2014 Utah TPL Bills

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2014 Utah Transfer of Public Lands Legislation

The Utah legislature passed a substantial package of bills to support the Transfer of Public Lands during the 2014 session. These bills are designed to support the 2012 Transfer of Public Lands Act and represent the next steps that are necessary to ensure that the transfer process is a success. These bills demonstrate that the Transfer of Public Lands is not a land grab but truly an effort to bring reasonable management and use practices to public lands in Utah and throughout the West. HB 67: Political Subdivision Jurisdiction Amendments Provides mechanism for local jurisdictions to address immediate and imminent threats (e.g. fire) emanating from federal lands or policies. HB 120: Continuing Education on Federalism Requires representatives from certain state and local jurisdictions to receive continuing education on state/federal rights and responsibilities. HB 133: Contingent Management of Federal Facilities Authorizes governor to work with federal agencies to keep federal facilities open in the event of a federal fiscal emergency. HB 149: Amendments to Federal Law Enforcement Limitations Clarifies jurisdiction and authority in federal enforcement of state and local laws. HB 151: Commission on the Stewardship of Public Lands Sets up the Infrastructure for a lands transfer and for deciding the ultimate status of transferred lands. HB 160: Utah Wilderness Act Recognizes the importance of protected areas and sets up a process for nominating and approving state wilderness designation. HB 164: Interstate Compact on Transfer of Public Lands Creates a multi-state vehicle for transferring lands. HCR 13: Concurrent Resolution on Transfer of Public Lands Resolution supporting Transfer of Public Lands Act. HJR 21: Joint Resolution on the Sovereign Character of PILT Urges Congress to Permanently fund PILT- Payment in Lieu of Taxes.


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