Amiot Family: Prayer Requests

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Amiot Family
Josh, April, Taylor, Emma, and Lucy Missionaries to the Universities in Costa Rica


Prayer Requests:
Thank you for praying for April this past month. She got a good report on the cancer scan. PTL! Pray for safety as we travel in the coming month. Please continue to pray as we prepare for transition back to the States. There is a lot to complete here before leaving and a lot of prep before arrival. June 13th is the big day.

Furlough: Christian Life School Visit

In early March we hosted Christian Life School from Farmington, MN. With 19 youth and 16 teachers/administrators on the trip, it was like two teams in one. The students partnered with our home church La Cosecha (The Harvest) and shared the gospel message in High Schools. The teachers hosted a conference for all 6 Latin America Child Care Schools and lead chapel services for 4 of them. They also tackled a huge art room makeover at one of the schools. They also bought groceries and ministered to 20 hurting families in one of the communities. Fifteen responded to the gospel message. I am simply amazed at how God orchestrates events in our lives. We saw the hand of God move and touch so many during their visit. Thank you CLS for blessing Costa Rica.
We have several dates open for 2014. Especially Sunday p.m. and any midweek services/small groups, etc Please contact us at if you would like to have us visit. Wed love to see you.

We are looking for additional financial partners. There are different options available (monthly or 1-time) and we believe every $1 makes a difference. Please go to the following link:

Up Coming Events
March 18 - 20
Costa Rica AG General Council in Moravia, Costa Rica

March 30th
Workshop in Alejuela, CR. There are 9 Universities within one mile of city center.

April 5th
We will be hosting a conference on a Biblical Perspective of Homosexuality.

The teens doing dramas outside at a local High School

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