Carlos Grullon: Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology, December 2009

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403 Fifth Ave. Cedarhurst, NY 11516 EDUCATION Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology, F"ushi&!, NY Ass% iate i& ' u(ati%&a" )tudies, *e e$+er 2012 ,a-%r. Airfra$e a&d /%0er("a&t 1e h&%"%!2 3/A. 3.64 SUN !ar"ingdale, Far$i&!da"e, NY Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology, *e e$+er 2009 ,a-%r. Aut%$%tive ,a&a!e$e&t Technology 3/A. 3.2 Associate in Applied Science, ,a2 2008 ,a-%r. Aut%$%tive 1e h&%"%!2 3/A. 3.1 #ONORS$ A%ARDS CERTI!ICATIONS &RO!ESSIONAL E)&ERIENCE 5au!h& C%""e!e *ea&6s 7ist, Fa"" 2011, )(ri&! 2012 5au!h& C%""e!e /reside&t6s 7ist, )u$$er 2011 Ne0 Y%r8 )tate 9&s(e t%r %f Aut%$%+i"es, N%ve$+er 2010 Airfra$e Certifi ate :3668460, ' t%+er 2012 !A!G Auto Re'air( 9&0%%d, NY ;u&e 2006- /rese&t Automotive Technician/Manager /erf%r$ed $ai&te&a& e a&d %verhau" 0%r8 %& aut%$%+i"es 9&tera ted 0ith ust%$ers t% dis uss vehi "e re(airs a&d a&s0er <uesti%&s a&d %& er&s re!ardi&! ust%$er vehi "e =%r8ed i& tea$ 0ith staff t% %$("ete $a-%r (r%-e ts su h as tra&s$issi%& re("a e$e&ts C"ea&ed a&d %r!a&i>ed (arts i& sh%( US&S, ;F? Air(%rt, ;a$ai a, NY Casual Clerk/Mail Handler @&"%aded tru 8s %& ra$( t% $%ve the (a 8a!es t% their %rre t stati%&s 'r!a&i>ed $ai" t% e&sure %rder"2 e&vir%&$e&t /re(ared a&d set-u( asse$+"2 +e"t t% se&d (a 8a!es t% the 2 &d f"%%r =%r8ed 0ith e$("%2ees t% effi ie&t"2 divide the (a 8a!es <ui 8er ADDITIONAL E)&ERIENCE *e e$+er 2010 (516) 239-3899 ar!ru"#!$ai". %$

Sun * Surf +each Clu,, At"a&ti Aea h, NY ,a2 2004- )e(te$+er 2008 Cabana Attendant C%$$u&i ated 0ith "u+ $e$+ers t% $eet t% assist 0ith &eeds a&d re<uests thr%u!h%ut da2 ,%&it%red +ea h at$%s(here t% e&sure safet2 a&d se urit2 f%r "u+ $e$+ers a&d +e"%&!i&!s C%%rdi&ated 0ith staff t% (reserve "ea& a&d %r!a&i>ed at$%s(here a&d !uara&tee (%sitive eB(erie& e f%r a"" "u+ $e$+ers Aasi u&dersta&di&! %f )(a&ish ,i r%s%ft (=%rd a&d CB e")


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