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Sonia Gandhi's speech an expression of lack of confidence in Rahul: Arun Jaitley

New Delhi: Senior BJP leader Arun Jaitley on Tuesday hit out at Sonia Gandhi, a day after the Congress president said the BJP would ruin the essence of Bharatiyata and !industaniyat " #$essages on paid tele%ision ti&e cannot last &inute change the electoral agenda" Price rise, &is&anage&ent of the econo&y, corruption, dilution of the office of the Pri&e $inister cannot 'e a part of either (Bhartiyata) or (!industaniat)" This &essage will not clic*,+ said Jaitley in his ca&paign 'log on a we'site" ,n a %ideo &essage posted on the Congress we'site, Gandhi on $onday said ,ndia was at a crossroads in this election" $oc*ing Congress %ice president -ahul Gandhi, Jaitley said the idea 'ehind Sonia Gandhi.s &essage was to change the principle co&&unicator of the party fro& the son to the &other " This was an e/pression of lac* of confidence in -ahul Gandhi, in as &uch as his speeches to the people were not wor*ing" Jaitley further deduced: #The only &essage yesterday)s speech of Sonia Gandhi telecasted on paid tele%ision ti&e is that Congress)s new slogan now is .$ein Nahin $o&.+" The senior BJP leader added that there are two clear #trends in the groundswell+ 0 its anger against the Congress and the hope in Narendra $odi+" 1ithout na&ing hi&, Gandhi had ta*en a dig at Bharatiya Janata Party.s pri&e &inisterial candidate Narendra $odi" ,t is this, the %ery heart and soul of ,ndia, that we are fighting to protect in this election, fro& those who see* to change it, and to di%ide us" 1e want unity" They want to i&pose unifor&ity" They say, 2ust 'elie%e in &e, she added"

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