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Under the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980 (Batas Pambansa Blg 1!9"# all courts e$ce%t the &u%reme 'ourt# the &andiganbayan and the 'ourt of (a$ A%%eals )ere abolished and the follo)ing 'ourts )ere created* +ntermediate A%%ellate 'ourt, Regional (rial 'ourt created in 1- Judicial Regions including the .ational 'a%ital Regions and other areas as may be established by la), /unici%al (rial 'ourts in cities and munici%alities, and the /unici%al 'ircuit (rial 'ourts Under 0$ecuti1e 2rder .o - dated 1983# the +ntermediate A%%ellate 'ourt )as renamed the 'ourt of A%%eals (he follo)ing are re%resentati1e sam%les of 'a%tion filed in said courts*


JUA. 405A 'RU6 Plaintiff#

81ersus8 P04R2 &A.(2& 4efendant :888888888888888888888888888888888888888888: II. AC+NO,LEDGMENT- JURAT AC+NO,LEDGMENT $Si.&l! /*r.% R0PUB5+' 29 (;0 P;+5+PP+.0&< PR2=+.'0 29 < && /U.+'+PA5+(> <

'i1il 'ase .o 77777777 9or &um of /oney

B092R0 /0# this77777 day of 777777777# !001 in the /unici%ality of 77777777777777777# Pro1ince of 7777777777777# Phili%%ines# %ersonally a%%eared 77777777777777777777777 # )ith Residence 'ertificate .o 7777777 issued at 77777777# on 777777777777777 # and B + R (a$ Account .o 77777777 ?no)n to me to be the same %erson )ho e$ecuted the foregoing instrument# and he ac?no)ledged to me that the same is his free act and deed +. @+(.0&& @;0R029# + ha1e hereunto set my hand and affi$ed my notarial seal# the day# year# and %lace abo1e )ritten .otary Public /y 'ommission e$%ires 4ec -1# !001 +BP .o 77777777# 1A!A!001# Pasig 'ity P ( R .o 777777# !A!A!001# Pasig 'ity 4oc .o 77777, Page .o 7777, Boo? .o 77777 &eries of !0777

AC+NO,LEDGMENT OF INSTRUMENT CONSISTING OF T,O OR MORE PAGES R0PUB5+' 29 (;0 P;+5+PP+.0& " PR2=+.'0 29 77777777777777 " /U.+'+PA5+(> 29 7777777777777"


B092R0 /0 this 77777 day of 777777777777777# !001 in the /unici%ality of 77777777777777777# Pro1ince of 777777777777# Phili%%ines# %ersonally a%%eared 7777777777777777777777# )ith 'ommunity (a$ 'ertificate .o 777777777 issued at 7777777777777777 on 7777777777777777 and ( + . .o 77777777# ?no)n to me to be the same %erson )ho e$ecuted the foregoing instrument# and he ac?no)ledged to me that the same is his free act and deed (his instrument# consisting of 77777 %ages# including the %age on )hich this ac?no)ledgement is )ritten # he has been signed on the left margin of each

and e1ery %age thereof by 777777777777777777 and his )itness# and sealed )ith my notarial seal +. @+(.0&& @;0R029# + ha1e hereunto set my hand# the day# the year# and the %lace abo1e )ritten .2(AR> PUB5+' /y 'ommission e$%ires 4ec -1# !001 +BP .o 777777# 1A!A!001# Pasig 'ity P ( R .o 7777# !A!A!001# Pasig 'ity 4oc .o 77777, Page .o 77777, Boo? .o 77777, &eries of !07777 JURAT

&UB&'R+B04 A.4 &@2R. to me# in the /unici%ality of 77777777# this 7777th day of 777777# 19 7777 by# 7777777 )ith 'ommunity 'ertificate .o 77777 issued at 77777 on 777777# !001 .2(AR> PUB5+' /y 'omission e$%ires 4ec -1# !001 +BP .o 777777# 1A!A!001# Pasig 'ity P ( R .o 7777# !A!A!001# Pasig 'ity 4oc .o 77777, Page .o 77777, Boo? .o 77777, &eries of !07777

0ERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION OF NON1FORUM SHOPPING 0ERIFICATION JUA. 405A 'RU6# subscribing under oath# hereby de%oses and states that* + am the %etitioner in the instant case + ha1e read the foregoing Petition and the allegations therein are true and correct of my o)n ?no)ledge andAor based on the records on hand + attest to the authenticity of the anne$es thereof CERTIFICATION + certify that*

a + ha1e not commenced any other action or %roceeding in1ol1ing the same issues in the &u%reme 'ourt# the 'ourt of A%%eals# or different 4i1isions thereof# or any other tribunal or agency b .o such action or %roceeding is %ending in the &u%reme 'ourt# the 'ourt of A%%eals# or different 4i1isions thereof# or any other tribunal or agency c +f + should learn that a similar action or %roceeding has been filed or is %ending before the &u%reme 'ourt# the 'ourt of A%%eals# or different 4i1isions thereof# or any other tribunal or agency# + hereby underta?e to notify this ;onorable 'ourt )ithin fi1e (B" days from such notice 777777777777777777777 77 JUA. 405A 'RU6 JURAT

0ERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION (Certification of Non-Forum Shopping incorporated with Verification for a petition for certiorari" JUA. 405A 'RU6 subscribing under oath# hereby de%oses and states that* ;e is a %etitioner (or respondent/plaintiff/defendant " in this case ;e has read the foregoing %etition# and the allegations contained therein are true and correct of his o)n ?no)ledge andAor based on authentic records ;e attests to the authenticity of the anne$es thereof Petitioner has not commenced any other action or %roceeding in1ol1ing the same issues in the &u%reme 'ourt# the 'ourt of A%%eals# or different 4i1isions thereof# or any other tribunal or agency, .o such action or %roceeding is %ending in the &u%reme 'ourt# the 'ourt of A%%eals or different 4i1isions thereof# or any other tribunal or agency, +f %etitioner should learn that a similar action or %roceeding has been filed or is %ending before the &u%reme 'ourt# the 'ourt of A%%eals# or different 4i1isions thereof# or any other tribunal or agency# he hereby underta?es to notify this ;onorable 'ourt )ithin B days therefrom 777777777777777 JUA. 405A 'RU6 Petitioner &UB&'R+B04 A.4 &@2R. to before me this !C th day of January !000 in the 'ity of /anila# affiant e$hibiting to me her 'ommunity (a$ 'ertificate .o 1!-DB3C8 issued on January -# !000 in the 'ity of /anila 77777777777777777 /AR+A A &A.(2& .otary Public /y 'ommission 0$%ires 4ec -1# !001 +BP .o 7777777# 1A13A!001# Pasig 'ity P(R .o 7777777# 1A!A!001# Pasig 'ity 4oc .o 7777 Page .o 7777 Boo? .o 7777

&eries of !0777 'o%y 9urnished* 1 Perez E /atias 5a) 2ffices D9 4a%itan &t # &am%aloc /la (addressed to the Counsel of the adverse party " E2PLANATION E2PLANATION (his 'ertifies that %ersonal ser1ice )as not resorted to for the reason that due to time# distance and man%o)er constraints# the same is not %racticable 77777777777777777 'ounsel III. AFFIDA0ITS AFFIDA0IT OF LOSS Re%ublic of the Phili%%ines Pro1ince 2f /unici%ality of +# 7777777777777777777# of legal age# singleAmarried# residing at 777777777777# after being s)orn in accordance )ith la)# de%ose and say* (hat + am the true o)ner of 777777777777777# described as follo)s to )it* (4escri%tion of %ro%erty" (hat the said automobile had been duly registered in my name in the 5and (rans%ortation 2ffice in 77777777777 for the year (or years" 777777777777, (hat the certificate of registration and other %ertinent %a%ers of o)nershi% of said automobile )ere among those burned and destroyed on 777777777777 )hen my house and all my %ersonal belongings )ere com%letely destroyed by fire, (hat said %a%ers are no) beyond reco1ery +. @+(.0&& @;0R029# + ha1e hereunto set my hand this 77777777 day of 77777777# !077# in the /unici%ality of 777777777777# Pro1ince of 7777777777# Phili%%ines 7777777777777777777777 (&ignature of affiant" JURAT AFFIDA0IT OF SER0ICE B3 MAIL Re%ublic of the Phili%%ines

'ity of /anila AFFIDA0IT OF SER0ICE +# 7777777777777777777# as messenger of Atty 77777777777777# )ith office address at 7777777777777777777# after being duly s)orn# de%ose and says* (hat on 7777777777777777#!001 + ser1ed a co%y of the follo)ing %leadingA%a%er by registered mail in accordance )ith &ec 10 of Rule 1- of the Rules of 'ourt .ature of PleadingAPa%er 7777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777777777 in 'ase .o 777777777777 entitled 7777777777777777777777777 by de%ositing a co%y in the %ost office in a sealed en1elo%e# %lainly addressed to the %arty (or his attorney" at his residence (or office" )ith %ostage fully %aid# as e1idenced by Registry Recei%t .o 777777777777777 attached and )ith instructions to the %ost master to return the mail to sender after ten (10" days if undeli1ered +n )itness )hereof# + ha1e hereunto set my hand this77777 day of777777# !001# in the /unici%ality of7777777777# Pro1ince of777777777# Phili%%ines 77777777777777777 777777 Signature of Affiant AFFIDA0IT IN SUPPORT OF PETITION FOR INJUNCTION R0PUB5+' 29 (;0 P;+5+PP+.0&" '+(> 29 /A.+5A "&& :# of legal age and resident of the 'ity of /anila# Phili%%ines# after ha1ing been duly s)orn in accordance )ith la)# hereby de%oses and says* (hat he is the Plaintiff in the abo1e entitled case and is entitled to the relief demanded in the com%laint in )hole or in %art and such other relief consists in restraining the commission or continuance of the acts com%lained of either for a limited %eriod or %er%etually, (hat the commission or continuance of the acts com%lained of during the litigation )ill )or? inFury to herein %laintiff and that the defendant is doing# threatens# or is about to do# or is %rocuring or suffering to be done the acts tending to render the Fudgment ineffectual, And that he is )illing and ready to file a bond in the amount )hich may be fi$ed by the 'ourt to the effect that he# the %laintiff# )ill %ay the defendant all the damages )hich the latter may sustain by reason of the inFunction if the court should finally decide that the %laintiff )as not entitled thereto 9UR(;0R A99+A.( &A>0(; .AUG;(

77777777777777777777777 Affiant JURAT COMPLAINT ,ITH PRA3ER FOR ATTACHMENT (NOTE* 9irst# state the facts sho)ing %laintiffHs right to attach defendantHs %ro%erties" R0PUB5+' 29 (;0 P;+5+PP+.0&" '+(> 29 /A.+5A "& & AFFIDA0IT :# of legal age and a resident of the 'ity of /anila# Phili%%ines# after ha1ing been duly s)orn to in accordance )ith la)# hereby de%oses and says* (hat he is the Plaintiff in the abo1e entitled case, (hat there is sufficient cause of action, (hat the defendant has remo1ed or dis%osed of his %ro%erty# or is about to do so )ith intent to defraud his creditor# the herein %laintiff8affiant, (hat he is filing a bond in the amount of P77777777777777777, (hat the amount claimed in the action is as much as the sum )hich the order is %rayed for abo1e all legal counterclaims 9UR(;0R A99+A.( &A>0(; .AUG;( 777777777777777777777 Affiant JURAT

AFFIDA0IT IN PETITION FOR RECEI0ERSHIP R0PUB5+' 29 (;0 P;+5+PP+.0&" '+(> 29 /A.+5A "& & AFFIDA0IT A# of legal age# married and a resident of the 'ity of /anila# Phili%%ines# after ha1ing duly s)orn in accordance )ith la)# hereby de%oses and says* (hat he is the Plaintiff in the abo1e titled case and that he has read the foregoing com%laint and that the facts therein stated are true and correct,

(hat he is the o)ner of the estate as %ro8indi1iso o)ner of the same )ith the defendant, (hat the defendant is in actual %hysical %ossession of the %ro%erty in litigation and as such# he is in control of the %roduce of the said %ro%erty %ending litigation, (hat the %roduce or income from said %ro%erty are in danger of being lost# remo1ed or materially inFured unless a recei1er be a%%ointed to guard and %reser1e the same# and the defendant is not only hostile to the %laintiff but also sho)s his demands to e$clude said %laintiff from all the %roducts or %roceeds coming from the said %ro%erty, (hat the defendant is ho%elessly insol1ent for he is hea1ily indebted to 1arious %ersons, (hat he is )illing and ready to file a bond in the amount )hich this ;onorable 'ourt may fi$ in fa1or of the defendant against )hom this recei1ershi% is %resented to the effect that he# the %laintiff )ill %ay to the said defendant all damages )hich he )ill sustain by reason of the a%%ointment of recei1er in case the %laintiff shall ha1e %rocured such a%%ointment )ithout sufficient cause# and such other bonds )hich this ;onorable 'ourt may reIuire him to file hereafter# as security for such damages 9UR(;0R A99+A.( &A>0(; .AUG;( 7777777777777777777777 (Affiant" JURAT SINUMPAANG SALA3SA3 Re%ubli?a ng Pili%inas " 5ala)igan ng Rizal " Bayan ng 'ainta "

s s

SINUMPAANG SALA3SA3 AJ2# JUA. 405A 'RU6# -0 taong gulang# binata at naninirahan sa Brgy &an RoIue# 'ainta Rizal# mata%os ma?a%anum%a ng ayon sa batas ay malaya at ?usang loob na nag%a%ahayag ng mga sumusunod* 1 .a a?o ang nagmamay8ari na isang ;onda 'i1ic na ?otse# ?ulay %ula# modelo 1999# na nagtataglay ng ma?ina na may numero bilang 00000 ! .a noong i?a81! ng /ayo# taong ?asalu?uyan# nag%unta a?o sa &/ /egamall sa may 04&A u%ang bumili ng libro +ni)an ?o ang nasabing sasa?yan sa K%ar?ing lotH sa hara%an &/ ngunit nang a?o ay bumali? sa naturang K%ar?ing lotH ay )ala na roon ang a?ing sasa?yan - .a mata%os ang ilang oras na masusing %aghahana%# sa tulong ng mga gu)ardiya ns &/# ay hindi ?o natag%uan ang a?ing sasa?yan /arahil ito ay Lna8carna%M

D .a gina)a ?o ang &inum%aang &alaysay na ito u%ang a?ing %atunayan ang buong ?atotohanan ng a?ing salaysay na nasa itaas at %aninidigan ?o ito saan man at ?anino %a man &A JA(U.A>A. ay nilagdaan ?o ito ngayong i?a81B ng /ayo# !000# dito sa 'ainta Rizal 77777777777777777777777 JUA. 405A 'RU6 &+.U/PAA. A( .+5AG4AA. sa hara% ?o ngayong i?a81B ng /ayo# !000 dito sa 'ainta Rizal 77777777777777777777777 /AR+A &A.(2& .otaryo Publi?o ;anggang 4isyembre -1#!001 +BP .o 77777# 1A!A!001# Pasig 'ity P(R .o 7777 1A1BA!001# Pasig 'ity Jasulatan Blg 7777 Pahina Blg 7777 A?lat Blg 777777 &erye ng !07777 I0. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS PROMISSOR3 NOTE (4ate" P7777777777777 77777777777777777777# Phili%%ines 77777777 months (or days" after date# + %romise to %ay# for 1alue recei1ed# to 777777777777777777777 or order the sum of 77777777777777777777777P0&2&# )ith interest at 777777%ercent %er annum after maturity until %aid (he ma?ers and indorsers se1erally )ai1e %resentment for %ayment# %rotest# and notice of non8%ayment of this note 777777777777777777777 /a?er BILLS OF E2CHANGE /anila# /ay 777777# !000 9or 1alue recei1ed# %ay to 7777777777777777777777777 or order the sum of 7777777777777777777(P7777777777" P0&2&# Phili%%ine 'urrency# and charge the same to the account of (&ignature of 4ra)er" (2* (.ame of 4ra)ee" Address

CHEC+ .o 777777777777777777 P;+5+PP+.0 .A(+2.A5 BA.J /anila# Phili%%ines /anila# Phili%%ines 777777777777# !001 PA> to 777777777777777777777777777777 or orderAbearer P0&2& 777777777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777 (&ignature" P 77777777777777777777777777 (Phili%%ine 'urrency" 0. CONTRACTS OR AGREEMENTS

LEGAL $CON0E3ANCING% FORMS (.ote* if the deedA contract is unilateral i e # )hen the 1endee assumes no obligation# thee is no need for the 1endee to sign the contractA deed nor the ac?no)ledgment, ho)e1er# if 1endee is obliged to %erform something# he must sign both the deed and the ac?no)ledgment " DEED OF SALE J.2@ A55 /0. B> (;0&0 PR0&0.(&* +# (9ull name of 1endor"# fili%ino citizen# singleAmarried to 7777777777777777777# of legal age )ith residence and %ost8office address at 77777777777777777777777, 9or and in consideration of the sum of 777777777777777777 P0&2& (P7777777"# Phili%%ine currency# to in hand %aid by (9ull name of 1endee" fili%ino citizen# of legal age# )ith residence and %ost office address at 77777777777777# 4o hereby &055# (RA.&90R# A.4 '2.=0># absolutely and unconditionally# unto the said 777777777777777777 hisAher heirs and assigns# that certain %arcel (or %arcels of lands# together )ith the buildings and im%ro1ements thereon"# situated in (city or munici%ality# and %ro1ince"# and more %articularly described as follo)s# to )it* (4escri%tion of %ro%erty" of )hich + am the registered o)ner in fee sim%le in accordance )ith the 5and Registration Act# my title thereto being e1idenced by (ransfer (or 2riginal" 'ertificate of (itle .o 77777777# issued by the Register of 4eeds of 77777777777 +t is hereby mutually agreed that the 1endee shall bear all the e$%enses for the e$ecution and registration of this deed of sale +. @+(.0&&& @;0R029# + ha1e hereunto signed this deed of sale# this 7777777day of 777777777# !0777777 at (city or munici%ality"# Phili%%ines

777777777777777777777 77777777777777777 (=endor" @ith my marital consent (if married) 7777777777777777 (=endorHs )ife" &+G.04 +. (;0 PR0&0.'0 29* 77777777777777777777777777 77777777777777777777777777777 (@itness" AC+NO,LEDGMENT



DEED OF SALE UNDER PACTO DE RETRO J.2@ A55 /0. B> (;0&0 PR0&0.(&* (his !eed of Sale with "acto de #etro made and e$ecuted by and bet)een* (full name of vendor)# 9ili%ino # of legal age# single (or married to 77777777777777777"# )ith residence and %ost8office address at 77777777777777777777777# hereinafter called the =0.42R# and (full name of vendee)# 9ili%ino# of legal age# single (or married to 77777777777777777"# )ith residence and %ost8office address at 77777777777777777777777# hereinafter called the =0.400 (hat the =0.42R is the absolute o)ner of a certain %arcel )ith all the buildings and im%ro1ements thereon# situated in 77777777777777777777# and more %articularly described as follo)s# to )it* (co%y descri%tion stated in the certificate of title"# his title being e1idenced by (ransfer (or 2riginal" 'ertificate of (itle (or ('(A2'(" .o 77777777 issued by the Register of 4eeds of 77777777777777777777, (hat the =0.42R# a retro# in e$ecuting this con1eyance# hereby reser1es the right to R0PUR';A&0 and the =0.400# in acce%ting the same# hereby obligates himself to R0&055# the %ro%erty herein con1eyed )ithin the %eriod of 7777777 years from and after the date of this instrument# for the same %rice of 777777777777777777777777 P0&2& (P77777777"# Phili%%ine currency, Pro1ided# ho)e1er# that if the =0.42R shall fail to e$ercise his right to re%urchase as herein granted )ithin the %eriod sti%ulated# then this con1eyance shall become absolute and irre1ocable# )ithout the necessity of dra)ing u% a ne) deed of absolute sale# subFect to the reIuirements of the la) regarding consolidation of o)nershi% of real %ro%erty

+. @+(.0&& @;0R029# the %arties hereto ha1e hereunto set their hands this 777777 day of 77777777777777777# !001# in 77777777777777777777# Phili%%ines 7777777777777777777777777777 77777777777777777777777777 (=endor" @ith my marital consent (+f married"* 77777777777777777777777777777 (=endorHs )ife" &+G.04 +. (;0 PR0&0.'0 29* 77777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777777777 AC+NO,LEDGMENT


DEED OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERT3 J.2@ A55 /0. B> (;0&0 PR0&0.(&* (hat +# 77777777777777# of legal age# single# 9ili%ino# residing and )ith %ostal address at 77777777777777777777 for and in consideration of the sum of P 7777777777 ha1e transferred and con1eyed by )ay of absolute sale unto 77777777 ;onda 'R= car )ith %late .o 777777# /otor .o 77777777# 'hassis .o 777777# of )hich + am the absolute o)ner# free from all liens and encumbrances 777777777777777 &eller @+(.0&&0&* 777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777 AC+NO,LEDGMENT CONTRACT OF SALE IN0OL0ING REAL PROPERT3 J.2@ A55 /0. B> (;0&0 PR0&0.(&* (hat +# 77777777777777# of legal age# 9ili%ino# residing and )ith %ostal address at 7777777777777777 for and in consideration of the sum of P 7777777777 recei%t of )hich is hereby ac?no)ledged ha1e transferred and con1eyed by )ay of absolute sale unto 77777777777 of legal age# 9ili%ino# residing at and )ith %ostal address at 7777777777777777 that %arcel of land )ith the im%ro1ements thereon )hose technical descri%tion is as follo)s* ('o%y of descri%tion"

of )hich + am the absolute o)ner# my title thereto being e1idenced by ('( .o 7777777 of the Register of 4eeds of 7777777777777 free from all liens and encumbrances &eller +n the %resence of*777777777777777777777 77777777777777777777777777 (NOTE* Unilateral N no need for the 1endee to sign# ho)e1er# if 1endee is obliged to %erform something# he must sign " AC+NO,LEDGMENT

R0PUB5+' 29 (;0 P;+5+PP+.0&" '+(> 29 /A.+5A "&& +n the 'ity of /anila# this 7777 day of 777777#!001# %ersonally a%%eared before me 7777777777777 )ith 'ommunity (a$ 'ertificate .o 77777777 on 7777719 7777 issued at777777 on 777777# !077777# ?no)n to me to be the same %erson )ho e$ecuted the foregoing instrument of sale o1er one %arcel of land# )hich instrument consists of t)o (!" %ages including the %age on )hich this ac?no)ledgment a%%ears and signed on the left margin of each and e1ery %age by the %arty e$ecuting this instrument and his )itnesses &aid %arty ac?no)ledges to me that the same is his 1oluntary act and deed +. @+(.0&& @;0R029# + ha1e hereunto set my hand and affi$ed my notarial seal at the 'ity of /anila on this 77777 day of 77777# !07777

.2(AR> PUB5+' /y 'omission e$%ires 4ec -1# !001 +BP .o 777777# 1A!A!001# Pasig 'ity P ( R .o 7777# !A!A!001# Pasig 'ity

4oc .o 777777, Page .o 777777, Boo? .o 777777, &eries of !07777 ,

LEASE OF REAL PROPERT3 1 (his agreement entered into by and bet)een (state the %arties* lessor and lessee" ! +n consideration of the rent and other co1enants hereinafter set forth# the 50&&2R hereby leases to the 50&&00 that the residential house located at 777777777777 belonging to the 50&&2R and co1ered by ('( .o 77777 - (he term of this lease shall be for a %eriod of 777777777 D Rent shall be %aid at the rate of P777777 %er month )ithin the first fi1e (B" days of each month B /aFor and minor re%airs shall be for the account of the 50&&2R

3 (a$es and assessments shall be for the account of the 50&&2R# )hile e$%enses for lights# )ater and other utilities shall be for the account of the 50&&00 +. @+(.0&& @;0R029OOOO 777777777777777777777 77777777777777777 (5essor" AC+NO,LEDGMENT LEASE OF PERSONAL PROPERT3 J.2@ A55 /0. B> (;0&0 PR0&0.(&* (hat A# of legal age# married and residing in the 'ity of /anila# Phili%%ines# hereby agrees to lease his ;onda 'i1ic car model 1999 )ith Plate .o 7777777# /otor .o 777777777and 'hassisl .o 7777777 to B# of legal age# married and residing in the 'ity of /anila# )ho hereby acce%ts to lease abo1e described motor 1ehicle# subFect to the follo)ing terms and conditions * (&tate terms and conditions" +. @+(.0&& @;0R029 OOO 777777777777777777 777777777777777777 (5essor " AC+NO,LEDGMENT REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE J.2@ A55 /0. B> (;0&0 PR0&0.(&* +# (full name of mortgagor"# 9ili%ino citizen# of legal age# married to 7777777777777777777# and )ith residence and %ost8office address at 7777777777777777777# for and in consideration of a loan in the sum of 7777777777777777777 P0&2& (P777777777777"# Phili%%ine currency# to me in hand %aid by (full name of the mortgagee"# 9ili%ino# of legal age# singleAmarried to 7777777777777777777# and )ith residence and %ost8office address at 7777777777777777777# do hereby con1ey# by )ay of /2R(GAG0 unto the said (full name of the mortgagee"# hisAher heirs and assigns# that certain %arcel of land# together )ith all the buildings and im%ro1ements thereon# situated in 77777777777777777777# %articularly described as follo)s* (4escri%tion of %ro%erty" of )hich real %ro%erty + am the registered o)ner e1idenced by 2riginalA(ransfer 'ertificate of (itle .o 777777777 of the 5and Registry of 7777777777777* PR2=+404# ;2@0=0R# that if + the said (full name of mortgagor" shall %ay or cause to be %aid to said (9ull name of mortgagee"# his heirs or assigns# the said sum of 77777777777777777 P0&2& (P777777777777"# )ithin the %eriod of 77777777777777 (7777" years from and after the e$ecution of this /2R(GAG0



together )ith the interest thereon at the rate of 777777777 %er centum (7777P" %er annum# this /2R(GAG0 shall be discharged and of no effect, 2(;0R@+&0# it shall remain in full force and effect and shall be enforceable in the manner %ro1ided for by la) +. @+(.0&& @;0R029# + ha1e hereunto set my hands this 77777 day of 77777777777777# !07777# in 777777777777777# Phili%%ines 7777777777777777 77777777777777777 ( /ortgagor" (/ortgagee" @ith my marital consent (if married*" 77777777777777777777 (@ife of /ortgagor" &+G.04 +. (;0 PR0&0.'0 29* 77777777777777777777777777 77777777777777777777777777777 AC+NO,LEDGMENT CHATTEL MORTGAGE J.2@ A55 /0. B> (;0&0 PR0&0.(&* (his ';A((05 /2R(GAG0# made and e$ecuted by (9ull name of mortgagor"# 9ili%ino# of legal age# single (or married to mortgagor"# )ith residence and %ost8office address at 7777777777777777777 hereinafter called the /2R(GAG2R# in fa1or of (full name of mortgagee"# 9ili%ino# of legal age# single (or married to 77777777777777"# )ith residence and %ost8office address at 7777777777777777 hereinafter called the /2R(GAG00# )itnesseth* (hat the /2R(GAG2R does hereby con1ey by )ay of chattel mortgage unto the /2R(GAG00# the follo)ing described %ersonal %ro%erty# situated and ordinarily %resently in the %ossession of the said /2R(GAG2R# to )it 777777777777777777777 (s%ecify and describe the article or articles mortgaged" (hat this ';A((05 /2R(AG0 is gi1en as security for the %ayment of the /2R(GAG00# of a certain %romissory note# dated 7777777777777 for the sum of 77777777777777 P0&2& (P77777777" )ith interest thereon at the rate of 77777777777 %er centum (77777P" %er annum# according to the terms thereof (co%y of the %romissory note" (hat the condition of this ';A((05 /2R(GAG0 is such that if the said /2R(GAG2R# his heirs# e$ecutors# or administrators shall )ell and truly %erform the full obligation abo1e stated according to the terms thereof# this

';A((05 /2R(GAG0 shall be null and 1oid# other)ise# it shall remain in full force and effect and shall be enforceable in the manner %ro1ided by la) +. @+(.0&& @;0R029# the /2R(GAG2R has hereunto set his hand this777777 day of 77777777# !07777# in 777777777777777# Phili%%ines

777777777777777777 77777777777777777 (/ortgagor" (/ortgagee" &+G.04 +. (;0 PR0&0.'0 29* 77777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777777777 AC+NO,LEDGMENT AFFIDA0IT OF GOOD FAITH @e# the undersigned /2R(GAG2R and /2R(GAG00# se1erally s)ear that the foregoing chattel mortgage is made and e$ecuted for the %ur%ose of securing the obligation s%ecified therein# and for no other %ur%ose# and that the same is a Fust and 1alid obligation# and one not entered into for the %ur%oses of fraud 77777777777777777777777777 77777777777777777777777777777 (/ortgagor" JURAT


EASEMENT OF RIGHT OF ,A3 J.2@ A55 /0. B> (;0&0 PR0&0.(&* (his AGR00/0.( 29 0A&0/0.( 29 R+G;( 29 @A># entered into this 777777 day of 77777777777777# !001 by and bet)een LAM o)ner of the dominant estate# of legal age# single (or married to 7777777777777777777" and a resident of 77777777777777777 and LBM # o)ner of the ser1ient estate# also of legal age# single (or married to 77777777777777777777"# and a resident of 777777777777777777777777 )itnesseth* (hat LAM is the o)ner of a %arcel of agricultural land located in the munici%ality of 7777777777777777# %ro1ince of 7777777777777777# and more %articularly described as follo)s# to )it* (4escri%tion of LAHsM %ro%erty" )hich %ro%erty is co1ered by ( ' ( .o 77777777 of the Register of 4eeds of 77777777777777# %ro1ince of 777777777777777# )hich lot is adFacent to LAHsM %ro%erty# and more %articularly described as follo)s# to )it*

(4escri%tion of LBHsM %ro%erty" )hich %ro%erty is co1ered by ( ' ( .o 7777777777777 of the Register of 4eeds of the %ro1ince of 777777777777777777777 (hat LAM in order to ha1e an access to and from# and to culti1ate the abo1e8mentioned land# and so as to ha1e an outlet to 7777777777777777# )hich is the nearest %ublic road and least burdensome to the ser1ient estate and to third %ersons# it )ould be necessary for him to %ass through LBHsM %ro%erty# and for this %ur%ose# a %ath or %assage)ay of not less than t)o (!" meters )ide through the )hole length of the )estern side of LBHsM %ro%erty is necessary for the use of LAM and for all his needs in culti1ating his estate, (hat said %ath or %assage)ay is %articularly described in the attached %lan# LAnne$ AH# @;0R092R0# for and in consideration of the sum of 777777777777777777777 P0&2& (P777777777" the recei%t )hereof is hereby ac?no)ledged by LBM# the latter agrees and %ermits LAM to ha1e a %ermanent easement of right of )ay o1er the abo1e8mentioned %ro%erty of said LBM limited to not more than t)o (!" meters )ide throughout the )hole length of the )estern side of said %ro%erty and as s%ecifically indicated in the attached %lan )hich is made an integral %art of this contract# as LAnne$ AM +t is further agreed that LBM shall deli1er unto LAM all the necessary %a%ers# deed# and titles in relation to the ser1ient estate in order to facilitate the registration of the abo1e8mentioned right of )ay# in accordance )ith (his agreement shall be binding bet)een the %arties and u%on all their heirs# successors# and assigns +. @+(.0&& @;0R029# the %arties hereto ha1e signed this agreement the day and the year first abo1e )ritten# in the munici%ality of 777777777777777# %ro1ince of 777777777777777# Phili%%ines 77777777777777777777777777 (&ignature of o)ner of the dominant estate" 77777777777777777777777777 (&ignature of o)ner of ser1ient estate"

&+G.04 +. (;0 PR0&0.'0 29* 77777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777 AC+NO,LEDGMENT PO,ER OF ATTORNE3 AC+NO,LEDGEMENT GENERAL PO,ER OF ATTORNE3 J.2@ A55 /0. B> (;0&0 PR0&0.(&* +# 7777777777777777777# of legal age# single (or married to 77777777777777"# resident of 7777777777777777# do hereby name# constitute

and a%%oint 7777777777777777777# to be my true and la)ful attorney# for me and in my name# %lace and stead to do and %erform the follo)ing acts and things# to )it* (o as?# demand# sue for# reco1er or collect any and all sums of money and other things of 1alue of )hate1er nature or ?ind as may no) be or hereafter become due# o)ing # %ayable or belonging to me# and to ha1e# sue# and to ta?e any and all la)ful )ays and means for the reco1ery thereof by suit (o ma?e# sign# e$ecute# and deli1er contracts# documents# agreements# and other )ritings of )hate1er nature ;0R0B> G+=+.G A.4 GRA.(+.G unto my said Attorney full %o)er and authority )hatsoe1er reIuisite or necessary or %ro%er to be done in and about the %remises as fully to all intents and %ur%oses as + might or could la)fully do if %ersonally %resent# )ith %o)er of substitution and re1ocation# and hereby ratifying and confirming that all that my said attorney or his substitute shall la)fully do or cause to be done under and by 1irtue of these %resents +. @+(.0&& @;0R029# + ha1e hereunto set my hand this 7777777 day of 7777777777777777# !001# in 7777777777777777# Phili%%ines 77777777777777777777777 (Princi%al" &+G.04 +. (;0 PR0&0.'0 29* 7777777777777777777777777 77777777777777777777777 AC+NO,LEDGMENT SPECIAL PO,ER OF ATTORNE3 J.2@ A55 /0. B> (;0&0 PR0&0.(&* +# 7777777777777777777777777# of legal age# single (or married to 77777777777777777"# resident of 77777777777777777777# do hereby name# constitute and a%%oint 777777777777777777# of legal age# single or married"# resident of 777777777777777# to be my true and la)ful attorney# for me and in my name# %lace and stead )ithin the %eriod of77777 months (or years"# to &055# (RA.&90R and '2.=0># for the %rice not less than 77777777777777777777P0&2& (P77777777777"# Phili%%ine 'urrency# to )hosoe1er may %urchase or buy my ;onda 'R= car )ith %late .o 7777777777777# /otor .o 777777777# and 'hasis .o 77777777777777777# of )hich + am the absolute o)ner# free from all liens and encumbrances, and ;0R0B> G+=+.G A.4 GRA.(+.G unto my said attorney full %o)ers and authority to do and %erform all and e1ery act reIuisite or necessary to carry into effect the foregoing authority to sell# as fully to all intents and %ur%oses as + might or could la)fully do if %ersonally %resent# )ith full %o)er of substitution or re1ocation # and hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said attorney or his substitute shall la)fully do or cause to be done by 1irtue hereof +. @+(.0&& @;0R029# + ha1e se my hand this77777777 day of 777777777777777777777# !001# in777777777777777777777# Phili%%ines

77777777777777 777777 Princi%al &igned in the %resence of* 77777777777777777777 77777777777777777777 AC+NO,LEDGMENT 0I. DONATIONS AND ,ILLS DONATION INTER 0I0OS4MORTIS CAUSA J.2@ A55 /0. B> (;0&0 PR0&0.(&* (his 4eed of 4onation made and e$ecuted in the 7777777777777# Phili%%ines# by 777777777777# of legal age# singleAmarried to 777777777777 # 9ili%ino citizen and )ith residence and %ostal address at 77777777777777777# hereinafter called the 42.2R - fa1or of8 77777777777777777777777#of legal age# singleAmarried to 777777777777777# 9ili%ino citizen and )ith residence and %ostal address at 777777777777777# hereinafter called the 42.00 ,ITNESSETH5 (hat the 4onor is the absolute o)ner of that certain real %ro%erty situated at 777777777777 and more %articularly described as follo)s* (descri%tion of the %ro%erty" (hat# for and in consideration of the lo1e and affection of the 4onor for the 4onee (and for the faithful ser1ices the latter has rendered in the %ast to the former"# the said 4onor by these %resents hereby cedes# transfers# and con1eys# by )ay of donation# unto said 4onee the real %ro%erty abo1e described# together )ith all the buildings and im%ro1ements e$isting thereon# free and clear of all liens and encumbrances ACCEPTANCE (hat the 4onee does hereby acce%ts the foregoing donation of the abo1e8 mentioned described %ro%erty for )hich heAshe e$%resses hisAher sincerest a%%reciation and gratitude for the ?indness and liberty sho)n by the 4onor (NOTE*+f inter 1i1os# state the follo)ing ) $%he donor here&y states that ' for the purpose of giving effect to the donation' he has reserved for himself in full ownership sufficient property to support him in a manner appropriate to his needs) (N )(%N*SS )+*#*,F' the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands at the place first a&ove written' on this ----- day of -----' ./--0 (NOTE* +n case of donation mortis causa# an attestation clause is included and is signed by - )itnesses &tate that the donation shall become effecti1e u%on the death u%on the death of the donor# but in the effect that the donee should die

before the donor# the %resent donation shall be deemed rescinded and of no further force and effect +n case of donation inter 1i1os# only ! )itnesses are needed to sign"

,ILLS HOLOGRAPHIC ,ILL (NOTE* (his should be hand)ritten" 1B# /ay !000 +# 77777777777777777777# of 777777777777777777777 being of sound mind and dis%osing mind# do hereby declare this to be my last )ill and testament )hich + ha1e )ritten in my o)n hand)riting in 0nglish# a language ?no)n to me# and + hereby declare that all my %ro%erties shall u%on my death be distributed to my )ife 777777777777777777 and to my only child 77777777777777777777 share and share ali?e Juan 4ela 'ruz NOTARIAL ,ILL LAST ,ILL AND TESTAMENT 2f 77777777777777777777777777 (.ame of (estator" J.2@ A55 /0. B> (;0&0 PR0&0.(&* +# 777777777777777777777# of legal age# single (or married to7777777777777"# a nati1e of !0777, no) actually residing at 77777777777777777777# being of sound and dis%osing mind and memory# and not acting under influence# 1iolence# fraud or intimidation of )hate1er ?ind# do by these %resents declare this to be my 5ast @ill and (estament )hich + ha1e caused to be )ritten in 0nglish# the language )hich is ?no)n to me And + hereby declare that* + (he follo)ing are my children (.ames" )ith their address + gi1e and beIueath to my children 7777777777777# 7777777777777777# And 7777777777777777# in eIual shares# the follo)ing %ro%erties# real and %ersonal# )hatsoe1er and )heresoe1er located* (4escri%tion" ++ + designate 7777777777777777 the sole e$ecutor of this my 5ast @ill and (estament

+. @+(.0&& @;0R029# + ha1e hereunto set my hand this 777777 day of 7777777777777777777# !001# in 77777777777777# Phili%%ines 77777777777777777777

(&ignature of (estator" ATTESTATION CLAUSE @e# the undersigned attesting )itnesses# )hose residences are stated o%%osite our res%ecti1e names# do hereby certify* (hat the testator# 7777777777777777777# has %ublished unto us the foregoing )ill consisting of 7777777 %ages numbered correlati1ely in letters on the u%%er %art of each %age# as hisAher 5ast @ill and (estament and has signed the same and e1ery %age thereof# on the margin# in our Foint %resence and )e# in turn# at hisAher reIuest ha1e )itnessed and signed the same and e1ery %age thereof# on the left margin# in the %resence of the testator and in the %resence of each and all of us (&ignature of at least three )itnesses" 7777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777 (@itness" 777777777777777777777 (@itness" 777777777777777777777777777 77777777777777777777777777 (@itness" JOINT AC+NO,LEDGMENT B092R0 /0# .otary Public for and in the 'ityA/unici%ality of 77777777777777777# Phili%%ines this 777777 day of 77777777777777777# !001# %ersonally a%%eared* (he testator# )ith ' ( ' .o 7777777777777 77777777777777777 on 77777777777777777# !001, @itness# )ith '(' .o 7777777777777 777777777777777777 on 7777777777777777# !001, @itness# )ith '(' .o 7777777777777 777777777777777777 on 7777777777777777# !001, @itness# )ith '(' .o 7777777777777 777777777777777777 on 7777777777777777# !001, issued at (Residence" 7777777777777777777777 (Residence"


issued issued issued

at at at

all ?no)n to me to be the same %ersons )ho signed the foregoing @ill# the first as testator and the last three as instrumental )itnesses# and they res%ecti1ely ac?no)ledge to me that they signed the same as their o)n free )ill and deed (his @ill consists of 777777 %ages# including the %age in )hich this ac?no)ledgment is )ritten# and has been signed on the left margin of each and e1ery %age thereof by the testator and his )itnesses# and sealed )ith my notarial seal

+. @+(.0&& @;0R029# + ha1e hereunto set my hand the day# year and %lace abo1e )ritten .2(AR> PUB5+' /y commission e$%ires 4ec -1# !001 +BP .o 777777# 1A!A!001# Pasig 'ity P(R .o 77777# !A!A!001# Pasig 'ity 4oc .o 777777 Page .o 777777 Boo? .o 777777 &eries of !000 0I. PLEADINGS

Pleadings are filed in four (D" ?inds of cases# namely* 'i1il Actions, Pro1isional Remedies, &%ecial 'i1il Actions, and &%ecial Proceedings A. MISCELLANEOUS CI0IL PLEADINGS COMPLAINT BASED ON AN ACTIONABLE DOCUMENT $On! Ca )! */ Ac'i*n% $Ca&'i*n% COMPLAINT '2/0& .2@ the %laintiff# by the undersigned counsel# and to this ;onorable 'ourt# res%ectfully alleges* (hat the %laintiff is of legal age# 9ili%ino citizen and resident of .o C Agoo &treet# Quezon 'ity and the defendant is also of legal age# 9ili%ino citizen and a resident of .o 19 4agu%an &treet# (ondo# /anila )here he may be ser1ed )ith summons, (hat on or about January 1# 198-# defendant obtained a loan of P!0#000 00 from the %laintiff %ayable )ithin 90 days from date of recei%t at 1!P %er annum, (hat said loan# no) o1erdue# is e1idenced by a %romissory note signed by the defendant# a co%y of )hich is hereto attached as Lanne$ AM and made %art of this com%laint, (hat des%ite re%eated demands# both )ritten and oral# defendant has failed and refused to a%%ly said loan, (hat due to the unFust and unla)ful act of the defendant to com%ly )ith the said demands# the %laintiff )as com%elled to institute this action engaging the ser1ices of counsel in the amount of P1#000 00 B D ! 1

@;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that Fudgment be rendered against the defendant to %ay the %laintiff the sum of P!0#000 00 %lus interest of 1!P from the date of the instrument until full amount is %ayed and attorneyHs fees in the amount of P1#000 00 and costs of the suit 2ther eIuitable reliefs are li?e)ise %rayed for 7777777777777777777# 1991# Quezon 'ity

777777777777777777777777 Attorney for Plaintiff 777777777777777777777777 Address P ( R .o 777777 4ate E Place of +ssue777777 +BP 2 R .o 77777 4ate E Place of +ssue77777 COMPLAINT $SE0ERAL CAUSES OF ACTION% Plaintiff Alleges* 9irst 'ause of Action 1 (hat the %laintiff is a resident of the 'ity of /anila# and that defendant is a resident of D83 (enesee# /alate# /anila )here he may be ser1ed )ith summons, (hat on the 11th day of June# 198-# defendant e$ecuted and deli1ered to %laintiff a %romissory note# in the follo)ing )ords and figures# to )it* (insert co%y of the %romissory note or use as Anne$" (hat defendant has not %aid %romissory note# nor any %art thereof or interest thereon,

As &econd 'ause of Action* 1 ! Plaintiff hereby incor%orates the allegations of %aragra%h 1 of the first cause of action, (hat on the 19th of August 198-# defendant e$ecuted and deli1ered to the %laintiff his %romissory note in the follo)ing )ords and figures# to )it* (insert co%y of %romissory note" ! &ame as %aragra%h - of the first cause of action" @;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that Fudgment be rendered in fa1or of

Plaintiff and against defendant for the sum of (the total amount of the %romissory notes" )ith interest at the rate of si$ %ercentum %er annum on each of the aforesaid notes# until %aid, interest at the legal rate on the interest due from the time of the filing of the com%laint and attorneyHs fees %lus costs P5A+.(+99# further %rays for such other relief as this ;onrable 'ourt may deem Fust and eIuitable in the %remises /anila# Phili%%ines# 2ctober 10# 198C

J2&0 'RU6 Attorney for the Plaintiff -11 Regina Building# /anila P ( R .o 77 E +BP Recei%t .o 77 CERTIFICATION OF NON1FORUM SHOPPING ANS,ER ,ITH SPECIAL AND AFFIRMATI0E DEFENSES AND COUNTERCLAIM JUA. 405A 'RU6 Plaintiff# '+=+5 'A&0 .2 1!-38 81ersus8 P04R2 &A.(2& 4efendant# $888888888888888888888888888888888888888888$ ANS,ER ,ITH SPECIAL AND AFFIRMATI0E DEFENSES AND COUNTERCLAIM .2@ '2/0& the defendant in the abo1e entitled case# and to this ;onorable 'ourt most res%ectfully alleges* 1 ! 4efendant admits the a1erment in %aragra%h 1#! and - of the com%laint, 4efendant s%ecifically denies the allegation in %aragra%h D of the com%laint# the truth being thatO ( &tate here the fact being claimed by the defendant as the true state of facts or the truth being those stated in the s%ecial and affirmati1e defenses herein set forth" 4efendant has no ?no)ledge or information to form a belief as to the truth of the a1erment in %aragra%hs B#3#C and 8 of the com%laint,

By )ay of s%ecial and affirmati1e defenses# defendant a1ers*

1 ! -

(hat the obligation has been %aid, (hat the defendant had %urchases said land from %laintiff and %aid said %romissory notes, (hat the cause of action has %rescribed

By )ay of counterclaim# defendant alleges* 1 (hat by 1irtue of this un)arranted and malicious act initiated by the %laintiff# defendant )as forced to engage counsel in the sum of P10#000 00

@;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that the com%laint be dismissed and defendant be a)arded the amount of PB#000 00 2ther eIuitable reliefs are li?e)ise %rayed for /anila# Phili%%ines# /ay !C# !000 0R.0&(2 952R0& Attorney for the 4efendant 77777777777777777777777 Address P(R +ssue777777 Place of +ssue77777 .o 777777 4ate E Place of +BP 2 R .o 77777 4ate E

(Under oath if document is denied " ('o%y furnished )ith Proof of &er1ice and 0$%lanation"

ANS,ER ,ITH SPECIFIC DENIAL OF DOCUMENT UNDER OATH (;A( 4efendant s%ecifically denies under oath the genuiness and due e$ecution of the instrument a co%y of )hich is attached to PlaintiffHs com%laint as Anne$ LAM# the truth being that his signature thereon is forged and that he did not in fact sign the said instrument 0R.0&(2 952R0& Attorney for the 4efendant 7777777777777777777777777 Address P ( R .o 77777777 4ate E Place of +ssue77777777 +BP 2 RR .o 777777 4ate E Pace of +ssue77777777

0ERIFICATION (2r 2ath of the 4efendant" 7777777777777777777777 4efendant JURAT MOTIONS (NOTE All motions must be addressed to the otherAad1erse %arty, it must contain a notice of hearing and %roof of ser1ice or an e$%lanation )hy %ersonal ser1ice )as not resorted to MOTION TO INTER0ENE '2/0& .2@ :# by his under signed counsel# to this ;onorable 'ourt res%ectfully %rays that he be %ermitted to inter1ene in this case as a %arty %laintiff (or as a party defendant" on the ground that he has legal interest in the matter under litigation# and that he may be ad1ersely affected in these %roceedings as sho)n in the attached 'om%laint8in8+nter1ention ( or answer in intervention" @;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that : be allo)ed to inter1ene as %arty %laintiff (or defendant" and the attached com%laint be admitted and ser1ed on the defendant (or answer &e admitted and 1 &e allowed to serve copy of the same to the "laintiff" Atty > 'ounsel for : (@ith .otice of ;earing# Proof of &er1ice and 0$%lanation" MOTION TO 6UASH '2/0& .2@ :# accused in the abo1e titled case# through his undersigned attorney and res%ectfully mo1es to Iuash the information filed against him on the ground that* 1 5ac? of Furisdiction ! Prescri%tion 9acts alleged do not constitute an offense# etc ARGUMENTS ( here set forth the reasons in su%%ort of the motion to Iuash" @;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that the information filed against the accused be dismissed ( notice of hearing" MOTION TO DISMISS .2@ '2/0& 4efendant# by his undersigned attorney# to this ;onorable 'ourt and res%ectfully mo1es that the com%laint be dismissed on the follo)ing grounds*

( here mention one or more grounds %ro1ided for in Rule 13# Rules of 'ourt" 1 5ac? of Jurisdiction, ! Payment, - .o1ation, D Prescri%tion, B 5ac? of ca%acity ARGUMENTS ( here set forth the reasons in su%%ort of the grounds mentioned" @;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that the com%laint be dismissed (@ith .otice of ;earing# Proof of &er1ice and 0$%lanation"

MOTION FOR NE, TRIAL .2@ '2/0& 4efendant (or plaintiff) by his undersigned attorney to this ;onorable 'ourt and res%ectfully mo1es that the decision of this ;onorable 'ourt dated /arch 1# 198C and recei1ed on /arch C# 1988 be set aside and ne) trial be granted on the follo)ing grounds* (here gi1e the grounds %ro1ided for in Rule -C# Rules of 'ourt, such as fraud# accident# mista?e# or ne)ly disco1ered e1idence or e$cessi1e damages a)arded" ARGUMENTS (here se forth the reasons in su%%ort of the groundAs mentioned" @;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that the decision of this ;onorable 'ourt be set aside and ne) trial be granted (@ith .otice of ;earing# Proof of &er1ice and 0$%lanation"

MOTION TO ,ITHDRA, ,ITH SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL '2/0& .2@# JR'# 'ounsel on record for the defendant and to this ;onorable 'ourt res%ectfully mo1es to )ithdra) as counsel of said defendant )ith the e$%ress consent of said defendant as sho)n in this motion, (hat in the substitution thereof# Atty B9G )hose ser1ices ha1e been engaged by defendant hereby enters his a%%earance as counsel for defendant, (hat u%on a%%ro1al of this ;onorable 'ourt# all %leadings# notices# and %a%ers in connection )ith this case be addressed to ne) counsel B9G )ith address at .o C &ta 'atalina# &am%aloc# /anila @ith my consent* 777777777777777777777777777 B9G .e) counsel 777777777777777777777777 Address P ( R .o 777777 4ate E Place of +ssue777777

+BP 2 R .o 77777 4ate E Place of +ssue77777

(co%y furnished* ad1erse counsel" (Proof of &er1ice and 0$%lanation" MOTION FOR POSTPONEMENT OF HEARING '2/0& .2@ 4efendant through undersigned counsel unto this ;onorable 'ourt res%ectfully states* (hat the abo1e entitled case is set for hearing on July C# 1988, (hat counsel for defendant is afflicted )ith influenza and is no) under the medical care of 4r P(B A co%y of the %hysicianHs certificate under is hereto attached @;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that the hearing set on July C# 1988 be reset to another day %referably on the first )ee? of August 1988 or at the con1enience of this ;onorable 'ourt /anila# Phili%%ines# July !# 1988

&gd A5' 'ounsel for defendant (.otice of ;earing" (Proof of &er1ice and 0$%lanation" MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS '2/0& .2@# the Plaintiff through the undersigned counsel and to this ;onorable 'ourt res%ectfully alleged* 1 ! (hat in the ans)er of defendant filed on July 1# 1988 be admitted ha1ing signed the %romissory note and merely inter%osed defense that he )as as?ing for time )ithin )hich to %ay the obligation (hat said ans)er does not tender any issue and in fact it can be read therefrom that defendant admitted his obligation

@;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that this ;onorable 'ourt render Fudgement on the %leadings /anila# Phili%%ines# July B# 1988 :>6 'ounsel for Plaintiff (@ith .otice of ;earing# Proof of &er1ice and 0$%lanation"

MOTION FOR E2ECUTION OF JUDGMENT '2/0& .2@# the Plaintiff through undersigned counsel and to this ;onorable 'ourt res%ectfully alleged* 1 ! D (hat Fudgment )as rendered by this ;onorable 'ourt in fa1or of the %laintiff on June 1# 1988 (hat said Fudgment )as duly recei1ed by the defendant on June B# 1988 as sho)n in the registry return card, (hat u% to the %resent# the defendant had not filed any motion for reconsideration or had a%%ealed from said decision# hence the decision has become final and e$ecutory

@;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that an order be issued by this ;onorable 'ourt for a )rit of e$ecution of said Fudgment

/anila# Phili%%ines July B# 1988 :>6 'ounsel for Plaintiff (@ith .otice of ;earing# Proof of &er1ice and 0$%lanation" NOTICE OF HEARING IN E21PARTE AND NON1LITIGOUS MOTION (he Branch 'ler? of court Regional(rial 'ourt .ational 'a%ital Judicial Region Branch777777# /a?ati# /etro /anila GR00(+.G&* 'onsidering the urgency and non8litigious nature of the abo1e motion# %lease submit the same forth)ith u%on recei%t for the consideration and a%%ro1al of the ;onorable 'ourt 777777777777777777 77777 ('ounsel for the 4efendant" B. PRO0ISIONAL REMEDIES PETITION FOR INJUNCTION (.2(0* /ust allege acts that should be enFoined and the basis for %etitioners claim )hy they should be enFoined " (;A( the continuance of the acts aforementioned during the %resent litigation )ill not only cause great and irre%arable inFury but )ill also )or? inFustice to the %laintiff

PETITION FOR INJUNCTION $Ca&'i*n an" Ti'l!% PETITION Plaintiff# through counsel alleges* 1 (A1erment of names and residences" ! (&tate in logical order the facts of %laintiffHs com%laint stating the grounds for the issuance of %reliminary inFunction" PRA3ER Attorney for Plaintiff Address 0ERIFICATION 7 CERTIFICATION OF NON1FORUM SHOPPING (N,%* (he form for Affida1it in su%%ort of +nFunction" JURAT COMPLAINT FOR RECO0ER3 OF PERSONAL PROPERT3 $R!&l!8in% $CAPTION AND TITLE% '2/0& .2@# the Plaintiff# through the undersigned counsel in the abo1e entitled case and to this ;onorable 'ourt alleges* 1 ! (hat said %laintiff is the la)ful o)ner of the follo)ing described %ersonal %ro%erty, (hat on or about the 1st day of /arch 1988# herein defendant borro)ed said %ro%erty from Plaintiff %romising to return the same the ne$t day, (hat on A%ril 1# 1988# and for 10 days thereafter# the herein Plaintiff demanded for the return of the said %ro%erty but des%ite re%eated demands# said 4efendant refused and still refuses to return the said %ro%erty claiming that the same belongs to him, (hat said %ro%erty has not been ta?en from the said %laintiff for ta$ assessment or fine %ursuant to la)# or seized under an e$ecution# or attachment against the %ro%erty of the Plaintiff (or if so seized# that it is e$em%ted from such seizure", (hat the actual 1alue of the said %ersonal %ro%erty is P10# 000 00, (hat the herein %laintiff is ready and )illing to file a bond# e$ecuted to the defendant in double the 1alue of the %ro%erty stated abo1e# for the return of the %ro%erty to the 4efendant if the return thereof be adFudged# and for the %ayment to the 4efendant of such sum as he may reco1er from the Plaintiff in the auction

B 3

@;0R092R0# Plaintiff %rays for Fudgment*

1 2rdering the sheriff or other officer of the 'ourt forth)ith to ta?e such %ro%erty into his custody and to dis%ose of it in accordance )ith the Rules of 'ourt, ! After trial of the issues# adFudging that the Plaintiff has the right to the %ossession of said %ersonal %ro%erty and rendering Fudgment in the alternati1e against the 4efendant for the deli1ery thereof to the Plaintiff of the 1alue thereof in case deli1ery cannot be made, - 2rdering the defendant to %ay the costs of this suit# and for such other eIuitable relief in the %remises


(NOTE: +n %etitions for certiorari# %rohibition# and mandamus# insert allegations that the lo)er court or tribunal acted in e$cess of Furisdiction# or )ithout Furisdiction# or )ith gra1e abuse of discretion amounting to lac? of or in e$cess of Furisdiction# attaching as anne$es to the first original co%y of the %etition certified true co%ies of the orders com%lained of# and then these three must al)ays state that %etitioner has no other %lain# adeIuate remedy in the ordinary course of la) /andamus reIuires the allegation that the remedy sought for is immaterial All three %etitions must be 1erified in accordance )ith the ne) &' 'ircular and )ith 'ertification on .on89orum &ho%%ing"

COMPLAINT FOR EJECTMENT :>6 Plaintiff# '+=+5 777777777777777 81ersus8 AB' 4efendant $888888888888888888888888888$ COMPLAINT '2/0& .2@ the Plaintiff in the abo1e entitled case# through counsel# and to this ;onorable 'ourt alleges, I (hat the %laintiff is of legal age and a resident of the 'ity of /anila, that defendant is li?e)ise of legal age# residing at .o ! 'ruz &treet# /anila and may be ser1ed )ith summons at said address, 'A&0 .2

II (hat defendant on January C# !001# leased from the %laintiff the %remises located at .o C 'ruz &treet# /anila# agreeing to %ay monthly rental of P 1# 000 00 III ;o)e1er# defendant failed to %ay the aforesaid monthly rentals on their due dates# such that as of the date hereof# his arrearages ha1e accumulated u% to P7777777777777, I0 (hat on /arch C# !001# demands )as made on defendant to %ay his rental in arrears and 1acate the %remises# but des%ite said demands# )ritten and oral# defendant failed and refused to %ay the rentals in arrears and 1acate the %remises leased by him, 0 As a result# %laintiff )as constrained to institute this case# incurring in the %rocess obligations for litigation e$%enses and attorneyHs fess in the amount of 777777777777777 PRA3ER @;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that Fudgment be rendered against the defendant ordering him* 1 ! (o 1acate the %remises leased by him, (o %ay the monthly sum of P1# 000 00 beginning )ith the month of 7777777777# !001# )ith interest thereon at the legal rate until fully %aid until the defendant 1acates said %remises, (o %ay the sum of P777777777 as litigation e$%enses and attorneyHs fees

Plaintiff further %rays for such other reliefs as this 'ourt may deem Fust and eIuitable /anila# Phili%%ines# /ay 1# !001 409G Attorney for the Plaintiff 777777777777777777777777777777777 Address P(R +ssue77777 +BP +ssue77777 0ERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION OF NON1FORUM SHOPPING 2R .o 77777 4ate E Place of .o 7777777 4ate E Place of

77777777777777777777777 Plaintiff JURAT

COMPLAINT FOR FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE COMPLAINT .2@ '2/0& %laintiff to this ;onorable 'ourt and for cause of action against the defendant# res%ectfully alleges* (hat on /arch 3# 1988# defendant e$ecuted a %romissory note (Anne$ A hereof" in fa1or of the %laintiff in terms and conditions as follo)s* ('2P>" (hat to secure the %ayment of the said %romissory note# defendant e$ecuted on /arch 1# 1988 a 4eed of /ortgage in fa1or of %laintiff o1er a %arcel of land )hose technical descri%tion is as follo)s* ('2P> 40&'R+P(+2." 'o%y of said 4eed of /ortgage is attached hereto# mar?ed anne$ LBM and made as integral %art of this com%laint, (hat said mortgage )as registered )ith the 2ffice of the Registrar of 4eeds of Quezon 'ity on /arch !# 1988, (hat %ayment of said %romissory note is long o1erdue and defendant has failed to %ay the same des%ite re%eated demands, @;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that Fudgment be issued in fa1or of the %laintiff# ordering the defendant to %ay* 1 ! (he %rinci%al sum of PB0#000 00 until fully %aid, (hat the aforementioned %arcel of land be sold at a %ublic auction should the defendant fail to %ay the sums set forth in this com%laint and a%%ly the %roceeds thereof in accordance )ith the dis%ositions of la)

409G Attorney for the Plaintiff 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Address P(R +ssue77777 +BP +ssue77777 2R .o 77777 4ate E Place of .o 7777777 4ate E Place of


77777777777777777777777 Plaintiff JURAT 0ERIFICATION D. SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS PETITION FOR HABEAS CORPUS .2@ '2/0& :# the %etitioner# by his undersigned attorney# to this ;onorable 'ourt and res%ectfully re%resents* (hat he is the father of ># )ho is %resently in the custody of 6# maternal grandmother of ># )ho (6" forcibly abducted him (>" and u% to no) actually restrains him (>" of his liberty, (hat des%ite demands# 6 refuses to turn o1er the custody of > to your %etitioner, @;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that an order be issued to 6 to bring the minor to this ;onorable 'ourt at the hour and date to be set by this ;onorable 'ourt# and thereafter that the custody of the minor > be turned o1er to your %etitioner

7777777777777777777777777 'ounsel 0ERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION OF NON1FORUM SHOPPING (by Petitioner" :# u%on being duly s)orn de%oses and says* (hat + am the %etitioner in the abo1e entitled case# that + ha1e read the contents of the said %etition and that said contents are true and correct of my o)n %ersonal ?no)ledge 777777777777777777777777 Petitioner JURAT PETITION FOR GUARDIANSHIP .2@ '2/0& :# by his undersigned attorney# to this ;onorable 'ourt and res%ectfully re%resents* (hat he is the father of the minor >, (hat > is %resently a resident of the 'ity of /anila,

(hat > is the o)ner of a %arcel of land located in the 'ity of /anila 1alued at PB0#000 and as such minor can ma?e no transactions regarding the same, (hat the nearest of ?in of > are the follo)ing* (here mention the nearest ?in and their address" (hat due to the minority of the said 7777777777777777777# it is necessary and con1enient that a guardian of his %erson and %ro%erty be a%%ointed, (hat# as abo1e stated# 77777777777777777777 is the %erson ha1ing the said minor in his care# and that he %ossesses all Iualifications to )hom letters of guardianshi% should issue (Furnish a &ond of not less than 2/3 of the value of the property or annual income' if it e4ceeds "5/'///) @;0R092R0# it is res%ectfully %rayed that after due notice and hearing your %etitioner be a%%ointed guardian o1er the estate of >


77777777777777777777777 Petitioner JURAT PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR $Ca&'i*n an" Ti'l!% +n the /atter of the +ntestate 0state of P0(0R 420 J2&0 420# Petitioner $88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888$ PETITION P0(+(+2.0R# through counsel# unto this ;onorable 'ourt res%ectfully alleges* 1 (A1erment of names# ages and residences" ! (hat on 7777777777777777777# P0(0R 420 died )ithout lea1ing any )ill in the 'ity of 7777777777777777777777 )hich )as his residence at the time of his death &P5 PR2' .2

- (hat the names# ages# and residences of the sur1i1ing heirs of the aforementioned deceased# are the follo)ing to )i* .ames Ages Relation Residence

D (hat the deceased left the follo)ing real and %ersonal %ro%erties* 'haracter 5ocation Probable =alue

B (hat# as far as %etitioner ?no)s# the follo)ing are the names of the creditors of the decedent# to )it* .ames Address Amount of 'redit

3 (hat decedent died a bachelor# lea1ing no descendants nor ascendants )hether legitimate or other)ise# and %etitioner# is the only sur1i1ing brother of said decedent PRA3ER @;0R092R0# it is %rayed that# after due notice and hearing letters of administration of the estate of the deceased P0(0R 420 be issued to %etitioner Place# 4ate and &ignature 777777777777777777777 'ounsel 777777777777777777777 Address 0ERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION OF NON1FORUM SHOPPING

77777777777777777777777 Petitioner JURAT E. CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS 0&&0.(+A5 PAR(& 29 A. +.92R/A(+2. 1 ! D B 3 C 8 9 'a%tion ;eading 2%ening sentence Body alleging acts or omissions constituting a crime 'ontrary to la) 'ertification of Preliminary +n1estigation Jurat 5ist of @itnesses Bail Recommended

0&&0.(+A5 PAR(& 29 A '2/P5A+.( 1 'a%tion ! ;eading

D B 3 C 8

2%ening sentence Body alleging facts or omissions constituting a crime 'ontrary to la) 2ath of 'om%laint )ith hisAher signature 'ertification of Prosecutor Jurat

4+R0'( 9+5+.G 29 '2/P5A+.( 1 ! D B 3 'a%tion ;eading 2%ening sentence Body alleging facts or omissions constituting a crime &ignature Jurat

COMPLAINT C,6"7A(N% F(7*! 89 ,FF*N!*! "A#%9 8*F,#* 6:N(C("A7 ;:!<* ACTS OF LASCI0IOUSNESS $Ca&'i*n an" Ti'l!% COMPLAINT (he undersigned# 777777777777777# accuses 777777777777777 of the crime of an A'( 29 5A&'+=+2U&.0&&# committed as follo)s# to )it* (hat on or about 777777777777777# in the /unici%ality of 77777777777777# Pro1ince of 77777777777777# Phili%%ines# )ithin the Furisdiction of this 'ourt# the said accused# actuated by lust# did then and there# )illfully# unla)fully# and feloniously# commit an act of lasci1iousness u%on the undersigned by then and there embracing and ?issing her and touching her breasts and se$ual organs# against her )ill# and by means of force 7777777777# this 7777777777 day of 777777777777777777# !001

777777777777777777777777 2ffended Party &ubscribed and s)orn to before me this777777 day 7777777777777777# !001# by 777777777777777777777# offended %arty of

7777777777777777777777777 /unici%al Judge of 7777777777 @+(.0&&0&* 7777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777777777 INFORMATION

ABDUCTION ,ITH CONSENT $Ca&'i*n an" Ti'l!% INFORMATION (he undersigned# %ro1incial fiscal# upon sworn complaint originally filed &y the offended party# accuses 77777777777777 of the crime of Abduction )ith 'onsent# committed as follo)s* (hat on or about 77777777777777 in the /unici%ality of 777777777777# %ro1ince of 7777777777777# Phili%%ines# )ithin the Furisdiction of this court# the said accused )illfully# unla)fully# and feloniously remo1ed# too? and carried a)ay 777777777# a 1irgin o1er t)el1e and under eighteen years of age# from her d)elling )ith her consent and )ith le)d designs 'ontrary to la)* 7777# 77777777777#!000 77777777777777777777777 (Pro1incial Prosecutor" @+(.0&&0&* 7777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777 CERTIFICATION N,%* All informations# for offenses filed by the city or %ro1incial %rosecutors must contain a certification under oath by the in1estigating fiscal that before filing the case he had %re1iously conducted a %reliminary in1estigation )herein the accused )as gi1en a chance to a%%ear &uch a certification under oath may be stated substantially as follo)s* A %reliminary in1estigation has %re1iously been conducted in this case under my direction# ha1ing e$amined the )itnesses in accordance )ith the %ro1isions of R A .o B180# as amended by P 4 .o CC# 4ec 3# 19C! and P 4 911# /arch !-# 19C3 and as im%lemented by 4e%t of Justice 'ircular .o CD# series of 193C and 'ircular .o !-# series of 19CB 7777777777777777777777 Assistant Prosecutor &UB&'R+B04 A.4 &@2R. to before me this 77777 day of 777777777777# !000 in the cityAmunici%ality of 77777777777# Phili%%ines# by 77777777777777777# assistant fiscal of 777777777777777 77777777777777777777777 Judge# 77777777777 NOTE (he L2JM or a%%ro1al by the 'ity or Pro1incial Prosecutor is also reIuired by la) before any information may be filed by any assistant fiscal SERIOUS ILLEGAL DETENTION4+IDNAPPING $Ca&'i*n an" Ti'l!% R(' of

(he undersigned accuses : of the crime of &0R+2U& +550GA5 40(0.(+2. ( or J+4.APP+.G"# committed as follo)s* (hat about and during the %eriod beginning the 77777 day of 7777777777777777# !000# in the munici%ality of 7777777777777777# %ro1ince of 777777777777777# Phili%%ines# and )ithin the Furisdiction of this ;onorable 'ourt# said :# sus%ecting that one 6 had ?no)ledge of the elo%ement of her sister # did then and there )illfully# unla)fully# feloniously and by force# ta?e said 6# a man B0 years of age# )hile the latter )as )al?ing in 7777777777777777# )hom said accused detained and ?e%t loc?ed room in his room from 777777777777777 to 777777777777777# !000# or a %eriod of 7777777days# under restraint and against the )ill of the said 6# and said accused did# during said %eriod of detention# maltreat and refuse to release said 6 until the sister of the accused )as found 'ontrary to la) 77777777777777777777777 Prosecutor MISCELLANEOUS CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS PETITION FOR BAIL $Ca&'i*n an" Ti'l!% PETITION FOR BAIL '2/0& .2@ the defendant in the abo1e8titled case by his undersigned attorney and res%ectfully states* 1 (hat the defendant is in the custody for the alleged commission of a ca%ital offense, ! (hat no bail has been recommended for his tem%orary release# on the assum%tion that the e1idence of guilt is strong, - (hat the burden of sho)ing that e1idence of guilt is strong is on the %rosecution# and unless this fact is satisfactorily sho)n# the defendant may be bailed at the courtHs discretion @;0R092R0# u%on %rior notice and hearing# it is res%ectfully %rayed that the defendant be admitted to bail in such amount as this ;onorable 'ourt may fi$ 77777# 777777777777777# !000 77777777777777777777777 (Attorney 4efendant" 77777777777777777777777 (Address" (@ith .otice of ;earing and Proof of &er1ice" for the

NOTICE OF APPEAL $Ca&'i*n an" Ti'l!% NOTICE OF APPEAL '2/0& .2@ the defendant (or plaintiff as the case may&e" by the undersigned attorney# and hereby files notice of a%%eal from the Fudgment of this ;onorable 'ourt in the abo1e8entitled case# dated 777777777777 a co%y of )hich )as recei1ed by him on 777777777777777# and a%%eals the same to the 'ourt of A%%eals 77777# 777777777777777# !000 77777777777777777777777 (Attorney Petitioner" 77777777777777777777777 (Address" SUBPOENA (NOTE * A sub%oena shall be signed by the cler?# or by the Fudge if his court has no cler?# under the seal of the court +t shall state the name of the court and the title of the action or in1estigation# shall be directed to the %erson )hose attendance is reIuired# and if su&poena duces tecum# it shall also contain a reasonble descri%tion of the things demanded )hich must a%%ear to the court %rima facie rele1ant" SUBPOENA (o* 777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777 >ou are hereby commanded to a%%ear before the Regional (rial 'ourt of 77777777777777777# on the 77777 day of 7777777777777777# !000# at 777777777 oHcloc? A / # then and there to testify in the action of : against > (here set the number of the case" @itness the ;onorable 77777777777777# Fudge of said court# this 777777 day of 77777777777777777# !000 for the

77777777777777777777777 ('ler?"

SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM $Ca&'i*n an" Ti'l!% (o* 777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777

>ou are hereby reIuired to a%%ear before the Regional (rial 'ourt of 7777777777777777 on the 777777 day of 777777777777777# !000 at 777777777 oHcloc? and to bring )ith you into the court the follo)ing (describe boo?# deed# )riting# or other documents"# it being necessary to use the same as testimony in the cause there %ending# )herein 77777777777777777 is the %laintiff and 77777777777777777 is defendant

7777777777777777777777 Judge :# R(' of 7777777

ORDER OF ARREST $Ca&'i*n% 'ase .o 777777777777 R0PUB5+' 29 (;0 P;+5+PP+.0&# Plaintiff# 81ersus8 < 2R40R 29 ARR0&( 777777777777777777777777777 Accused (2 A.> 299+'0R 29 (;0 5A@* >ou are hereby commanded to arrest 7777777777777777777777777 )ho is said to be at 77777777777777777777777777777777 and )ho stands 7777777777 charged before me of the crime of 7777777777777777777# and to bring him before me as soon as %ossible to be dealt )ith as the Rules of 'ourt direct 7777777777777777777# Phili%%ines# 77777 day of 777777777777777# !000 77777777777777777777777 Judge :# R(' 77777777

SEARCH ,ARRANT $Ca&'i*n% (;0 P02P50 29 (;0 P;+5+PP+.0& Plaintiff# 81ersus8 777777777777777777777777 4efendant# : 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 : 'riminal 'ase .o 7777777 9or 7777777777777777777777 (&tate nature of offense"


SEARCH ,ARRANT (2 A.> P0A'0 299+'0R* Greetings* +t a%%earing to the satisfaction of the undersigned# after e$amining under oath (name of a%%licant" and his )itness (name of )itness" that there are good and sufficient reasons to belie1e that (name of %erson or %ersons to be searched" has in his control in %remises .o 7777777 in (name of street"# district of 777777777777777 Pro%erty offense &ubFect of the offense &tolen or embezzled and other %roceeds or fruits of the Used or intended to be used as the means of committing an offense )hich should be seized and brought to the undersigned >ou are hereby commanded to ma?e immediate search at any time in the dayAnight of the %remises abo1e described and forth)ith seize and ta?e %ossession of the follo)ing %ersonal %ro%erty# to )it* (gi1e com%lete and detailed descri%tion of the 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777 %ro%erty to be seized) and bring said %ro%erty to the undersigned to be dealt )ith as the la) directs Gi1en under my hand this 777777 day of 7777777777777777# at 77777777777777777# Phili%%ines

7777777777777777777777 Judge# 7777777777 R(' of

DEMURRER TO E0IDENCE $Ca&'i*n an" Ti'l!% MOTION TO DISMISS B3 ,A3 OF DEMURRER TO E0IDENCE Accused JUA. 405A 'RU6# through counsel# and %ursuant to lea1e granted by this ;onorable 'ourt in its order dated !0 /ay !000# res%ectfully submits this motion to dismiss by )ay of demurrer to e1idence and alleges that* Th! In"ic'.!n' Th! E8i"!nc! /*r 'h! Pr*)!c 'i*n

Arg .!n') ()hy the case should be dismissed, insufficiency of e1idence should be among those enumerated# sho)ing )hy the same is insufficient" Pra(!r

(@ith .otice of ;earing# Proof of &er1ice# and 0$%lanation" APPLICATION FOR COMPULSOR3 PROCESS TO SECURE ATTENDANCE OF ,ITNESS $Ca&'i*n an" Ti'l!% (he 'ler? of Regional (rial 'ourt 7777777777777777777777777777777 &ir* Please cause a sub%oena to be issued to the follo)ing %ersons in order that they may a%%ear to testify in behalf of the defendant in the trial of this case )hich shall ta?e %lace before this court on 7777777777777 # at 77777777 A /* 7777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777777 (.ame" 7777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777777 (.ame"



7777777777# this 777777777 day of 77777777777777# !000

7777777777777777777777 (Attorney 4efendant" 77777777777777777777777 (Address" PRA3ER TO ST. JOSEPH OF CUPERTINO 2 Great &t Jose%h of 'u%ertino# )ho )hen on earth did obtain from God the grace to be as?ed in the e$aminations only Iuestions you ?ne) 2btain for me the same fa1or in this e$aminations )hich + am no) %re%aring for +n return + %romise to ma?e you ?no)n and cause to be in1o?ed through 'hrist# our 5ord Amen for the


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