Annotated Bibs 2014

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Ariel Thomas Mrs.

Thomas English 1102 12 March 2014

Annotated Bibliography Gruger, William. "Soundwave: Frictionless Music Discovery." Billboard 125.33 (2013): 39. Academic Search Complete. Web. 26 Feb. 2014. William Gruger, social/streaming charts manager for Billboard, does a great job at illustrating this article to connect his readers in the article Soundwave: Frictionless Music Discovery. Gruger explains about the well-known app called Soundwave. Soundwave is suppose to record your listening habits that records their music history, then it posts the items you listen to, to a forum where your friends can go and listen as well. This famous app with over a quarter million downloads, is a great way of promoting different artists and spreading their music all around the world. Even though this app does not relate the most with my question it is very useful. Gruger explains to the audience how common Soundwave is but this shows how music can easily broadcasted and advertised. Friends can easily influence you to do many things as well as listening to different things which can influence one to feel a certain way due to the music they listen to. This article is more towards a broad audience maybe more like music promoters or people dealing with music marketing. Gruger does a great job explaining how large and growing this app is which shows how music is very popular in this world.

Mehr, Samuel A., Adena Schachner, Rachel C. Katz, and Elizabeth S. Spelke. "Two Randomized Trials Provide No Consistent Evidence for Nonmusical Cognitive Benefits of Brief Preschool Music Enrichment." Ed. Marina Pavlova. PLoS ONE 8.12 (2013): E82007. Print. The authors Samuel A. Mehr, Adena Schachner , Rachel C. Katz , Elizabeth S. Spelke are very fortunate when constructed this article called "Two Randomized Trials Provide No Consistent Evidence for Nonmusical Cognitive Benefits of Brief Preschool Music Enrichment." This article reflects on a childs behavior when it comes to music and how they develop with and without being around certain musical activities. The authors experimented on preschoolers and their skills going through a series of musical courses. This article is looks more to maybe researchers and people of all ages. Music demonstrates many things when it comes to anyones personality and mood. If you grow up with a certain type of musical genre, will you act a certain type of way? These authors persuade my thinking to go more for music being a great part of our lives and how we develop as people. Youm, Hyun Kyung. "Parents Goals, Knowledge, Practices, And Needs Regarding Music Education For Their Young Children In South Korea." Journal Of Research In Music Education 61.3 (2013): 280-302. Academic Search Complete. Web. 26 Feb. 2014. The author Hyun Kyung Youm gives a very broad view in this article. Journal Of Research In Music Education, the article by Youm, shows how we as people influence others. As parents, many people develop a sense to put their children or family members in music related surroundings or activities. Youm demonstrates how parents are a main source in a childs musical development especially in South Korea. The strictness is more

crucial than it is here when dealing with a child. So the question that relates to my topic is whether or not a parents influence or parenting can persuade a childs musical taste? If we did limit what our children listen to, then can we change their personality and who they really want to become? This article relates more to prospective parents, parents in general or adults. Schmeling, Paul, and Susan Gedutis Lindsay. Berklee Music Theory Book 1. Milwaukee: Berklee Pass, 2011. Print. Paul Schmeling, the author of Berklee Music Theory Book 1 2nd Edition, studies music and tries to teach us about to use our ears to dissect music. I believe this book is perfectly fit for my paper. It breaks down the tones and rhythms of music and it helps you actually feel the music. The book also comes with a cd that helps you actually dissect the music with Schmeling and break it down to actually put it back together to make it into the same song but you hear everything that makes up that song to make it sound the way it does. He takes popular genres like jazz, pop, and the blues to demonstrate the different attitudes of music. In the book, Schmeling is tries to give music a voice, and he wants you to imagine what it is saying so you can understand music in a deeper sense. The audience of this book would be anyone who personally wants to know anything about music. Bonneville=Roussy, Arielle, Peter J. Rentfrow, and Jeff Potter. "Music Through the Ages: Trends in Musical Engagement and Preferences From Adolescence Through Middle Adulthood." (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 29 Feb. 2014. The authors, Arielle Bonneville-Roussy, Peter J. Rentfrow, Man K. Xu, and Jeff Potter, are the writers of the article: Music Through the Ages: Trends in Musical

Engagement and Preferences From Adolescence Through Middle Adulthood. This article deals with the musical impact on different age groups. It discusses the different methods used and the procedures they work through. The authors examine the similarities and differences between the different personalities as well as the different behaviors. Many music choices are used to figure out the musical development of our time period. In the article, there are also many charts and graphs which gives us a visual aspect of the types of musical engagement. The audience of this article would be researchers who want to know more about musical development or just people who are interested in music and how it affects different moods and ages. Gidney, Natural D. "Natural's Music Experience." Personal interview. 17 Mar. 2014. I actually did a personal one on one interview with my close friend Natural Gidney. Natural loves music and we always talk about our musical experiences together so I decided to interview her and get her personal experience on her musical development. She talked about how she started recognizing music in church that was very significant to me because that is where it started for me. The choir influenced her and of course her parents were strictly enforcing her musical choices. Now she has her own desire of different musical choices and they definitely reflect her personality. Natural describes how music has shaped her personality and made her who she really is. The audience for this interview can be anyone because her life experiences are so interesting and helpful to my question. Ectasy. Perf. ATB. VJ Chaotic, 2011. Youtube. The video Ecstasy, by ATB and Chaotic, describes music as a visual appearance. This video is a representation of musical movement and dramatizations. It starts off with

one rhythm and one ball bouncing. Then it fluctuates into different beats and tones one by one to make the complete sound. This helps me with my inquiry question a lot because I can see actually how someone thinks music looks like. The audience can really vary for this video because the music and the visuals are appropriate for all ages. I just love how this video takes a life of its own and all the visuals work together to form a very cool song.

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