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Honorio Gonzalez EDU 533 Intercultural Competence Annotated Bibliography Moodian, M.A. (2009).

Contemporary Leadership and Intercultural Competence: Exploring the cross-cultural dynamics within organizations. United States of America: Sage Publishing. This book talks about the cross-cultural dynamics within organizations in regards to contemporary leadership and intercultural competence. It talks about how contemporary leadership and intercultural competence can enhance the environments at work within different organizations. Byram, M., Nichols, A., & Stevens, D. (2001). Developing Intercultural Competence in Practice. Great Britain: Cromwell Press Ltd. This book talks about how to develop intercultural competence and put it into practice in diverse environments. Also how language teachers can use intercultural competence in their classrooms and also put it into practice in diverse situations. Savicki, V. (2008). Developing intercultural competence and transformation: Theory, research, and application in international education. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. This book talks about how to develop intercultural competence for the international education system. Also emphasizes on the importance of international education and its various opportunities.

Lustig, M. W., & Koester, J. (2013). Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal communication across cultures. Unites States of America: Pearson Education, Inc. This book talks about intercultural competence and communication and how to apply it. It also explains how use both the practical and theoretical and use it for intercultural communication. Saint, S. (2005). End of the Spear. United States of America: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. This book talks about the story of Steve Saint and his fathers killing. Also talk about the transformation of the Waodani people to become followers and believers of God. Hosseini, K. (2004). The Kite Runner. Canada: Anchor Canada of Random House. This book tells the story of treachery and redemption of a boy in Afghanistan from the Soviet invasion to the rose of the Taliban. It shows the cost of treachery and redemption throughout the story. Dancinbabi013. (2009, November 2). Intercultural Competence: Good vs. Bad. Retrieved from This video shows an example on how to display good and bad intercultural communication at a friends dinner setting. Louise Giesbrecht. (2013, June 7). Defining Intercultural Competence. Retrieved from This video shows how to define and understand intercultural competence and how to better use and practice it with others.

MDBGroupInc. (2011, April 20). Intercultural Competence Overview. Retrieved from This video talks about intercultural competence in the sense of it becoming intercultural expertise. It also shows on how better to use and apply this intercultural expertise for the work environment. Wayne Anderson. (2013, December 23). Beyond the gates of splendor. Retrieved from This video is a documentary on the book and movie End of the Spear and also on the true story of both Steve and Nate Saint and their encounters with the Waodani people.

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