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Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder Written by Richard Louv Published in !!

" Read in !#$ In Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv compiles a series of anecdotes and research to showcase the alarming societal trend of our growing disconnect with nature. The book discusses in detail how beneficial nature can be in the development of a child and stresses the importance of reawakening an infectious enthusiasm about nature. As a pre service teacher with a bachelor!s degree in recreation, it is important for me to foster these e"periences and be an advocate for ke# ideas in Louv!s book, such as unstructured pla# and increased green space. Curriculum #: %ssential %ducation for a Changing World Written by &eidi &ayes 'acobs Published in !#! Read in !#$ $a#es %acobs! book supplies teachers with the tools necessar# to invoke a culture of learning in their classrooms& one that will give students the long term knowledge necessar# to survive in an ever changing world. 'he details a variet# of concepts, including the effective use of technolog#, collaboration, alternative t#pes of assessment, such as student portfolios, as well as numerous other topics. This book is important for teachers to read, as not onl# will its ideas better prepare the student for life outside of the school s#stem, but it will help to foster a more fle"ible and adaptive educator. (eaching With the )rain in *ind Written by %ric 'ensen Published in !!+ Read in !#$ %ensen!s book, Teaching With the (rain in )ind supplies teachers with the necessar# brain research and ps#chological perspective that will indefinitel# improve their teaching practice. $e discusses various topics such as the impact of the learning environment, the value of feedback, the importance of cooperation, and how being presented with various stressors can significantl# impact the learning process. As teachers, we have a significant amount of influence on our student!s ps#che and thus, it is important that we have the fundamental knowledge in place to make this influence a positive one.

,ierce Conversations: -chieving Success at Wor. and in Life One Conversation at a (ime Written by Susan Scott Published in !!/ Read in !#/ The *ierce Conversations program gives the reader the tools necessar# to have more meaningful and effective conversations in their ever#da# life. 'cott uses a variet# of anecdotes and a series of practical e"ercises to walk the reader through the individual steps necessar# to build better relationships through more robust and honest conversations. In the profession of teaching, we are surel# going to have disagreements, whether that!s with students or with other teachers and administrators. This book gives us the tools necessar# to have more d#namic conversations that will result in a more authentic solution for both parties involved. It also includes various tools such as the +,ecision Tree- that can be utili.ed in all facets of life to empower ourselves and others. Reaching -ll by Creating (ribes Learning Communities Written by 'eanne 0ibbs Published in !!1 Read in !#/ The Tribes program gives the reader the tools necessar# to create a positive and safe learning environment that enhances the transfer of knowledge. /ibbs discusses how to teach essential collaboration skills such as mutual respect and empath#, design interactive lessons teaching strategies and energi.ers, and how to build effective communities. As a teacher dedicated to providing students with a collaborative environment to learn, this book resounded with me b# the importance of collaboration in the classroom. The Tribes program includes a variet# of resources and strategies I plan to implement in m# future teaching. %nhancing Professional Practice: - ,rame2or. ,or (eaching Written by Charlotte Danielson Published in !!3 Read in !#/ ,anielson!s framework serves as a foundation for professionalism among educators as the# seek to enhance their skill in the field. The framework is composed of four domains including planning and preparation, the classroom environment, instruction, and professional responsibilit#, and is detailed thoroughl# with 01 corresponding elements. 2nhancing 3rofessional 3ractice is one of the more immediate applicable te"ts I have read in Crandall!s 2ducation program as it highlights what is e"pected of me as a teacher and how to distinguish m#self as a #oung professional.

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