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NearPod Pre-Assessment

Mrs. Walls Third Grade Class 24 students 1 ELL student 1 IEP student 1 504 plan student Subject: Science Topic: Plants Length of Lesson: 60 minutes Standards: MA: Science and Technology/Engineering, MA: Grades 3 - 5 , Life Science (Biology)
Plant Structures and Functions 2. Identify the structures in plants (leaves, roots, flowers, stem, bark, wood) that are responsible for food production, support, water transport, reproduction, growth, and protection. 3. Recognize that plants and animals go through predictable life cycles that include birth, growth, development, reproduction, and death.

Objectives: 1. To assess students prior knowledge about plants, seeds, and plant life cycles 2. To incorporate technology into the classroom and have students engage with it hands-on 3. To utilize a variety of methods to assess students Understandings: 1. Students will be able to engage in multiple methods of assessment to showcase their prior knowledge 2. Students will be able to operate their own iPads to build more experience with technology. Assessment: Student responses to the True/ False questions, the quiz questions, the short response questions, and the drawing questions. Instruction: 1. Say to students, Today, friends, we will be starting our unit on plants. To try and remember everything we know about plants, we will be using a NearPod today. 2. Pass out the iPads to each student, having the student materials passer aid you so it runs more smoothly. 3. Write the NearPod pin on the board and wait for the students to all navigate to the plant presentation. Steps 1-3 should take 10 minutes at most. 4. For the duration of the NearPod presentation, go through each slide with the students. Make sure to take screen shots of all the answers students give you so you can keep them and use them for comparison to their end of unit assessment. The rest of the NearPod presentation should take about 50 minutes

5. During the timelapse videos of the seed and the flower, say to students, Pay close attention to the growth of each organism? What do you find similar and different about each growing? 5 minutes 6. During the draw it, say to students, Your drawing does not have to be perfect! I am more concerned with the labeling of the parts of the plant than how your drawing looks! 7. Discuss the Parts of Plants diagram with the students. Answer any questions they may have. 8. With the first open response question, have students think about plants they have at home and have seen outside and what they believe plants need. 9. When discussing that plants need sunlight, water, and nutrients, emphasize to students that plants need all three things or they will not grow correctly. 10. During the Draw the life cycle of a plant draw it, again, remind students to think about plants they have seen in their own lives and have the students think about the step that those plants take to grow. 11. During the slides about pollination, say to students, Pollination is how plants receive what they need from other plants in order for more plants to grow. 12. For the slides about insects as pollinators, ask students, What insects do you think could help with pollination? How else could plants be pollinated? 13. When talking about plants that dont have flowers, have students discuss conifers and their past experiences with them. 14. When talking about mushrooms and fungi, ask students, Why do you think these are not flowers? 15. When talking about how flowers produce seeds, discuss with students that for fruit plants, they have a flower, a fruit, and then the seeds come from the fruit. 16. Emphasize to students that when flowers die after producing seeds, they need to in order to give nutrients back to the soil. 17. For the questions about one seed producing many plants and one plant producing many seeds, stress the difference between these two concepts. 18. For the final video with the Wisconsin Fast Plants, say to students, We will be growing these plants specifically in our classroom and you will be working with these plants to work on observations and to take down data about them and create a chart. This is a sneak preview of what you will see over the next several days with these plants! 19. Collect the iPads and make sure each one is plugged into its correct space. Materials: 25 iPads Plant Unit Pre-Assessment on NearPod Sponge Activity: No sponge activity because the lesson is a whole class lesson that is very teacher guided. The students will begin and end at the same time.

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