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College is worth it Is college worth it?

This question is a huge question for most of the people who planning to study in college. I distinguish this topic is a debatable topic because there are many people who have different opinions about this wide topic. I think if we look at this topic in a logical aspect we can tell its worth it to study in college, but there are many people who look at this question in different aspects. I answer this question as yes, because there are many sources that support my answer. Also, I thought of my answer from logical sight because many people who think their dream would be studying at college. Moreover, there are many people who think college is not worth it because they think of several reasons behind this answer. One reason is that college is so expensive for them and that the quality of the faculty of their college is not as good as what they paid for. As you see, people are divided into two opinions that are yes and no. They supported their answers by their opinions, perspectives and some of them have sources to support their opinions. I believe that the college is worth it, and its one of the significant aspects of modern society. In fact, it influences considerably in our society by supplying several benefits for individuals and their communities because it leads to stronger economics, more knowledgeable people and a sophisticated culture.

College increases the economic as a whole positively. Economic is important for every country around the world. According to __ Pew Higher Ed Report, they said that college contributing to developing the economic in the community. Citation? However, many students after graduating them always look for a job, after finding the job that they looking for at the same time they are helping the economics of that country. EXPLAIN Moreover, College increases the income of earning money of the student in different degrees. According to Julie Mack in his article whats the value of a college degree? He clarified that the median income for different degrees in 2010 was $626 for high school and $1,038 for those who have bachelor degrees and $1,272 for people who have masters degrees. CITATION In addition, student who graduate from high school has fewer opportunities in finding job. On the another hand, your opportunities

increase in finding__ job gradual by what you have of degree bachelor and in masters degree increase more and so on in next degrees. In fact, thats a logical fact because you are not getting ___job easily with lower degrees. ___College degree is worth it because it helping students to get the job easily. According to the report, Is College Degree worth the Cost? Education lowers unemployment rates, said the scholar Larry D. Singell Jr. I think college is worth the cost because it leads getting more job opportunity for a student who graduates from college in our community. The value of the college worth it because it Increases the student's knowledge in several courses and training them to support them get ahead in the working world. In addition, its increases their knowledge in several courses and training to support them get ahead in the working world. Split Views of College Mission. Just under half of the public (47%) says the main purpose of a college education is to teach workrelated skills and knowledge, while 39% say it is to help the student grow personally and intellectually; the remainder volunteer that both missions are equally important. However, as we see the college___worth the money because its gain us new knowledge and its increase the students academically. In fact, most of the colleges have a professional Professor, Masters, Ph.D. and bleachers which mean the college have professional faculties to help the students gain the knowledge skillfully. Moreover, according to the Pew Research webpage, they mention that, in the survey, there are 74% of the student____said that their college education was very helpful for them in increasing their intellectually; 69% said it was gaining them grow and settled them as a person and lastly 55% of the students said that its useful in assisting them prepare for career. CITIATION (p. 34) In addition, many students who planning to study at college think firstly about the new knowledge they going to gain at the college which means the knowledge is very important for most of students. College is worth the cost because its sophisticated culture. College makes people knowledgeable and its increase the awareness in the culture as a whole that make the community more well-informed than the others. According to Lilly article, the mention that the college linking between societies and bridging the cultures abilities as a whole for a good community.

My outline for the third body. 1. Interpretation of quote 2. Known-new transition between idea from first quote and upcoming idea from next quote 3. Signal Phrase introducing second source/quote

At the end, I think College is worth the money. College is very important factor in our life, because it leads us to get job opportunity easily, it plays an important role in developing economics and raising the awareness in the culture as a whole. My outline for the last part 1. Select a new quote/idea that you havent yet brought up in the essay yet 2. Ask a question about that new quote/idea that leaves the reader wanting to think about it
and learn more.

MOHAMMED (AC1) Evaluation System

1 (A2+) 2 (B1) 3 (B1+) 4 (B2) 5 (B2+) 6 (C1) 7 (C2) = Emerging/not present = Developing/Beginning to show criteria = Shows criteria with some consistency = Capable/usually consistent (Passing) = Experienced/effective = Experienced/effective/consistent = Exceptional/thought-provoking

ENGH 122/ Synthesis

Mohammed Alharbi English 122 3/25/14 DRAFT a. Introduces the topic clearly and provides relevant and sufficient background information b. Has a clear thesis statement that makes a claim and provides a map for the body c. Each body paragraph includes a clear topic sentence that supports thesis Each has a clear topic sentences, but the development of those topic sentences is not complete so they do not fully support the thesis. d. Each body paragraph synthesizes ideas from two or more sources Not all the body s use two or more sources. e. Relevant and sufficient evidence explicitly supports each point The evidence presented is ok, but it is not explained well it is not easy to see how the evidence provided does prove the main idea in each (you need more green) f. Uses at least three different types of evidence (statistical, anecdotal, expert opinion, theory/philosophy) to advance argument throughout the paper I did not see any theory/philosophy evidence (try using Potts in your knowledge ) g. Ideas flow logically and smoothly; uses appropriate and varied transitions h. Conclusion restates thesis in a different way and introduces a new direction i. Word choice is appropriate, academic, and varied j. Reporting verbs make it clear where ideas come from and accurately reflect original authors tone, purpose, and meaning k. Clauses are correctly formed with correct/appropriate word form 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 1 1 2 2 3 3 FINAL 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

5 5 5

6 6 6

7 7 7

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

5 5 5

6 6 6

7 7 7

Mohammed Alharbi English 122 3/25/14 (including verb tense and form) and word order. l. Sentences are correctly formed with no fragments or run-ons. Varies sentence structure m. Spelling, punctuation (including commas for introductory phrases and non-essential elements), and capitalization are correct n. Complete, accurate, and correctly formatted in-text citations and reference list

Comments (Prof. Miller): Overall, I can see the main ideas and the supporting material you use (or plan to use) to show those main ideas are valid (true or reasonable). This is good because the ideas are the fundamental features that must be present. One thing to focus on is paragraph development. As we talked in my office, this involves adding more green to the body s. This means adding more connecting ideas between the main ideas and the details (make your interpretations thicker). Sometimes your sentence structures are not clear so that makes it harder to see the underlying ideas, but in general your sentence structure has really improved. Take a look at the items in yellow to see where you have grammar problems. Look these s and figure out your most common errors. Dont worry about fixing them here; instead, after you write your final draft, read it over, looking for these common errors that you tend to make. When you find them in your final draft, fix those errors before submitting it to us for a final grade. Current grade B-

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