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Phase 1 Pre Assessment

Phase 1 Pre Assessment Julian Jernigan

Phase 1 Pre Assessment

Table of Contents Section Page

1. Purpose and Scope.. 3-5 2. Focus..6 3. Data.7-8 4. Target Dates and Timelines.9 5. Resources.9 6. Budget...9 8. Evaluation Plan...10 9. Approval Plan ..10-11 10. Attached Documents..12

Phase 1 Pre Assessment

Section 1 Purpose and Scope A. Background The Savannah-Chatham County Public School System (SCCPSS) consists of schools primarily for grades pre-kindergarten through twelve and serves more than 35,000 students. The district employs more than 5,000 full-time employees, nearly 3,000 of which are classroom teachers and other certified personnel. The high schools are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI), and the middle and elementary schools are accredited by the Georgia Accrediting Commission (GAC). The district operates 51 schools and alternative education centers. It also includes satellite facilities such as Massie Heritage Center, a preserved historic school, and Oatland Island Wildlife Center, an environmental education complex. SCCPSS is committed to moving forward and ensuring that all students are prepared with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the workforce or continue to post secondary education. To support this commitment, the Passport to Excellence plan was implemented. This plan focuses on creating neighborhood schools for building community ownership, refocusing specialty programs, identifying key performance indicators that measure progress toward goals, and aligning funding to improve schools/facilities and support functions. The Passport to Excellence is supported by four main components: Georgia Race to the Top District Accountability System ESPLOST (Educational Special Purpose Local Options Sales Tax) Technology Plan The Board of Public Education for the city of Savannah and the county of Chatham believes technology resources are essential to support the overall district vision, From school to the world: All students prepared for productive futures. We envision future classrooms infused with technological tools to assist and better prepare our students for the increasingly competitive global work force. It is the districts desire to provide students a learning environment that is not only engaging, relevant, and rigorous, but also challenging, interactive, and ubiquitous. Twenty-first century tools open the door to limitless learning by providing access to global information and resources.

Phase 1 Pre Assessment

The following vision statements will help communicate and guide the district in addressing specific areas of improvement. Provide ongoing professional development training for the successful support and use of technology within the instructional and administrative systems. Provide equitable access to a variety of technology resources for all students. Capture, analyze, and provide meaningful data to support Decision Making for results. Provide teachers, administrators, and students ubiquitous access to district digital content and online resources. Ensure quality of service and support is maintained during the instructional time period. Utilize technology resources to engage parents, businesses, and the community. Enhance the instructional and administrative processes through the use of technology tools. Identify, monitor, and leverage funding sources to ensure fiscal responsibility and effective resource stewardship. Improve and maintain the districts electronic resources to support a safe and secure environment for staff and students. Provide opportunities for all students to develop and master 21st century skills. Provide adaptive technology for students with diverse learning styles and needs. Enhance and maintain a central resource for collaboration and the sharing of information. Remove barriers and provide opportunities for innovative technology-driven solutions that meet the needs of todays teachers and students.

Phase 1 Pre Assessment

B. Purpose and Scope Savannah-County School District is committed to fully engaging 21st Century learners. Current classroom technologies, such as interactive whiteboards and slates, mounted multimedia projectors, document cameras, and student responses system, assist teachers in creating active and engaging learning environments. Although the district has made great strides in providing technology equipment and teacher training in the past three years, there is still considerable work to be done. It is important that the district continue to move forward in providing instruction technology and training for all instructional areas at all sites The district has stated in their goals of Instructional Technology Uses that all students must have access and instruction in developing their online portfolios. A similar statement has been included under faculty professional development goals and is expected to come to fruition by the end of the 2015 school year. Statement of Problem: SCCPSS has extremely well researched goals that are current with today educational technology partnership, however it has no current mode of delivery for either the professional development(teacher/administrator/staff) nor the student portions of this particular expectation and that will be the focus of this assessment.

C. Focus The Level I Needs: The student population (traditional and online) of Savannah Chatham County Public Schools and its knowledge of and access to developing and maintaining a web portfolio. The Level II: Service providers (instructional personnel) of Savannah Chatham County Public Schools and the increased need for training in order to fulfill the requirements of the goals set forth by the district The Level III: Additional resources needed to complete the web portfolio requirements set forth by the district; additional books, computer software, etc.; additional instructional staff, training; additional funding for all resources (personnel and instructional resources).

Phase 1 Pre Assessment

Section 2 Focus The Level I: The student population (traditional and online) of Savannah Chatham County Public Schools The Level II: Service providers (instructional personnel) of Savannah Chatham County Public Schools The Level III: Resources needed; additional books, computer software, etc., additional instructional staff, training; additional funding.

Phase 1 Pre Assessment

Section 3 Data Data to be Gathered SCCPSS Technology Plan Goals Source Method

Available Online: Archived Document: SCCPSS Technology t/ddi/Documents/FINALTech Plan 2012-2015 Plan2012-2015.pdf Survey Available at: https://www.surveymonkey.c om/s/W3SJ23X Survey Available at: https://www.surveymonkey.c om/s/MLB5RXF Survey Available at: https://www.surveymonkey.c om/s/MVG9KLV Survey Available at: https://www.surveymonkey.c om/s/MDW3S8Z Survey of Current SCCPSS Student Body Survey of Current SCCPSS Faculty/Staff Survey of Current SCCPSS Administrators Survey of Current SCCPSS Faculty/Staff

Student Interest in a Creating a Digital Portfolio Faculty/Staff Interest in Creating a Digital Portfolio Administration Interest in Creating a Digital Portfolio Current Faculty Knowledge/Comprehension of Portfolio Development NETS-S Standards

Available Online at: Archived Document ISTE Website 20-14_ISTE_StandardsS_PDF.pdf

Phase 1 Pre Assessment

Section 4 Timeline and Target Dates Event Collect Data from Governing Bodies Review of Collected Data Distribute Student and Faculty Surveys Compile Data from Student and Faculty Surveys Completion of report Submission of Report Full implementation Evaluation of implementation Formative evaluation Target Date January 30th February 2nd February 3rd February 7th February 20th February 21st TBA TBA Ongoing during assessment

Section 5 Resources

Access to the SCCPSS Technology Plan Time to review all literature from the data gathering Access to SCCPSS Student Body, both Physical (on campus) and Digital(On-Line) Access to SCCPSS Faculty/Staff Time to compile data from both Faculty and Student Body Surveys

Sections 6 Budget Budget should be minimal, since all of the resources can be reviewed, produced, and completed digitally. Section 7 Evaluation Plan In order to insure success throughout the project, a formative evaluation along with a project map will be used. The project map will serve 2 functions: illustrate the vision of the project and outline the steps in which the project will take place. This will be created by the needs assessor and the committee prior to beginning the pre-assessment[B1] . The project map will be used as a formative evaluation which will monitor the plan and how it develops. The needs assessor and

Phase 1 Pre Assessment

the committee will confirm tasks are being carried out in a timely fashion. If problems should arise, corrective action will take place.

Section 8 Contingency Plan Based on data analysis from Phase 1 adjustments may be made to Phase 2. If data produces evidence that establishing a Digital Portfolio will not benefit or profit stakeholders then other options must be surveyed.

Section 9 Approval Plan Memorandum of Agreement A needs assessment will be conducted at SCCPSS to determine if SCCPSS should create a Digital Portfolio Online Module. The needs assessor duties will include Stating the purpose and scope of the problem Stating the focus of the levels 1, 2, and 3 needs Create a project map The Needs Assessment Committee will be comprised of students/faculty/administrators currently in grades 9-12 in a SCCPSS School. The duties of this committee will include: Participate in focus groups that will carefully review all data gathered Reviewing data that has been collected Locate resources that will aid in the needs process Create a project map

________________________ (Needs assessors signature) _________________________ (Committee members signature) _________________________ (Committee members signature) _________________________

Phase 1 Pre Assessment

(Committee members signature) _________________________ (Committee members signature) _________________________ (Committee members signature) _____________________________ (Committee members signature) _____________________ (Committee members signature) _________________________ (Committee members signature)


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