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Mohammed Alharbi PROV 104 Vocabulary List 2 3/24/14

1. Acquainted: having personal knowledge as a result of study, experience, etc.; informed (usually followed by with): to be acquainted with law. 2. Invade: to enter (a place, such as a foreign country) in order to take control by military force. 3. Accommodated: to do a kindness or a favor to; oblige; to accommodate a friend. 4. Machinery: an assemblage of machines or mechanical apparatuses: the machinery of a factory. 5. Manufacture: something made from raw materials by hand or by machinery 6. Occasions: a particular time when something happens 7. Soldiers: one engaged in military service and especially in the army 8. Observational: a statement about something you have noticed: a comment or remark. 9. Conscious: awake and able to understand what is happening around you 10. Propositions: something (such as a plan or offer) that is presented to a person or group of people to consider 11. Breakthrough: a sudden increase in knowledge, understanding, etc: an important discovery that happens after trying for a long time to understand or explain something. 12. Facilitate: to make (something) easier: to help cause (something). 13. Artificial: not natural or real : made, produced, or done to seem like something natural: 14. Corporation: a large business or organization that under the law has the rights and duties of an individual and follows a specific purpose. 15. Equipment: supplies or tools needed for a special purpose. 16. Sophisticate: to make complicated or complex. 17. Productivity: the quality or state of being productive. 18. Abolish: to officially end or stop (something, such as a law) : to completely do away with (something). 19. Parliament: the group of people who are responsible for making the laws in some kinds of government. 20. Conscript: a person who is forced to serve in the armed forces.

Mohammed Alharbi PROV 104 Vocabulary List 2 3/24/14

21. Enlightenment: the state of having knowledge or understanding: the act of giving someone knowledge or understanding. 22. Monarchy: a country that is ruled by a monarch (such as a king or queen). 23. Vanquish: to defeat in a conflict or contest. 24. Dominate: to have control of or power over (someone or something. 25. Vain: too proud of your own appearance, abilities, achievements, etc.

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