.

You must" #roduce a scale model of the house integrating the $ energy modules %sun& 'ind& 'ater and geothermal(! #rovide design plans and technical dra'ings for each part of the pro)ect *reate a brochure e+plaining in simple terms ho' the modules function and promoting the numerous advantages of your Eco Friendly house concept! ,sed mostly recycled materials %additional mar-s 'ill be given to students 'ho use all recycled material(!

Success *riteria" *riteria Your house should have 'indo's Your house should be insulated Your house plan %blueprint( is reflective of your model! Your blueprint is neat and organi.ed and properly labeled! You must use a ruler///// Your blueprint includes a legend or a -ey! Your house cannot have a volume

larger than 012 333 cm cubed % l423cm& '423cm h423(!It cannot be smaller than 0333 cm cubed % l403cm& '4 03cm& h403cm ( You must include the total volume of your house and its dimensions!

Minimal parental assistance % less than 125(! Your parents 'ere already in grade 2 "(

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