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Changing the cost of the Make Item so to calculate as the Buy item even though BOM Exists

This process can be illustrated by taking the example of a new item. Testing Data Used: FG (Make Item for which Cost has to be changed): Make to Buy Component Item: 000038. Desktop Procedure to be followed for the above process: Step 1: Create a new item Make to Buy with template Finished Good.

Step 2: Create a BOM for that Item (Added a existing Buy item as a component).

Step 3: Perform Cost Rollup for the Assembly. System will take assembly cost as the cost of the component after performing the cost rollup. (here no Resource cost or overhead cost is defined).

Item cost of the Assembly after performing the cost rollup:

Step 4: Run Standard cost update for the item Make to Buy.

After doing cost update system will create a new record with the cost type as Frozen.

Step 5: Uncheck the checkbox Include in cost rollup from the Item BOM Screen.

Step 6: Open the item cost screen for the item Make to Buy and uncheck the checkbox Include in cost rollup and change the item cost from 3 to 9 for the record having cost type as pending.

Step 7: Perform standard cost update for this item again.

System will take the new cost as 9 hereafter.

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